- 1 "SENI GOTONG ROYONG: HackteriaLab 2014 - Yogyakarta"
- 1.1 Free Download
- 1.2 Full Documentary on Youtube
- 1.3 Trailer
- 1.4 Synopsis of the documentary
- 1.5 Credits
- 1.6 Call for Subtitles !
- 1.7 Translations
- 1.8 Screenshots
- 1.9 Global Screenings
- 1.9.1 PIKSEL 14 - be\O/art, 14. Nov 2014, Bergen, NO
- 1.9.2 Art in Action, 1. Nov 2014, Hong Kong, CN
- 1.9.3 Equator Symposium, 17 Nov 2014, Yogyakarta, ID
- 1.9.4 Ljudmila, 9. Dec 2014, Ljubljana, SI
- 1.9.5 District Berlin, 5. March 2015, Berlin, DE
- 1.9.6 Bio-Commons Lab, 8 July 2015, Calvanico, IT
- 1.9.7 LAB by Dimension+, 9. Oct 2015, Taipei, TW
- 1.10 Hackuarium, 28. Oct, Renens/Lausanne, CH
"SENI GOTONG ROYONG: HackteriaLab 2014 - Yogyakarta"
See more about HackteriaLab 2014 - Yogyakarta on this wiki or in bahasa Indonesia on the lifepatch site
Free Download
not really the ultra-final edition, missing the last credits: https://www.mediafire.com/?mz481am1rlsbf
Full Documentary on Youtube
Click (cc) for english subtitles
Synopsis of the documentary
Seni Gotong Royong*: HackteriaLab 2014 - Yogyakarta
50 minutes
Citizen science has long contributed to the health of local communities by making people aware of their environment in the form of oral histories and traditional wisdom. Recently, the effort to democratize science created opportunities for innovation and a model for public participation in science. These movements rippled into many things such as a kind of revival of traditional knowledge, influential policy forces, changes in how we produce and share knowledge into an iterative and collective process. Yogyakarta, Indonesia, has been one of the most active hubs in this movement.
HackteriaLab 2014 – Yogyakakarta is a two-weeks making-oriented gathering of researchers, artists, scientists, academicians, hackers and whatevers in Yogyakarta. It was hosted by LIFEPATCH - citizen initiative in art, science and technology and co-organized together with HACKTERIA | Open Source Biological Art in collaboration with various regional partners. As a web and community platform, Hackteria tries to encourage scientists, hackers and artists to collaborate and combine their expertise, write critical and theoretical reflections, share simple instructions to work with life science technologies and cooperate on the organization of workshops, festival and meetings.
What will they be making and for who? Anything along their own practices within the setting of the three ecological nodes which basically are on going projects that are open for people’s participation. They are: Biorecovery of volcanic soil that is run by the Microbiology Department (Agricultural Faculty of Gadjah Mada University); biodiversity conservation in Wonosadi Forest that is run by the Green Tech Community; and environmental monitoring of the rivers in Yogyakarta that is run by Lifepatch.
Produced and directed by X-Code films, this documentary was made during the two weeks of HackteriaLab 2014 – Yogyakarta. It offers you a glimpse of (almost) everything that happens and documents the participants wish list for future collaborations and works.
- ) Gotong-royong is an Indonesian philosophy on getting things done collectively. As Indonesianist anthropologist Clifford Geertz puts it, “An enormous inventory of highly specific and often quite intricate institutions for effecting the cooperation in work, politics, and personal relations alike, vaguely gathered under culturally charged and fairly well indefinable value-images--rukun ("mutual adjustment"), gotong royong ("joint bearing of burdens"), tolong-menolong ("reciprocal assistance")--governs social interaction with a force as sovereign as it is subdued.”
- List of participants: maybe during last scene (make longer) of the stone-river music. Working here: http://board.net/p/credit_list
- Black-out - first: HackteriaLab 2014 was organized as a collaboration of Lifepatch and Hackteria
- Second: Produced by X-Code, Names of team
- Third: Sponsors
- Final: thanks... who? Irfan but who else. either big list or... nothing?
HackteriaLab Team
Name/label/roles of the team
HackteriaLab Participants
Profiles of the participants and hosts
Officially known as a production house, X-CODE Films is also an artists’ collective who does video-based works. They aired Tony Blank Show for the first time in January 2010 without the need to claim whether it is considered as web series, webisodes or whatever. The show paused after three seasons (with a bunch of extras and bonuses) and have reached more than 2,000,000 viewers.
As seen in their website, they have aired several titles of web series. One of the X-CODE Films’ the creative instigators Harwan ‘Aconk’ Panuju stated, “[With the Internet] now that everyone can make their own TV channel, what do we need TV stations and antennas for?”
The core of X-CODE Films practices is to train (themselves) and the others (including interns) at the same time. Sharing culture, Do-It-Together and Do-It-With-Others spirit is embedded in their activities.
External Links
- http://xcodefilms.com/
- https://www.youtube.com/user/aconk11/videos
- https://www.youtube.com/user/budilaksono/videos
HackteriaLab Partners & Sponsors
See HackteriaLab 2014 - Yogyakarta#Partners and Supporters
- Clarify: Arts Coll also as HIVOS DOEN (check with ucok)
- Add: British Arts Council
- anything else?
Download logos: File:logos_HLab-documentary.zip
Call for Subtitles !
We have full subtitle files in Bahasa Indonesia and English. We are now looking for volunteers who help us translating them into other local languages. Chinese(Traditional / Simplified), Spanish, German...
You can find the full english subs here: [1]
Corrected English subs (this will work for youtube and other picky mediaplayers): SRT file
Mandarin Traditional Chinese
HackteriaLab 2014 印尼日惹
Link to screenshots (High-res)
Global Screenings
PIKSEL 14 - be\O/art, 14. Nov 2014, Bergen, NO
Art in Action, 1. Nov 2014, Hong Kong, CN
Equator Symposium, 17 Nov 2014, Yogyakarta, ID
Ljudmila, 9. Dec 2014, Ljubljana, SI
District Berlin, 5. March 2015, Berlin, DE
Bio-Commons Lab, 8 July 2015, Calvanico, IT
LAB by Dimension+, 9. Oct 2015, Taipei, TW
Hackuarium, 28. Oct, Renens/Lausanne, CH
Microwave Festival, 12-17. Nov 2015, Hong Kong, CN