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Article on Do-it-yourself biology in “Systems and Synthetic Biology”, T. Landrain et. al.

The team from Paris has just published a nice overview about “Do-it-yourself biology: challenges and promises for an open science and technology movement”, sadly not available as open access… but still for download somewhere..

All publicly funded research should be in the public domain – no patents, no copyrights, no restrictions on use, period. I am completely in favour of people subverting their institutions’ efforts to patent their work,” says Eisen. And that subversion need not be risky. Indeed, “there are lots of legal ways to make it difficult or impossible for one’s work to be patented,” he says, “including sharing your progress with the world on an ongoing basis.”

Michael Eisen, a biologist and advocate of “open science” at the University of California, Berkeleyread more.

I kinda like the second page of the preview:
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  1. Thomas on Monday 5, 2013

    Thanks Marc for making it available 🙂

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