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As a community platform hackteria tries to encourage the collaboration of scientists, hackers and artists to combine their experitise, write critical and theoretical reflections, share simple instructions to work with lifescience technologies and cooperate on the organization of workshops, temporary labs, hack-sprints and meetings.

Hackteria_backgroundInteractivosHackteria is a webplatform and collection of Open Source Biological Art Projects instigated in February 2009 by Andy Gracie, Marc Dusseiller and Yashas Shetty, after collaboration during the Interactivos?09 Garage Science at Medialab Prado in Madrid. The aim of the project is to develop a rich wiki-based web resource for people interested in or developing projects that involve bioart, open source software/hardware, DIY biology, art/science collaborations and electronic experimentation.

hackteri_networksThroughout the years the network of initiatives, labs and people that contributed to has grown across the globe. Since 2009 we actively collaborated with (Art)ScienceBLR, the National Center for Biological Science (NCBS) and CEMA / Srishti, School of Art, Design and Technology, Bangalore, India; wtih Lifepatch – citizen initiative in art, science and technology, the House of Natural Fiber (HONF) and Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) in Yogyakarta, Indonesia; with various groups and institutions in Switzerland, such as the Swiss Mechatronic Art Society (SGMK), GaudiLabs and BIO-DESIGN for the REAL WORLD (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, EPFL); since 2012 we started a collaboration with the Kapelica Gallery in Ljubljana, Slovenia, with an initiative of a new open BioArt/Hack laboratory, BioTehna – platform for interdisciplinary research on life sciences; and collaborated with various other networks on do-it-yourself biology in DIYbio US/global, DIY-bio Europe, I’MM: BioTweaking Zagreb, PechBlenda Lab Spain, Phillipines, Nepal, Singapore and HK & Taiwan.

Click here to register to our kitchen-maillist for general discussions, questions, news and info surrounding all topics about Open Source Biological Art, DIYbio, hackteria related events, tardigrade hunting, Art/Science, lasers, DIY microscopy, synthetic biology for artists, KitchenLabs, fungi, BioHacking, DIY fermentation, BioElectronix, workshops and labs…

Workshops, Hack-Sprints and Labs
hackteria_workshopsHackteria has conducted workshops on eg. DIY biology, BioArt, Synthetic Biology, Microscopy, Fermentation and BioElectronix in Europe (Switzerland, Slovenia, Norway, Austria, Hungary, Serbia, United Kingdom, Croatia Germany) , Asia (India, Indonesia, Taiwan, Hong Kong), Africa (Kenya), South America (Colombia, Brazil) and North America (US, Canada).

Within the Hackteria framework, the HackteriaLab immersive format plays a key role in experimentation and the development of new models for knowledge sharing and collaboration building in the emergent artistic practices related to bio- and nanotechnology and science in general. The HackteriaLab format has developed and expanded on ideas and methodologies about BioArt, DIY biology, Appropriate Technology, ArtScience and BioHacking, explored during the previous versions of HackteriaLab 2011 – Romainmôtier and HackteriaLab 2010 – Dock18/Zürich in Switzerland, HackteriaLab 2013 – Bangalore in India together with Srishti and NCBS and HackteriaLab 2014 – Yogyakarta in Indonesia together with lifepatch and other regional partners.

Workshopologists United! The Workshopology list is about people sharing the same enthusiasm and opinions, dreams and thoughts about developing new and alternative educational methods, having fun learning/teaching, transdisciplinary approaches, enjoying collaboration with people (be it children, hackers, artists, teachers and whoever wants to learn anything) and generally like sharing their knowledge and experiences.

Open Source Hardware for Generic Laboratory Infrastructure
500px-WebCamMicroscopeKitIf you don’t build your lab you don’t own your lab. Hackteria is dedicated to develop and promote open designs for affordable laboratory equipement. We are convinced that basic technology should be open and accessible to everyone. We are part of the growing open hardware community and collaborate in various projects. Some of them are:
* Web Cam Microscope, a simple and hackable microscope that can be used for biology, visual arts, exploring nature and has been built in many hand’s on workshops arround the world
* Basic lab equipement such as centrifuges, gel boxes, incubators, spin coaters
* Simple and quick technologies for micro-fludic devices such as “nail studio microfluidics or laser cut microfluidics”
* Developpements and collaborations in more advanced lab equipement such as turbidity meeters, spectromeeters (DIY nano-drop), OpenPCRs, optical tweezers
Most of the projects are developped and documented on the hackteria wiki and free for use.

See an overview of our Generic Lab Equipment on the wiki.

Interesting Interviews
* Interview with Yashas, Andy and Špela in We Make Money Not Art
* MCD#68 THE OPEN FUTURE – Excerpts from the Art/Sci Section
* ABSTRAKT #08 – Marc Dusseiller on Hackteria, DIYbio & BioHacking

“Hackteria is a network of people practicing DIY (do-it-yourself) biology with an interest in art, design and interdisciplinary cooperation. The network was founded in 2009 by Yashas Shetty, Andy Gracie and Marc Dusseiller and now includes not only scientists, engineers and artists, as you would expect, but also philosophers, entrepreneurs, and even foodies and chefs. Hackteria operates on a global scale, and is based on a web platform and a wiki for sharing knowledge, which enable anyone to learn but also test different ways of hacking living systems. Hackteria is not based in a physical space, and its goal is to allow artists, scientists and hackers to collaborate and test various biohacking and bioart techniques outside the official laboratories and art institutions, basically anywhere in the world.” – Denisa Kera, 2012

Interview / Documentary on Hackteria (2010), German with Engl. subtitles

Hackteria | Open Source Biological Art from dusjagr on Vimeo.

Video produced by Migros Kulturprozent and Christoph Merian Verlag for the DVD publication "Digital Culture and Media Art from Switzerland – Edition 2010". You can find the full publication on digital brainstorming:

Raw cut movie on HackteriaLab 2013 – Bangalore

HackteriaLab from Julian Abraham on Vimeo.

A micro documentary video about HackteriaLab activities, mainly in Bangalore, 2013. Hackteria is a collection of DIY Biology, Open Source Art Projects that use Biology, LifeSciences, Biotechnology.



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