ROŠA - Regional Open Science Hardware & Art, Indonesia

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ROSA gathering regional.jpg

As a continuation of various research and network activities within UROŠ - Ubiquitous Rural Open Science Hardware, we are happy to announce to have received the GOSH regional events grant (9900 USD, supported via Sloan Foundation) for more activities in Indonesia during 2022, under the name "ROŠA - Regional Open Science Hardware & Art". See the original application here and our planning budget.

"A regional event series combining a longer on-site residency, aswell as a research & production lab, local outreach and a gathering of interesting players from the region of South East Asia."



ROSA-schedule screenshot.jpg

Preparations April - June - Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Residency - Yogyakarta, Indonesia

15. October - 15. November 2022

ROŠA-on-Tour - Indonesia

Starting late September and through-out the Residencies until end of November

Gathering - Yogyakarta, Indonesia

4-6. November 2022

Global Outreach - independant

Gudsul Workshop


18-20. Nov, Piksel, Bergen, Norway

24. Jan - 14. Feb UROŠ - ROŠA| Round-up Ready

Online Schedule for co-editing

Get in contact

We have an open discussion thread on the forum here.

ROŠA Gathering organizing team:

  • Marc Dusseiller (CH), also known as Pakde Marchono, see more on Dusjagr. Get into e-mail contact or message to +41 77 993 08 77
  • Andreas Siagian (ID), see more on Ucok. Get into e-mail contact or message to +62 817-5471-005
  • Nopel Basuki (ID), coordinator at homestay lifepatch and more
  • Henry Lumba (ID), babystepping for what is needed
  • IoTheMoon (ID), documenting and much more
  • Fiky Dulay (ID), pisibi research & interface with bonbontronix

Call for extending the team:

  • Audio / Video documentation
  • ROŠA gathering / Nigth-Market production managment
  • translation
  • design for public communications
  • administration and small stuff accounting

ROŠA-Residency - Yogyakarta

We are bringing various artists from South East Asia to work with local collaborators for more or less a month in Yogyakarta. They are:

Toyol Dolanan Nuklir - Surabaya, Indonesia

Toyol Dolanan Nuklir


Abd Khafidz Fadli aka Toyol Dolanan Nuklir, born in Sidoarjo, East Java. He is an experimental artist, engineer, maker, "whatever" handyman, who usually uses the right of discarded goods to become useful goods. Toyol graduated from ITS Mechanical Engineering D3, now active in waft-lab, He is interested in exploring scientific knowledge, material experimentation, and metaphysics makes Toyol Dolanan Nuklir always work in the realm of installation art, sound and performance in two dimensions.

External Links

Anjeline de Dios - The Phillippines

Anjeline de Dios


Hello. I’m Anjeline from Manila, Philippines. Trained as a cultural geographer, I create and study emergent spaces of sound, community, and change through my work of research, performance, and teaching. I previously worked in academia as a university professor of cultural studies, and in systems-led innovation as a strategic researcher. Currently, I am an independent researcher, performing artist, meditation and systems-change facilitator, and consulting divination practitioner.

My work draws from different wellsprings. From my family and home culture I developed a lifelong fascination with singing as an activity that allows you to be immersed within yourself yet totally with others. As a humanities scholar who started out in philosophy and wandered into cultural geography and inter-Asian cultural studies, I am devoted to understanding the self in relation to the other, especially through systemic and lived aspects of spatial experience. The projects I sustain with collaborators in arts and wellness communities feed my purpose of creating curious, welcoming musical spaces. Finally, my contemplative practice strengthens my personal aspiration to help people listen better to the life within and beyond themselves.

External Links

Asa Rahmana - Yogyakarta



Arnont Nongyao - Thailand

Arnont Nongyao


Arnont Nongyao lives in Chiangmai (TH) - Ho Chi Minh city (VN) and He is an artist interested and fell in love with the vibration of things. He likes listening to everything that inspires him to do experimental sound art. The most important teacher “the master Khvay Loeung "inspired him to listen and “destroy yourself from being yourself” .-.. .. ... - . -. -.-- --- ..- .-. ... . .-.. ..-.

