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DIY / DIWO Open Scientific Instruments | Class at UGM, Yogyakarta

It has been great to be involved in a class once more again at UGM with the students of agricultural mircobiology. Thanks Akbar for inviting me,…. It has been more than 10 years since I first gave a workshop in that very same room at UGM and hopefully inspired people to build their own lab equipment and share their designs openly.

During the 100 min class, various early prototypes of low-cost and DIY (do-it-yourself) scientific instruments where shown, the history how from creative and transdisciplinary “hack-sessions” some of those projects developed further and shared widely through the global hackteria network, and established into more reliable and reproducible Open Science Hardware projects and products, such as various turbidity meters or the pocket PCR by GaudiLabs, and GOSH educational modules to promote the use of open science hardware globally.

Group photo of Pak Marcjono and the UGM students of agricultural microbiology.

Our current research in the frame of UROŠ – Ubiquitous Rural Open Science Hardware, on developing field-ready instruments using Sensirion’s newest sensor SCD41 for CO2 soil respiration measurements was presented to the students, and we made simple experiements at the end of the class.

Testing the DIY CO2 soil respiration chambers with the students.

Various links to other interesting initiatives have been presented, on where to find more instructions and shared projects to build your own lab equiupment from open source hardware, such as the Global Open Science Hardware network (GOSH), Appropedia – Open Source Lab, hackteria wiki and more.

Poster in the hallways of UGM, agricultural microbiology, Nature article from 2016 on Open Hardware for Science, citing the foundation of the GOSH network and earliest DIY labware experiments by Pak Irfan and Hackteria in 2010 at UGM, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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