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* https://jellypin.hotglue.me/
* https://jellypin.hotglue.me/
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== Skill Shares ==
=== [[Skill Share: Arduino is so 2008, now we do ESP]] ===
== Coming soon: DIY MechTech - BioAmp EXG ==
== Coming soon: DIY MechTech - BioAmp EXG ==

Revision as of 10:46, 14 September 2022


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Mentorzz September 2022

Pin Urs dusjagr GaudiLabs.jpg

Dr. Marc R. Dusseiller aka dusjagr

Marc Dusseiller aka dusjagr is a nomadic researcher and workshopologist. He is part of the Center for Alternative Coconut Research and co-founder of SGMK and the Global Hackteria Network, Co-organiser of GOSH, Gathering for Open Science Hardware. He loves making DIWO laboratories for creative biological experimentation and works in an integral way, combining science, art and education. He has worked as guest faculty and mentor at various schools, Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Bangalore (IN), UCSB (USA) and in Switzerland, FHNW, HEAD, ETHZ. He lives and works in Zürich, Yogyakarta and Taipei. He also loves synhtesizers and coconuts.
See more about dusjagr and full biography

Paula Pin aka pin

Pin explaining how to read resistor color codes
Pin is a Transhackfeminist performer and researcher which has a strong inclination towards research and experimentation processes with collective and free technologies. The experimental process of incorporating noise into the body leads to experiment with synthesizersoften including DIY DIWO Trans-tech body in performance. In 2011 carries out the process Photosinthetika, gender- tech-nature hybrid extension agencies to reappropriate knowledge of bio-political tactics and generate technological autonomy. Currently he dwells the transhackfeminist laboratory Petchblenda; The Lab experiments in bio-electro-chemical aspects with a Biopunk Biosophy, prolific research and bio-political practices. My active participation in the lab Pechblenda and Transnoise, besides my social ideals and my workas a noise performance and workshopologist, has taken me to many spaces and contexts, specially to the point of starting to collaborate in 2012 with Hackteria, a Biohacking network. Open up again the opportunity to give up workshops as a facilitator all around the world always putting the focuson spread the knowledge and share experience over a transfeminism horizontal perspective.

The last year, after bio and transhackfeminist values I have been designing and fabricating the devices for a Mobile Lab developing a line of hardware (HardGlam) for Biotranslab project that is used for autonomous gynecology practices and investigation. As my knowledge in electronics is based on open source and DIY, the devices included in the laboratory are portable replications of a microscope, a speculum done with a 3D printer, an incubator, PCR, centrifuge ... Plants, microorganisms and other sources of alternative energy, resulting in a complex web of interactions that fuses transversely machines and plant and animal organisms with the cosmos, and reveals a transhackfeminist queer ecology.

Skill Shares

Skill Share: Arduino is so 2008, now we do ESP

Coming soon: DIY MechTech - BioAmp EXG

Forked from Upside Down Labs - BioAmp EXG Pill

Bioamp-exg-MedTech version raytraced.jpg

BioAmp EXG Pill

Professional-grade analog front-end amplification for ECG, EMG, EOG, and EEG biosensing on one tiny board.


See their crownfunding website and fantastic experiments and documentation: https://www.crowdsupply.com/upside-down-labs/bioamp-exg-pill

Bioamp-exg-pill-electrocardiography-lead1.pngBioamp-exg-pill-esp32-electrooculography-vertical png md-xl.jpg

Einführung ins DIY reflow-soldering

Parts placement dark.jpg

Eigene Schablone (stencil) lasern

  • Kalkir Papier ?

Mit QT Py SAMD chip auslesen

Mit ESP32 S3 auslesen

Mentorzz Winter 2022

Andreas Kopp - Erfindergarden

Andreas Kopp loves tools, machines, leds, pixelart and spends most his time designing, making and repairing things with or without machines and works on projects helping to strengthen and institutionalize the maker movement. He is the founder of Erfindergarden and the first tool libray in Munich the Münchner Werkzeugbibliothek and is active in the international Fablab Network and the Verbund Offener Werkstätten. During the first lockdown he organized over 100 makers in Munich who 3D printed over 10.000 faceshields and maskholders for hospitals, elderly homes and doctors.

See slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1SkSrOMfr1TF-9--QQER83K3uMyfvFfBAE5V9OaN93Qo/

Artikel about Erfindergarden [1]
Artikel about the Werkzeugbibliothek [2]

Fabacademy 2016: bit.ly/fab16-andreas

E-Mail: andreas@erfindergarden.de

Download: File:Maker Extraordinaire 2020.pdf


Skillshare Dumpster Diving Hacks

Dumpsterstuffs 2022.jpg

Hacking Biorad microplate reader

Hacked plateReader overview.jpg

Netzteil Hack by Andreas

PXL 20220209 121203552.MP.jpg

Ich habe mich entschlossen am Mittwoch Nachmittag noch schnell mein 5V Netzteil zu reparieren und zu hacken, da es auf der Zugfahrt kaputt gegangen ist. Dazu habe ich es aufgesägt und den kaputten Stecker weggelötet. Dann habe ich einen neues Kabel abgeschnitten und mit Lötverbindern verbunden und mit Heißleim fixiert. Verschlossen habe ich das Gehäuse dann wieder mit Epoxy und Heißleim. Als nächsten Hack könnte man noch eine kleinen Schalter hinzufügen, damit man die interne Led auch ausschalten kann und noch einen Knickschutz 3D-Drucken.

PXL 20220209 151449335.MP.jpg PXL 20220209 110812739.MP.jpg PXL 20220209 123406988.MP.jpg

Reperatur Iniativen in der Schweiz

Reperatur Iniativen in Deutschland

OpenFlexure and Rubberbands

BlockStage: https://openflexure.gitlab.io/openflexure-block-stage/

Wiring and code: https://build.openflexure.org/openflexure-microscope/v7.0.0-alpha1/motor_controllers.html

Stepper fun


EasyDriver board: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/easy-driver-hook-up-guide/all#hardware-hookup

EasyDriver examples: http://www.schmalzhaus.com/EasyDriver/Examples/EasyDriverExamples.html

Joystick and 28byj-48 stepper motor: https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/BEASTIDREES62/driving-28byj-48-stepper-motor-control-with-joystick-544122