Born in Bangkok, works and lives in Chiangmai (TH) - Ho Chi Minh city (VN). Arnont is working with various and different media includes sound, video, installation, site specific, public art etc. Arnont’s work is engage with his interest in vibration; he works on diverse art experimental projects, vibration-related.

Arnont has been interested and research into sound with concentration on vibration, so most of his works are differently experimental and relative to vibration in order to search for the value of vibration derived from connected things, such as human beings, objects and society. His works are involved in a specific space and audience’s participation. They are also connected with the mode of listening/hearing in a social situation, and with how people interact with and participate in sound. Moreover, also he is Co-Director of Aesthetics of Error ( Chiang Mai Collective) with Thatchatham Silsupan and Pathompong Manakitsomboon that is a group of sound artists & musician working on sound art & experimental music in Chiangmai.

Some of his selected exhibitions include solo exhibition “Sphere”, SAC Art lap, Chiang Mai, Thailand(2018).“Another Sound” co-work with Khvay Loeung, Sa Sa Art projects, Phnom Penh and Chiang Mai, Cambodia - Thailand (2018). and group exhibitions “Opera of Kard”, Singapore Biennale 2019, Singapore. “Currents 2019”, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. “A Visiblelity Matrix”, The Secession 2019, Vienna, Austria. Bangkok Art Biennale 2018, Bangkok, Thailand. “Postcripts” Bangkok Biennale, Bangkok, Thailand (2018).“Unstable(ry) Life”, 2016, Manif d’art, Quebec, Canada. 16th Media Art Biennale WRO 2015: Test Exposure, Wroclaw, Poland, TRANCE at Gallery VER, Bangkok, Thailand (2014). PROXIMITY, part of inSPIRACJE International at 13 MUZ, Szczecin, Poland (2014).

External Links

Fiky Daulay - Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Fiky Daulay


External Links


Fairuz Sulaiman - Malaysia

Fairuz Sulaiman


Fairuz’s interdisciplinary practice covers digital and analogue visual formats that have been used as music videos, animation for short films, moving visuals for stage and immersive visual installations. His methods include puppetry, 2D/3D animation and live video mixing. He presented Laksamana Doremix (National Visual Arts Gallery, 2013), a hybrid wayang kulit and multimedia performance based on the famous P. Ramlee film - a continuation of his earlier performance at the Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media (YCAM) in 2012, where he presented a color tracking shadow puppetry performance.

His visual work for various notable theatre directors include Zahim Albakri’s Tarap Man (2007), and Loh Kok Man’s Arus Gangsa (2014) and The Swordfish Then Concubine (2016). His visuals for Kwang Tung Dance Company’s Bisikan Monsoon (2018) landed him the Best Multimedia Design at the 16th BOH Cameronian Awards.

As a recipient of The Japan Foundation Asia Center Fellowship Program 2015-16, he completed a research project on the usage of media in the performing arts in Japan, shadowing practitioners like Hiroshi Koike, Yoko Ando and YCAM Interlab.

Together with his team at Main Wayang, they staged LAYANG in 2018; a new media theatre performance that fused VR, physical theatre, live music and video. LAYANG was funded with a grant awarded by the INXO Arts Fund.

His current on-going projects include his Sekolah Main Wayang workshop that enageges underprivelaged kids to staged their own performances using shadow puppets, DIY instruments, and analog & digital projection.

External Links

Tuwis Yasinta (UncleTwis) - Surabaya, Indonesia

Tuwis Yasinta - UncleTwis


Tuwis Yasinta is an intermedia and experimental visual artist. He is originally from Surabaya, Indonesia and recently base in Bali and brought his artistic adventure. He has been use numerous mediums and materials to express his work of art in to the playfull art form. Modification, deconstruction and reconstruction of conceptual object and found object is essential to his creative process.

External Links

Henry Lumba aka Babystepper - Jakarta / Kupang, Indonesia

Henry Lumba



I'm Henry Lumba aka Babystepper

Programming is one of most useful skills to learn.

And Programming can enhance your skill as medium to make art.

Generative art is one of programming skill to make an art.

Generative art refers to art that in whole or in part has been created with the use of an autonomous system.

External Links

Nopel - Yogyakarta, Indonesia



local gangster

External Links

Muhammad Wahyudhita aka Arif - Surabaya, Indonesia



Studi Fine Arts in Surabaya. Internship at Lifepatch. Fixing all the listrik and lampu in Rumah.

