Denisa Kera is a philosopher and a designer, who uses prototypes to rethink history of science, but also future scenarios related to emerging technologies. She views prototypes as critical probes and tools for public deliberation, reflection and participation in science. In 2013 she became a collector of DIYbio prototypes and Hackteria network archivist. The collection […]
3 – 8. December, 2012 – DIYbio and Open Biology tribute to Renaissance alchemist, makers, artisans, and tinkerers of Prague As part of Mutamorphosis 2012, we will host a pre-conference workshop with invited artists, hackers, philosophers and cooks to connect old and new lab equipment, spaces, and protocols, and define methodologies of nomadic science. more […]
We would like to thank all who enabled us to do this collaborative workshop, helped us fixing up the grobak, discussing the social role of angkringan, invited us to present our activities and joined the foodHacking, partying, making, laughing. Thanks go to the whole HONFablab team and all participants, visitors and friends: Ira, Tommy, Andi, […]