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3 Years Hackuarium and Gasthaus @ les urbaines, Lausanne

This weekend, 2-3. December, various meetings, gatherings, exhibitions and workshops have been happening in Lausanne. Great oppotunity to meet and discuss together about biohacking, fermenting and eating cheese.

3 Years Hackuarium
Great to be part of the 3 years anniversary of Hackuarium, the “only* dedicated biohackerspace in Switzerland, and interesting to see how the whole environment has changed since our first workshop “Water Hackathon” in the empty premises back in Spring 2014. Meanwhile it went up and down a few floors, and finally shrank into a small, but vey functional lab, including being licences as B1 safety level for some genetics and other microbial experiments. Urs also checked what they are up to at this years edition of HTGAA, geeking again with the silk-cocoons. And finally an amazing fondue party in the middel of the start-up bubble mass challenge while a VR-hackathon took place from the FIXME hackerspace crews.

Gasthaus @ les urbaines
Maya Minder and Serena Galeta doing a super diverse workshop on “Gasthaus: Fermentation and Bacteria”, during the eclectic and interesting festival “les urbaines” in Lausanne. Sharing cultures and traditional knowledge, making kimchi, sauerkraut and distributing the SCOBY. Good crowd of people, chopping up the cabbages and making a beautiful mess on the tablecloth. In the meantime dusjagr works on the CoconutShaker…

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