External Links

Helmi Hardian - Surabaya, Indonesia



Old school

External Links

Personal Websites

Part-time collaborators

More people will join our activities...

Takemura Masato - Hamamatsu, Japan

Take likes burjo

Masato Takemura. Managing FabLab in Hamamatsu-city, Japan since 2014. Has collaboration workshop with local government and school. Teaching soldering, programming, 3D-printing, 3D-modeling.Also helping for setting up a new FabLab in Hamamatsu science museum and Rwanda. He is trying to add a bio experimental facilities in the labs for education.

Developed some agricultural tools because his FabLab is located in agricultural area and have relationship with farmer. Field monitoring system by drone, Auto steering system for tractor, Sampling machine of bacteria on the crops, Weeding robot in the rice field. Together with dusjagr and friends, Take has initiated a series of fab-and-food related experiments under the name HTEAA "How To Eat (Almost) Anything", which has been performed in Seoul, Tokyo, Taipei, Boston, Santiago de Chile, Shenzhen and other parts of the world. As a next project, Now trying to grow mushroom for 2 years but never succeeded….

Hartinia Permata Sari- Jakarta, Indonesia

Hartinia square.jpg

Member of rimpang digital creative in GUDSKUL collective ecosystem.

riz- Jakarta, Indonesia

Riz geeking.jpg

Juniro - Solo, Indonesia

Juniro tuak.jpg

Tuak lover, Bringer of ciu and Batak flutista

Franziskus Xaverius Agung Firmanto Budiarto aka Geger - Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Geger sleep.jpg

Coklat maker extraordinaire

Yogyakarta - Local Collaborators

Rumah Lifepatch

Rumah Lifepatch

Throughout the ROŠA Residency the Lifepatch house serves us as a homebase for our guest and as local production laboratory, using their workshop facilities for making and collaborating on our projects.

Lifepatch - citizen initiative in art, science and technology

inisiatif warga di seni, sains dan teknologi: adalah sebuah organisasi lintas-disiplin berbasis komunitas yang terbentuk pada 26 Maret 2012. Berpijak pada inisiatif warga dalam seni, sains, dan teknologi, Lifepatch mengajak para anggota dan siapapun yang terlibat dalam aktivitasnya untuk meneliti, menggali, dan mengembangkan kehadiran teknologi, sumber daya alam, dan sumber daya manusia di daerah sekitarnya. Inisiatif warga dipilih untuk memberi ruang lebih luas bagi keberagaman praktik anggotanya dan memacu kreatifitas masing – masing anggota dalam berperan dalam sebuah aktivitas kolaborasi. Do It Yourself (DIY) dan Do It With Others (DIWO) adalah semangat yang dipegang Lifepatch dalam praktiknya untuk dapat memacu kemunculan suatu pola dan sistem baru yang lugas dari proses kreatif individu dan komunitas, serta interaksi antar individu dalam rangkaian kerja komunitas.

Anggota lifepatch mempunyai misi untuk bermanfaat dalam pengembangan potensi sumber daya manusia dan sumber daya alam lokal, membangun jembatan kolaborasi domestik dan internasional, memberikan akses terbuka bagi siapapun ke sumber penelitian dan hasil pengembangan yang telah dilakukan. lifepatch didirikan pada 26 Maret 2012 oleh beberapa orang dengan berbagai latar belakang disiplin ilmu baik dari pendidikan formal maupun non-formal. Anggota yang tergabung dalam lifepatch berdomisili di berbagai kota seperti Yogyakarta, Pekanbaru dan Bogor. Hal ini merupakan alasan utama lifepatch awalnya bergerak dengan mengandalkan komunikasi melalui internet.

