Finally dusjagr visits the new lab Yashas has set up on the Srishti Old-Campus.
(Art)ScienceBLR has always been one of the strongest partnernode in the hackteria framework. Together with various teams of students in art&design they have worked over the years on DIY methods and poetic artistic approaches around synthetic biology as part of the IGEM competition, see their publications here. They worked on public autonomous labs and mobile labs, environmental sensor, cititzen cartography and much more… check their new in progress wiki.
Meanwhile they established a nice lab for bio-electronic experimentation, bioart and citizen science and gathered a team of artistic researchers around it, aswell as being an open space for all students and the generally curious to experiment, share and work together.
dusjagr’s residency | Jan-April 2015
More info coming soon….
first thing to do: Clean the lab!
Reflections and Visions for (Art)ScienceBLR and relation to the Hackteria
Impressions of the first days
From Arrived in BLR… and cleaning the Lab. Posted by Marc Dusseiller Dusjagr on 1/07/2015 (10 items)
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