What is it all about?
Discussion on selected projects from New Art/Science Affinities and Presentations by Sachiko and Andy
From The Art of BioHacking or How to make Cheese and Wine, HEAD Genève. Posted by Marc Dusseiller Dusjagr on 2/21/2013 (19 items)
- Tag Cloud of the first day of presentations on Hackteria, BioArt, BioHacking and Chee…
- Hacked poster of HackteriaLab 2013
- Let’s go shopping aux marché aux puces, Genève
- First steps towards a microscope
- Naaaiiice filter, just in case we want to work on a sterile hood.
- Woooow, what a nice incubator, found on the flea market for 15 Fr. And it works!
- Let’s start cooking
- DIWO biolab is set up!
- First experiments with sugar wines, testing different yeast cultures, Migros dry yeas…
- Preparing the nutrient media. Potatoes and Blévita bisquits, cooked and filtered, and…
- hacking a camera, just add a watch- maker’s lens (easy to find in Geneva 🙂 on front…
- wooooowww.. whadddiiisiiitt? A tardigrade!
- Remote lecture on DNA, genetics and SNP mutations by Špela Petričeva
- But what is this DNA thingy? Let’s check with some DIY extraction protocolls from you…
- Strawberries… Mmmmmhhh. let’s milk it like a cow 🙂
- Oooo, here comes the banana DNA… looks like snot 🙁
- Let’s start hacking some webcams, how to hack the auto-focus?
- woooow, it’s biiig and pink! and as we all know: "Pink is the new Black!"
- Most simple DIY microscopy setup, by Marc Dusseiller Dusjagr
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