External Website


Bonbontronix is a study group initiated independently to share knowledge and creative, and artistic implementation in electronics. The endeavour is organized simultaneously with the groups’ effort in expanding the learning subjects, methodologies, and methods in self-organizing. In practice, all members are encouraged to create tutorials while experimenting. Bonbontronix is based in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

bonbontronix 'bonbontronix' adalah kelompok belajar yang diprakarsai secara mandiri untuk mendorong pembelajaran dan berbagi aplikasi kreatif serta artistik di bidang elektronik. Hal ini berjalan berbarengan dengan upaya kelompok ini untuk memperluas mata pelajaran, metodologi, dan strategi pengorganisasian diri. Dalam kegiatannya, semua anggota didorong untuk menghasilkan serangkaian tutorial sambil bereksperimen. bonbontronix berbasis di Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

External Website

Kenali Kota

Kenali Kota - "THE (UN)FAMOUS FIVE" Documenting people's memories

KenaliKota started its journey in 2019 in Yogyakarta by a group of new friends who had the same interest in exploring the city. Since the founders also share the same background as the newcomers, initially the sightseeing activities were intended to familiarize themselves with the city while documenting their journey.

KenaliKota focuses its activities in capturing the city experience from local perspective by treasuring every interaction during the trip -with the people and places. During its journey, the exploration also covers another city as well.


  • Armely Meiviana Less waste traveler, public transport user, caregiver of People with Dementia
  • Citra Kirana Tarot reader, lifelong learner, gastronome
  • Kristanti Wisnu Aji Wardani Bicycle breeder, museum enthusiast
  • Wahyuningsih Wulandari Natural dye alchemist, Fashion & Craft Enthusiast
  • Zulyani Evi Feminist & labor activist

External Website

Kebun Kali Code

Kebun Kali Code - Local urban garden project

Local urban garden project...

perempuan bertanam mandiri pangan permaculture organik

More to come

  • MES56 - hosting workshops
  • ...

Regional Collaborators

Waft-Lab, Surabaya


Since its very beginning, Waft's focus has been on the tension and interplay at the interdisciplinary art practices in Surabaya, Indonesia. It was initiated through the efforts of a group of people – people who are passionate about what they do, backed by lengthy experience in event organizer and intense documentation of art events and performances. These references are instrumental to the development of educative yet innovative medium and creative playground.

Gudskul Ekosystem & gudrnd, Jakarta

_gudrnd new bengkel plastik

We are setting off from a contemporary art ecosystem developed from a not-for-profit work model. A large part of our operational support comes from our constitutive collective, which in turn were given by donor institution, sponsors and independent funding from our business unit, apart from the funds given from our member out of their own volition. When we decided to work together as an ecosystem, we tried to set a system of co-storehouse where every resource we have is collected and shared in proportion to every collective need. The various resources from every collective comes in many forms: money, program, equipment or even books. We pooled those assets for easier access and sharing for every member of the collective.

Kelompok perekayasa dan gemar coba coba yang berada di lingkungan Gudskul Ekosistem.

Engineering group and like to experiment in Gudskul Ecosystems

ROŠA Workshops and Activities

ROSA schedule DIY.jpg

ROŠA Night

Rosa Night - Fixed - Converted.png

“Drinking WOODO’s Sky (Gentle But Make Noise)”

See documentation on Arnont's page:

And listen here:

See more instructions below Tutorials

Bling Bling Pips

Most basic introduction into electronic circuits for UGM students, Agricultural Microbiology

And soldering the famous Peepsy PandaClaw edition.


PCB etching introduction @ Lifepatch

Screamo Workshop @ Lifepatch

What can we solder?

Our friends from CircuitCircle in Dresden donated various sets of synthesizer / noise generator DIY kits to solder to us!!! Terimah Kasih! “CIRCUIT-CONTROL“ is their festival for the creative use of the solder iron, and the had many many kits to share with our global community. There are 3 different kits available:

Touch synth / distortion (also known as the "Dangdut from Hell") - the most easy one for beginners.

Screamo - a device to distort some boring music and add some synthsouds to it!! It can be used as standalone of FX-Unit and works with a 40106 and an LM386... combined in a feedback circle...SCREAM!!

LDeRRoR - a device to generate some funky squarewaves... it's unsing all 6 hex inverters of a 40106 IC... they are controlled by LDR's and your body.... 3 oscillators are routed to one output to create some stereo FX....

KaosGlam - ᗷᑌIᒪᗪ YOᑌᖇ Oᗯᑎ ᕼᗩᖇᗪGᒪᗩᗰ ᑫᑌEEᖇ EᒪEᑕTᖇOᑎIᑕ TOᑌᑕᕼ ᔕYᑎTᕼETIᘔEᖇ

Additionally we have the KaosGlam, designed by Paula Pin, donated to us by pin herself and the Center for Alternative Coconut Research.

