Gär Lämpli

From Hackteria Wiki
Revision as of 14:25, 16 March 2017 by Dusjagr (talk | contribs) (Creative PCB design tool)
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NEO-Prog-Coconut micro.jpg

based on this new attiny bootloader and a minimal board to check / follow a fermentation curve time/temp profile and show by different colors.

Working on it for the upcoming Koji and Miso workshop at Dimension Plus Lab in Taipei.

What is it?

Documentation on NEO github-wiki

IMG 20170316 014659 HDR.jpg

Creative PCB design tool

Prepare 400% scaled, printed, laminated and cut-out smd parts.

IMG 20170316 143454.jpg

Discuss the difference between the "schematic" representation and "physical" implementation

Start layouting and drafting the correct connections with pencil

Adding Sensors

Souvenir Badge for Biohacking festivals?

Similar to our SGMK 10 years badge...


Etymology of gären


and if you wanna learn some German, check this:

Conjugation gären.jpg