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BioTehna is an open platform for interdisciplinary and artistic research on life sciences and a series of public workshops, each mentored by expert/s in a specific scientific field. The initiative started as a collaboration of hackteria | Open Source Biological Art and Kapelica Gallery.

BioTehna Laboratory
Yes, like that, like that :)The BioTehna Lab is a place where we ignite curiosity, experiment and explore interesting connections between nature and technology. Here, artists and scientists creatively combine living systems with innovative engineering solutions and in this way encourage reflection and awareness of the world in which we live in and think about the future.

Exhibitions, workshops and lectures organized by the BioTehna team are just an excuse to involve all those who are interested in active experience, in do-it-yourself (DIY) laboratory processes, hacking various living systems, the integration of living cells and robots, to learn from the different world of plants and animals, detecting super interesting technological tricks and getting to know the secrets which could change the world completely.


BioTehna je platforma za interdisciplinarno raziskovanje o znanosti o življenju in paleta delavnic za mlade in študente z mentorji, strokovnjaki iz posameznih znanstvenih področij. Iniciativa se je pričela kot sodelovanje hackteria | Open Source Biological Art and Galerija Kapelica.

BioTehna Laboratory
poor_mans_bioprinter_overviewJe prostor, kjer netimo radovednost, eksperimentiramo in raziskujemo zanimive povezave med naravo in tehnologijo. Tu umetniki in znanstveniki kreativno in inovativno združujejo žive materiale z inženirskimi rešitvami in na ta način spodbujajo razmišljanje in zavest o svetu, v katerem bomo živeli v bližnji prihodnosti.

Razstave, delavnice in predavanja, ki jih organiziramo v okviru BioTehne, so le izgovor za vključevanje vseh tistih, ki jih zanima aktivna izkušnja v naredi-sam laboratorijskih procesih, hekanja različnih živih sistemov, povezovanja živih celic in robotov, učiti se iz ekstremnega sveta rastlin in živali, odkrivanja super zanimivih tehnoloških trikov in spoznavanja tisočerih skrivnosti, ki bodo mogoče že jutri svet, kot ga poznamo, obrnile na glavo.

Recent Workshops
* Overview of workshops, Sep – December 2012
* Mini-Mycophone Workshop
* SNP Workshop
* DIY Microscopy Workshop
* SoftBots Workshop

DSCF3013Meanwhile we have a decent infrastructure for doing simple biological experiments from kombucha fermentations & algae cultures to microbiological practices and genetic testing; incubator, pressure cookers, oven, various containers, gel-electrophoresis boxes, pumps & tubes, safety goggles, microscopes etc. Additionally the lab has all necessary tools for biohacking, building your own electronics devices and laboratory instruments; power supplies, buts & bolts, table lamps, a set of soldering irons & tools for doing workshops with up to 15 participants.

Find a constantly updated list of equipment on the wiki.

BioTehna Lab II, Kersnikova 4, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

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BioTehna is a part of KiiCS project / Knowledge Incubation in Innovation and Creation for Science, supported by European Commission / 7th Framework Programme and the Swiss Contribution to the enlarged European Union.

  1. […] Laboratorio BioTehna, Ljubljana. Taller “Malamp -Proyecto anfibios con malformaciones” […]

  2. PaulaPin on Tuesday 28, 2013

    was wonderfull to be there with all of you ! !
    big hug

  3. Paloma on Tuesday 28, 2013

    Dear Hackteria,

    I’m Paloma, from São Paulo Brasil, part of a synthetic biology group and dreaming to start a biohack lab around 🙂
    I’ll be backpacking through europe in october and it would be really really noce to meet you 🙂
    Do you think that would be possible? I may be there around Oct 11th.

    thank you!



  4. Paloma on Tuesday 28, 2013

    Dear Hackteria,

    I’m Paloma, from São Paulo Brasil, part of a synthetic biology group and dreaming to start a biohack lab around 🙂
    I’ll be backpacking through europe in october and it would be really really nice to meet you 🙂
    Do you think that would be possible? I may be there around Oct 11th.

    thank you!


  5. […] coming in… * Gaudi HIMSELF | GaudiLabs * Kris | BioTehna * Stijn Ossevoort | HSLU / * dusjagr | Hackteria International Ambassador – […]

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