All these DIY kits are suitable for beginners and you will leave with a nice little noisy toy afer a few hours of soldering, guided by the local solder geeks.

Sesi Solder dan Kopi in Lifepatch

SesiSolder trashFlyer square.jpg


Tangal: Various sessions in small groups. Contact dusjagr for dedicated timings on whatsapp: +41 77 993 08 77

Thursday, 6. Oktober, starting at 16.00. Duration 1-2 hours - depending on your skill and open end jam & nongkrong.

Sunday, 9. Oktober, starting at 16. Duration 1-2 hours - depending on your skill and open end jam & nongkrong.

Location: @ Rumah lifepatch, Yogyakarta

Mentor: Pakde Marcjono aka dusjagr

See more info in Bahasa Indonesia on Lifepatch website.

ROŠA-on-Tour - Indonesia

Famous Tour to the East

Lokakarya Bonexsluch di Institut Seni Tambak Bayan, Surabaya diinisiasi oleh Waft Lab X Bonbontronix.

Poster Lokakarya Bonexsluch didesain oleh HellHard

Minggu 11 Desember 2022 Bayangkan bagaimana Anda dapat mendengar bunyi aliran listrik yang mengalir jauh melalui kabel-kabel menuju rumah Anda, melalui mesin-mesin, kendaraan atau gawai-gawai Anda yang berjarak sepanjang jari dan layar? Berawal dari pengembangan instrumen serupa selama ROŠA 2022 berlangsung, Bonexsluch merupakan perpanjangan dari Indosluch. Indosluch adalah sebuah prototip rangkaian elektronik yang dapat mengubah tangkapan sinyal elektromagnetik menjadi bunyi yang dikembangkan oleh Marc Dusseiller. Marc sendiri berangkat dari keingintahuan bagaimana mengembangkan instrumen yang telah ada namun menggunakan komponen yang dapat diakses secara murah dan lokal. Dengan kata lain, Indosluch, termasuk Bonexsluch yang menjadi perpanjangannya yang bersifat lokal, adalah sebuah instrumen untuk membunyikan aliran elektromagnetik.

Dokumentasi Lokakarya Bonexsluch

The Neo Bonexsluch

Secara prinsip Bonexsluch tidak jauh berbeda dengan pengembangan Indosluch yang masih terbuka dengan pengembangan lebih lanjut. Alih-alih mengoptimalkan penggunaan koil yang menjadi semacam sensor atau antena penerima sinyal elektromagnetik, pengembangan Bonexsluch bertumpu pada efisiensi hubungan antara perolehan besar amplifikasi dan nilai resistor kunci. Bonexsluch dapat mencapai besaran amplifikasi yang cukup praktis sekaligus kesederhanaan desain. Di samping upaya untuk mengembangkannya sebagai instrumen penerima atau penangkap sinyal elektromagnetik, Bonexsluch memperpanjang prototip ini layaknya instrumen bunyi melalui penjaluran, jika tidak penganggu sinyal tersebut, barangkali instrumentalisasi sinyal itu sendiri. Bonexsluch memiliki fitur saluran bunyi yang tersusun paralel dengan kumparan dan utamanya menggunakan tenaga penguat sinyal yang sudah terkandung di dalamnya yang merespon kapasitansi tubuh dan tekanan pada permukaan konektor menuju sirkuit. Bonexsluch sebelumnya telah diujicobakan sekaligus dipraktikkan melalui sebuah lokakarya yang mengiringi pengembangan terakhirnya.

Prototip Bonexsluch:

Pengembangan terkini Neo Bonexsluch, didesain oleh Helmi Hardian:

ɖǟռɢɖʊȶ ₣ⱤØ₥ ⱧɆⱠⱠ - gambar pisibi-mu sendiri - Creative PCB-design Workshop, Ruang MES56, 20 Oktober 2022

GAPS MES56 instaSquare.jpg

GAPS Mes56.jpg

Siapapun yang tertarik dapat mengikuti ini, tidak memerlukan pengetahuan dalam dunia elektroni maupun desain sirkuit.

