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Rüdiger discusses DIY biology at the German Bundestag, September 2016

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Öffentliches Fachgespräch “Synthetische Biologie, Genome Editing, Biohacking – Herausforderungen der neuen Gentechnologie”
Die synthetische Biologie ist die nächste Stufe der Gentechnik und eine Schlüsseltechnologie für die Bioökonomie.
Im Auftrag des Ausschusses hatte das Büro für Technikfolgenabschätzung (TAB) im Jahr 2016 bereits einen Bericht zur Synthetischen Biologie vorgelegt. In der Synthetischen Biologie werden künstliche, biochemische Systeme in Lebewesen integriert, die dadurch neue Eigenschaften erhalten. Das Fachgespräch baute auf diesem Bericht auf.


A Quote from Eugenio:
“On the verge of starting a fresh new adventure (that will hopefully gonna make everybody play together), yesterday I felt that was like an arriving point. Hopefully also a point of departure for something more, something different — with much greater impact.
At the Deutscher Bundestag (the German Parliament) my friend and colleague Ruediger Trojok presented the results of the (at least) two years path that we walked together with many friends from all over the world, weaving conversations and performing actions that are of matter for each one of us.
We don’t know exactly what’s next.
We don’t even know if politics and public opinion will ever came to the point of understanding and properly regulating exponential technologies like gene editing, Synthetic Biology.
As well as we don’t know if they would really open bridges (hopefully empowering) emerging cultural phenomena like diy-bio (biohacking) communities.
These communities have proved to embody principles and practices that allow us to socialize complex topics among — and especially with — the public. They suggest us potential routes to produce manifold impacts in terms of reducing the demographic deficit that intrinsically pervade our institutions.
The consequences of avoiding such open debates and approaches will be indeed very tough. The last two years was a call for everyone. A call that is hopefully going to have resonance all over. A call to radically embrace novel forms of citizens engagement in biosciences and health care issues.
These matters are relevant for each of us, and it’s better to — at least (!) — try to draw decisions of which we won’t be disappointed afterwards.
It was a tremendous journey with all of you.
We don’t know what’s next. Seriously. But I want to remind the last two years with the pirate smile of my friend who reminds to me — and to the Bundestag “Experten” — that, after all “the future it’s a performance, and it doesn’t exists”… it’s a blank white page – that’s it!”


  1. seppli on Sunday 2, 2016


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