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Presentation and Discussions on “BioHacking”, 18. March, 2016
Make Style Happen! Thx for the nice venue and audience @ STYLIGHT Headquarter!
Workshop on DIY Laboratory Instruments, 19/20. March 2016 @ IXDS, Munich
During this workshop the participants were introduced in a variety of projects around buildling your own laboratory equipment using recycled consumer electronics, low-cost cameras and fabbed parts. In the showcase we presented many different examples documented on the hackteria wiki and kits collected during GOSH! 2016 from our friends from GaudiLabs, Backyard Brains and their EMG musle shield, the spectrometers from PublicLab and various prototypes of synths and coconuts.
Bayrisch Kits
Special edition for the Hackteria Microscopy Stage “Bayrisch”
The files can be customized and downloaded from Thingyverse
Hackteria Trübheits-Messgerät formerly known as “Kafi-Schnapps Detektor”
This is an updated version of the turbidity meter and you can download it on dusjagr’s thingyverse. Find more info about these devices on our post on the DIY-SATW kit.
Thanks to Patrick for his nice article “Learning about Biohacking” reflecting on the workshop and talk
[…] Make Munich presents “BioHäcker” […]