Tangal: Thursday, 26. September, starting at 15.00. Duration 2-3 hours and open end jam & nongkrong. Snacks will be provided, feel free to bring something too!

Jam: 5 Sore - Selesai

Lokasi: Ruang MES56, Jl. Mangkuyudan No.53 A, Mantrijeron, Kota Yogyakarta, 55143

As a creative design / drawing workshop we want to explore how creativity can be use to make unique designs of fuctional electronic circuits. We also will discuss what means Open Hardware and why sharing detailed instructions can lead to a diversity of personal designs and improving the accessibility for DIY electronics workshops.

The example circuit is based on the LM386, simple 1W amplifier circiut and it can be used to make your own design of a touch noise synthesizer!! The device can act as a distortion amp for your input sound (such as ɖǟռɢɖʊȶ), which you can then f*.%-up and create noise and drone sounds from ⱧɆⱠⱠ. And it has a pink LED on it!

See more info about the GAPS - ɖǟռɢɖʊȶ ₣ⱤØ₥ ⱧɆⱠⱠ workshop

Workshops and Sessions in Gudskul

GAPS poster web.jpg

September 23 - 26. Sep 22

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Terima kasih to our hosts at gudskul!

See more about the Diy-CAD#Workshops, to be held on Monday, 26. September.

And the late nite "illegal" soldering sessions: ROSA - Impressions from soldering sessions at gudskul

ROŠA-on-Tour - International

Coming soon...

ROŠA research


Engraving Indosluch DIY.png

New pisibi and circuit for EM-sniffer, inspired by LOM's Elektrosluch (Error Static Zapper too), SOMA Ether, 1010 Detektor and Franzis' Bat-Detector and many others...

Goal: Make an affordable new and kinda modified / improved version of an EM sniffer in Yoygakarta, Indonesia. Use mainly parts that can be sourced locally on the common online shops or local stores.

See full documentation on github:

Indosluch Merchandise Making

LED geeking - Bring Light to Lifepatch


We explored many ideas with RBG LEDs, Neo-pixels, WS2812b, and RGBW strips, using WLED on ESPs.

Make your own Tools

Thanks to the newly setup "bengkel" we starting loads of tool making to improve the capabilities of our research lab.

  • Small hand-drill for PCB drilling, welded
  • Some kinda mini-saw rack for making "sticks", welded, 3d printed and more
  • Metal holder for soldering stand, welded
  • Roll-holder for making coils
  • ...

Playing with AI Text to Image generators

Uncletwis ws midjourney.jpg

How to eat almost anything - Yogyakarta

Whenever Take and dusjagr meet somewhere in the world, there is a How To Eat Almost Anything session!!!

This time on the menu:

  • Bat
  • Squirrel
  • Python
  • Toke (Gecko)
  • Lizard

amps amps amps amps

ROSA - Impressions from soldering sessions at gudskul

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Late Night pisibi etching in Lifepatch

We set up our lab with the following stuffs for home-brew etching:

LabSetup pcb-Making.jpg
  • Laminator
  • self-made UV illuminator (double sided) by anyma aka Ätz-Box, all open source on github
  • Cheap UV illuminator from a beautysalon for fingernail curing
  • plastic bowls for various chemical processes
  • glass erlenmayer flasks
  • gloves
  • metal saw, cutters,scissors, rulers, marker pens and more basic tools
  • etching solutions:
  • NaOH solution, 1%
  • 97% Alcohol
  • Aceton
  • Various paper for printing with laser-printer. "Art-paper", kinda glossy paper, transparencies for printer or OHP, "kalkir" architecture paper for copy (semi-transparent)
  • Laser printer b/w
  • ...

Make Your Own Soldermask Eksperimentasi

Claude Soldermask.jpg

Learning from the best! Our friend Claude Treptow in Zürich gave us loads of advise on to make your own soldermask coated PCB and frontplates in your own DIY setting. let's get this process running here in Yogya too!

Reflow 0603 SMT components at Home

Reflow comparison oldschool.jpgReflow success stabilized.gifReflow 01 setup.jpg


These tutorials were compiled and collected from residency participants during the event. The production of the tutorials were initiated by Bonbontronix as an archiving process taken from workshops, including ongoing tinkering sessions. The objective of the tutorials is to provide technical archive to be tested, duplicated and bent.

