While in Hangar.org the Anarchgland-PechBlenda GynePunk Lab is going on, we are joining in as a remote node to collaborate on DIY technologies for fluidic analysis of various bodily secretions, experiments on the Wild OpenQCM, surface modifications for the Fluxl / electrowetting devices and other hacks.
EXOglands radical dynamics: fluid, tissues & bloody self-aware enhancement bionicLAB Another Pechblenda Tentacle Klau + Pin
Extreme own-body cognition, Anarchagland (female eyaculation) & male prostate, decolonial anatomy of pleasure. Unveil taboos with DIY biolab techniques, DIT science & medical hacks reverse engineering. A transdisplinary collaboration based on health issues of colectives who have been marginalized by the desensitized treatment of anything deemed promiscuous & contentious. Grassroots sexual politics empowerment.
Follow on the wiki
For 3 weeks another pechblenda tentacle was born as part of Softcontrol open call.
Remote Node Helvetia has started NOW !!!
First Experiments on Urine Analysis
People coming in…
* Gaudi HIMSELF | GaudiLabs
* Kris | BioTehna
* Stijn Ossevoort | HSLU / ossevoort.org
* dusjagr | Hackteria International Ambassador – just got back from the GynePunk Lab in Barcelona
* Sachiko Hirosue | BioDesign.cc
* Andreas Rudolf
* Boris Magrini
* Michel Perez & friends
* Felix Bänteli & friends
* … and more
The GaudiLabs is open for everybody !!!
Experiments on the Wild OpebQCM connected to the Open Theremin
[…] components and hot glue and cardboard,” said Marc Dusseiller, a biohacker and member of Hackteria. The lab equipment and experiments he’s describing (don’t worry, none of the gyno tools for […]