We would like to thank all who enabled us to do this collaborative workshop, helped us fixing up the grobak, discussing the social role of angkringan, invited us to present our activities and joined the foodHacking, partying, making, laughing. Thanks go to the whole HONFablab team and all participants, visitors and friends: Ira, Tommy, Andi, Venzha, Iyok, Tora, Stanley, Ivan, Fian, Irfan, Monique, DJ, Timbil, Petrus, Akbar, Jos, Andre, Haru, Martinus, Edu, Ipan, Dewiq and whoever we forgot to mention…
From Hacking Angkringan Workshop, HONFablab, Yogyakarta, posted by Marc Dusseiller Dusjagr on 2/01/2012 (16 items)
- Mmmmmh little spheres of DIY wine…
- dusjagr, timbil and akbar testing the wineballs.
- It works!
- dusjagr tries to explain some polymer chemistry
- Waiting for the dragon fruits…
- Shopping, juhhhuuuuu. But where did stanley go with the dragon fruits?
- Schematic of the “Hacking Angkringan” workshop. Somewhere at the interphase of design…
- The first hack… It’s a bar!
- Checking a few models in town.
- Lab-on-a-Motor… getting dusjagr’s stuff to the HONFablab.
- Opening of microCells#02.
- Experimenting with the DIY microscope at ISI closing event
- Some spherification experiments at ISI closing event
- Slowly the people approach the “Hacked Angkringan” at the closing event in ISI
- Installing the soundsystem. Naaaiiice!
- Angkringan Bending…
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Dear Friends,
since 2012 we try to establish a FreeLab in Berlin as well. Today we are a small group mixed of students and alumni mainly of the three big universities in Berlin, TU, HU and FU. Our backgrounds is also mixed but we share the same idea to establish our own FreeLab in the capital of Germany and to offer it to anyone interested to work with us.
Our first meeting about creating a FreeLab took place in the early days of February and we right now progress to establish a framework for our FreeLab.
Exchange ideas, opinions and experience we regard as a key to develop our vision further, so we are highly interested in what you have achieved so far and how you managed that.
This mail intentionally is to inform you that we are about to build a Do-It-Yourself FreeLab on an OpenSource basis. Also we would like to ask anyone visiting Berlin to contact us for a possible meeting to share ideas and visions or just have a talk about who we are.
As the information on http://diybio.org/ seems to be out of date we would kindly ask you to inform us if your group is still active or not.
We are most happy if we can gather as many signs of activity as possible.
Hope to see some of you soon in Berlin; or at your towns.
Best wishes from Berlin,
ps: I could not find all of the mail adresses via diy bio. I would be helpful if you can forward this message to others who are not listed on this plattform but aiming for the same idea to be realized – Thanks!
[…] dusjagr, hosted by the HONFablab, we again went to work with the students of microbiology to do a Spherification workshop, using tropical fruits and also experimenting in spherifying the locally made wines by […]