Gentle But Make Noise ‘Drinking Woodo's Sky’ (Yogyakarta version)

Perancang: Khvay Loueng (the master, Cambodia)–Arnont Nongyao (Thailand)

Gentle But Make Noise dikembangkan oleh Arnont Nongyao, seorang seniman eksperimental berasal dari Chiangmai, Thailand. Sulit untuk menundukkan instrumen ini dalam satu definisi. Ia mewakili, tentu saja sebuah instrumen bunyi, namun juga melingkupi sebuah rancangan desain nan vernakular, tidak begitu teknis, dan hampir dapat dibuat oleh siapa saja. Tentu saja penggunaan rangkaian reverse avalanche bukanlah sesuatu yang baru, namun Gentle But Make Noise, memberikan jalan bagi penciptaan alat bunyi yang cerdik, luwes, liar dan mudah, sekalipun bagi para pemula dalam elektronik. Ia memiliki keleluasaan bermain-main, kualitas kriya nan mumpuni, kemungkinannya untuk menciptakan mesin sederhana sekaligus bunyi yang tidak akan sama satu dengan yang lainnya.

Lokakarya GBMN pada ajang ROSA 2022, mendorong para partisipan setidaknya dalam ilustrasi, kemampuan membangun instrumen yang mencakup usaha untuk membengkokkan sirkuit elektronik dalam makna yang instalatif dan skulptural.

Material dan alat:

Gbmn workshop cartoon.jpg

1. Papan kayu jenis apapun

2. Paku/sekrup/baut 5 buah

3. Kawat aluminium tebal secukupnya

4. Komponen elektronik:

Transistor 2N3904X1

Resistor 1K X 1, 100K X 1

Kapasitor elko 3.3uf-10uf X 1.

Jack audio

Audio soket

Step up 12V – soket USB

5. Kabel serabut tunggal secukupnya

6. Pensil 6B/grafit

7. Gergaji, palu, bor, solder, tenol dll.

Preparatory Activities

Visit to Widya Teknologi Hayati, 2022

Before after.jpg

Coconut Research at Pantai Nanddong, 2022

Geeking with openSCAD, Coconuts and IoT environmental sensors at the beach...

CoconutResearch nanngdong beach.jpg

Bonbontronix - Introduction DIY electronics workshops

Overview docu ebow.jpg

More about Ralf's E-Bow on SGKM wiki.

Experiments with Circular Chromatograms

YogyaChroma firstTests.jpg

Experiments with Bacterial Nano-Cellulose, formerly known as Nata de Coco

Dusjagrs frist harvest smile.jpg


Presentation on local PCB making and other Coconut related activities in Yogyakarta - DIWO week - Dresden

Lecture with students of microbiology @ UGM

See more info about the lecture on the hackteria website.

Workshop Mikrokontroler Dasar @ lifepatch

Workshop Mikrokontroler Dasar19.jpeg

Pura Pura Residency

Purapura residency bag.jpg

Sessions: openSCAD and 3d printing

OpenSCAD sessions.jpg

Sessions: Reflow soldering SCD41 CO2 sensors

We finally got our hands on those new CO2 sensors SCD41, sponsored by Sensirion! Learning how to reflow solder them onto our beautiful little PCB. See more on CO2 Soil Respiration Chamber

Reflow soldering CO2-sensors.jpg

Sering Sering - Pakde Marcjona dan teman teman orang Cjaina @ gudskul, Jakarta

Seringsering gudskul.jpg

GAPS (GaPiSen) | gambar pisibi-mu sendiri - Creative PCB-design Workshop with Diy-CAD

Thursday, 30. June, starting at 17:30.

@ Rumah lifepatch, Yogyakarta


Re-thinking the diy-CAD methodology and applying it to the fork of the peepsy.

See more details about the workshop on the GAPS wiki-page on Diy-CAD.

DIY-CAD gambar pisibi-mu sendiri.jpg

Jurus Sulam Listrik workshop 2022

JurusSulamListrik WorkshopFlyer.jpg

Artist Talk: GG Babystepper

GG Henry guruCode.jpg

Original Application

See the original application here. During the planning phase April / May 2022, various things are due to change, developed and improved. Stay tuned...

