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HackteriaLab 2014 – Yogyakarta

HackteriaLab 2014 is a creative development and research phase in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, where a highly interdisciplinary and multicultural group will collaboratively work and share their knowledge with various networks of local artists and institutions, as well as a public audience. The nodes of the projects are based on ongoing activities by Lifepatch with actual conditions in three ecologies, bioremediation of volcanic soil on Mount Merapi, water monitoring and sanitation in Code River and biodiversity conservation in Wonosadi Forest. The participatory process will be documented on the Hackteria wiki platform and in form of video. We will explore novel formats of an exhibition followed with a booklet publication to further communicate our activities.

find more info on the hackteria wiki in English and on the lifepatch wiki in Indonesian

Final Call for Participants
We have now assembled a highly interdisciplinary group of participants and have to close the registrations.

Overview of Schedule
* HackteriaLab Pre-Phase: 15. Feb – 10 April. Citizen Science Workshop tour around Java
* HackteriaLab Opening Reception: 13. April. Presentations and Introduction by all participants
* HackteriaLab Main-Phase: 13/14 – 25 April. 2 weeks production/research in Yogyakarta
* HackteriaLab Post-Phase and Exhibition: 25 – 30 April. Exhibition in Yogyakarta
* HackteriaLab Dissemination Phase: June – Dec 2014. International workshops and presentations

Detailed Daily Schedule of Main-Phase : HackteriaLab_2014_Schedule.


Network of International and Regional Partners
The programs attached to HLab14 are now organized by Lifepatch in close collaboration with the International Hackteria Society and affiliated with both local and internatioanl collaborators. The program involves field research, participatory art practices, open laboratory, retreats and workshops. Designated final activities are two days of presentations from all makers/participants and an exhibition of selected processes followed by workshops. These two particular activities will be opening up an opportunity to meet and exchange for all participants and local practitioners to create chances and possibilities for future collaborations.

Call Closed!
For the last call we were reaching out to motivated artists/makers/researchers, from the SE-Asian region to join and collaborate at HackteriaLab 2014 – Yogyakarta.

Please contact the HLab14 Coordinators with a short biography and a detailed description on how you see your contribution to the HLab 14 main research nodes.

We expect each of the participants subscribe to at least one topic (Ecologic Research Nodes) and work together with facilitators under three main topics tightly relating to the daily life of Yogyakarta. They are: 1. Bioremediation of Volcanic Soil, 2. Environmental Monitoring of the Rivers in Yogya, 3. Biodiversity conservation in Wonosadi Forest, together with the focus on Open Source Hardware and DIY & Low-Cost Laboratory Infrastructure. The local communities that have been working intensively with the issues with the local people will participate as facilitators within the framework of HLab14.

Call for Volunteers
See information in Indonesian on… and yes, you’ll get a free T-shirt.

Partners and Sponsors
HackteriaLab 2014 has only become a reality through the immense contributions by all our partners, both globally and locally. Thanks to all of them for helping us to make this happen. See a full list of partners here.

  1. […] HackteriaLab 2014 – Yogyakarta | Final Call […]

  2. […] (50 min) to give you a glimpse into the activities that happened in Indonesia during the HackteriaLab 2014, a global making-oriented gathering of more than 70 researchers, artists, scientists, hackers and […]

  3. […] 2014年,顧廣毅與TW BioArt臺灣生物藝術社群的部分成員,一同參與了開源(Open Source)生物藝術平台Hackteria與印尼藝術團體Lifepatch一起在印尼日惹舉辦的活動「HackteriaLab 2014」。活動為其數週,與會者是來自世界各地的藝術家、設計師、工程師與社會運動參與者(activist)等來自不同領域的人們。主辦單位規劃以當地火山、河流和熱帶雨林為主題的三大方向,帶領與會者實地走訪當地的自然環境,進行田野調查和樣本採集。除了自然環境的探勘之外,也參訪了當地大學的生物實驗室與藝術家工作室。所有行程結束之後,所有的參與者在一個臨時的空間中依照各自的興趣組成團隊,進行研究與創作計畫,數週後,在當地的藝術中心進行成果發表。 […]

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