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Reflections on HackteriaLab 2014 – Yogyakarta
Citizen science has long contributed to the health of local communities by making people aware of their environment in the form of oral histories and traditional wisdom. Recently, international open source and maker movements have been actively engaging with the life sciences to focus on the environment. This brought a revival of the tradional knowledge as well as an opportunity for innovation and a model for public participation in science. These activities are becoming influential policy forces changing how we produce and share knowledge as an iterative and collective process. Yogyakarta, Indonesia, has been one of the most active hubs in this movement.
HackteriaLab 2014 – Yogyakarta was held in April 2014 as a two-weeks making-oriented gathering of researchers, artists, scientists, academicians, hackers and whatevers in Yogyakarta. It expanded on ideas and methodologies about BioArt, DIY biology, DIWO (Do-It-With-Others), appropriate technology, art and science, and biohacking, developed during the previous versions of HLab10 – Dock18, HLab11 – Romainmotier both in Switzerland and HLab13 – Bangalore, India. HLab14 was hosted by LIFEPATCH – citizen initiative in art, science and technology and co-organized together with HACKTERIA | Open Source Biological Art in collaboration with various regional partners.
This book tried to assemble a collection of essays written by the participants, asked to reflect on their own experiences, individually or collectively, which only gives a glimpse into all the projects and exchanges that happend during HLab14. With a short overview of the programme and activities, selected photo impressions and the exhibition manual the book is rounded up and can be an entry point to explore further our online resources and serve as an inspiration for transdisciplinary collaborative practices.
More info on the hackteria wiki:
The ecological nodes
Three different environmental nodes were the main framework of HackteriaLab 2014 – Yogyakarta, which were Merapi mountain, Kali Code river and Wonosadi forest. The reason of this selection was also due to the fact that we had three collectives, which had already been working on those locations; Microbiology UGM was working on the soil remediation of Merapi mountain after it’s volcanic eruption in 2010; Lifepatch has been working on the mapping of Kali Code river in the city; Greentech Community has was active on biodiversity conservation of Wonosadi forest.
Temporary Lab @ Kedai Kebun Forum
As the main working space for all of the nodes, we converted Kedai Kebun Forum (KKF) space in to a working lab for everyone. We tried our best to arrange the lab by the area category such as biology, hardware, woodworking, cooking, and even a hangout area. In the end chaos take over and somehow everyone manages to get their own lab to work in that space.
Symposium @ Universitas Gadjah Mada
The symposium was held at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), with a mixture of selected presentations from the organizers, our collaborators, and several representatives of the Indonesian and international participants. The presentation were live-interpreted in both English and Indonesian language.
Exhibition @ Langgeng Art Foundation
The final work presentation was held Langgeng Art Foundation (LAF) gallery just a few hundreds of meters down the street from KKF. We encouraged collaborations between the participants to present it in a form of an exhibition. Again, even if it was framed on the three environmental nodes, many of the presentations were not related to them specifically.
Published in 2022 by
Hackteria, Lifepatch & Hyphen –
Adelina Luft, Grace Samboh
Contributors (alphabetical, first name-basis)
Adhari Donora aka antirender, Agus Tri Budiarto aka Timbil, Andreas Siagian aka Ucok, Brian Degger, Budi Prakosa aka Iyok, Debrina Tedja, Fajar Abadi, Grace Samboh, Heinz Walker-Nederkoorn, Helmi Hardian, Hendro Wiyanto, Irfan Dwidya Prijambada, Iskander Waworuntu, Ismal Muntaha, Marc Dusseiller aka dusjagr, Martin Borch aka Malthe, Mary Tsang aka Maggic, Matthew Baker, Muhammad Hidayat / Julian Abraham aka Togar, Novel Ramadhan, Nur Akbar Arrofatullah, Pei-Wen Liu aka pei, Pei-Ying Lin, Robin Scheibler, Sachiko Hirosue, Tarlen Handayani, Tedi Nurmanto aka Tedi EN, Urs Gaudenz, Wahyu Sigit Rhd, Yashas Shetty, Yung-Chieh Lin
Translators (Indonesian to English)
Adelina Luft, Elly Kent, Rani Elsanti, Fiky Daulay
Re-design and finalization
Marc Dusseiller aka dusjagr

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Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
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