Hackteria methodologies

Throughout the years the focus has shifted to more human interaction and physical formats of learning environments to share and experiment with DIY practices to allow anybody outside established research institutions to perform their own experiments in lifescience, environmental monitoring and artistic approaches involving biological mediums. We have always embraced a methodology of “radical transdisciplinarity” with the belief that the challenges of our times can only be tackled when all players of society globally are involved; crossing different cultural backgrounds, socio-economics situations and a large diversity of practices from art, hacking and engineering to cooking, anthropoloy and experimental electronic music.

See various articles that have been written about hackteria: Press Coverage

HackteriaLabs 2010-20xx

Hackteria has established a methodology of “temporary labs for collaborative production and transdisciplinary research”, which has been done several times over the last decade. Under the name “HackteriaLab” (Main_Page#HackteriaLabs) we have done such events in Switzerland 2010, 2011 & 2017, Bangalore 2013, Okinawa 2020 and also in Yogyakarta 2014, Indonesia. Especially the latter has been extremely fruitful in establishing long term collaborations, friendships and new projects that extended years beyond the events itself.

See the trailer and documentary film of HackteriaLab 2014 - Yogyakarta here: HLab14-Documentary

What is the event about, and what do you want to achieve with it?

Hackteria has been focussing in the process of long term collaboration by initiating many regional activities especially Indonesia. The connection between Hackteria with Indonesia has started since 2009, from small scale activities such as workshops, talks, lectures, labs, residencies and even a festival - scale event called HackteriaLab 2014 - Yogyakarta. This strong relationship is a fruit of a consistency in reaching out, developing ideas, making things, experimenting and/or even hanging out to talk about cultural differences.

In short:

“A regional event series combining a longer on-site residency, multi-geographical work connection local outreach tour, as-well as a research & production lab and a gathering of interesting players from the region of South East Asia.”


We will be happy to host and finance one person for a longer durational residency to work in the local context of Yogyakarta, aswell as exploring other regions of Indonesia together. The focus of the applicatants should cover the main topics of “rural open science hardware” in the newly eyplored regional context. The residency will be choosen through a call, by the organising team, and selected according the GOSH values and experiences to create valuable research.

(The second residency is Marc Dusseiller, mostly in the role of co-ordination and organzing the event series. His travel costs are covered privately.)

ROŠA workshop and outreach tour:

The local team and residence researchers will be invited for a tour through Java and Makkassar, Sulawesi to visit selected communities and learn and share experiences in open science hardware in the local context through workshops, expeditions and talks.

ROŠA temporary lab:

For 10 days we’ll inhabint a public venue in Yogyakarta to set up a temporary lab for developing and experimenting with our hardware projects, host local visitors and public events, promoting the collaborative and open source spirit of our activities. A small group of participants will be invitied to the ROŠA temporary lab. we are aiming at a focused group of 10-15 active participants, if travel restrictions are allowing it, 50% from South East Asia and the others from different local communities. More international guests are welcomed (2-3 persons), but will need to support their own travel and covid-19 related quarantine costs.

ROŠA gathering:

During a 3 days gathering we will share our practices to a wider audience of local researchers, students, activists and creatives. Various methodologies will be implemented, such as site-visits, working groups, skill-share sessions and talks.

Embedded ethnographic research:

We have collaborators locally who have an interest to study our transdisciplinary laboratory as an ethnographic - cultural anthropological field or how to establish quality observation and understanding of collective and interdisciplinary work in innovation laboratories. In short, how to observe, participate, learn and innovate collective work methods and how to use different methods of thinking (scientific, artistic, economic, everyday) and how to build (different examples from the world) bridges between science, art and industry.

UROŠ - Ubiquitous Rural Open Science Hardware

In 2021 Hackteria has initiated a project “UROŠ - Ubiquitous Rural Open Science Hardware” with support from Slovenia and the European Union, with the goal to research the more “real world” application of various open science hardware projects in a rural setting and agricultural applications. The projects involved remote researchers in Argentina and Yogyakarta, aswell as a 3 weeks temporary autonomous lab (can also be described as a group residency / hackathon) in Maribor, Slovenia. We hope to continue and culminate this event series with a larger regional gathering in Yogyakarta and the support of the GOSH funding round 1.