Hackteria Workshops in ZKM 2016
Workshops on bio art and DIY biology could be held throughout the whole program of <GLOBALE: Exoevultion> selected through the hackteria network in coordination with the ZKM education department. With it's strong focus on the development of new workshop methodologies at the art/science interface, the hackteria network could provide an interesting series of workshops, mentors will be selected through an open call among the hackteria network.
Suggested topics: DIY Microscopy, Bio-Cyber Kidzz, Art of Fermentation, BioElectronix, NanoHacking and many more.
- http://zkm.de/event/2016/01/biocyberkidzzz-hackteria-im-baem-0
- http://zkm.de/event/2016/01/nanohacking-die-verschmelzung-von-leben-und-technologie-auf-der-nanometerskala
- http://zkm.de/fuehrungen-workshops/baem
Dates: 15 - 25. Jan
Workshop / Kids-Lab: BioCyberKidzzz - BodyHacking, 16. Januar 2016
Session 1: 2h in the morning
Session 2: 2h in the afternoon
Workshop / Class: NanoHacking, 17 - 24. Januar 2016
Session 1, 17. Jan: Introduction
Sunday, 17. Jan, Full Day - Introduction and first hands-on explorations of the nanoscale
Session 2, 22-24. Jan: NanoHack Lab
Friday, 22. Jan, starting from early afternoon
Saturday, 23. Jan, Full Day
Sunday, 24. Jan, Full Day
Call for Mentors
We are happy to extent our invitation from ZKM to do this series of workshops within our larger network (J'aime Workshopology) of workshopologists. We are looking for enthusiastic educators at the art/sci interface to join our team in Karlsruhe. Both topics (BioCyberKidzzz and NanoHacking) have been covered various time at earlier Hackteria workshops, so this will be an opportunity to work together and share/reflect our practices.
For the BioCyberKidzzz (1 day) we are looking for 1 additional co-mentor to work together with Špela Petrič on various playful body-hacking experiments with children (age 6-14), preferably with some skill in speaking German, but not compuslary.
For the NanoHacking course (2 Sessions, 1 day & 3 days, target audience young adults, art & design students) we are looking for 1-2 co-mentors depending on your availability to work with Marc Dusseiller also known as dusjagr or Marcjono.
All the finances have already been sorted out with ZKM and we can provide full travel (within Europe, otherwise we could look into other opportunities) and accommodation, as well as a decent fee for the mentors, depending on the depth of their involvement.
Additionally we are looking forward to use this gathering of workshopologists to do an informal discussions between and after the workshops to discuss and reflect on our pracitices and hopefully write down our learnings within the J'aime, Jaringan of Appropriate and Interdisciplinary Maker Education.
If you are interested and available please contact dusjagr directly (by email, cos he is really old-school)
Marc Dusseiller
Dr. Marc R. Dusseiller (1975) is a transdisciplinary scholar, lecturer for micro- and nanotechnology, cultural facilitator and artist. He performs DIY (do-it-yourself) workshops in lo-fi electronics and synths, hardware hacking for citizen science and DIY microscopy. He was co-organizing Dock18, Room for Mediacultures, diy* festival (Zürich, Switzerland), KIBLIX 2011 (Maribor, Slovenia), workshops for artists, schools and children as the former president (2008-12) of the Swiss Mechatronic Art Society, SGMK. In collaboration with Kapelica Gallery, he has started the BioTehna Lab in Ljubljana (2012 - 2013), an open platform for interdisciplinary and artistic research on life sciences. Currently, he is developing means to perform bio- and nanotechnology research and dissemination, Hackteria | Open Source Biological Art, in a DIY / DIWO fashion in kitchens, ateliers and jungles/forests across the globe. He was the co-organizer of the different editions of HackteriaLab 2010 - 2014 Zürich, Romainmôtier, Bangalore and Yogyakarta.
2nd Mentors for NanoHacking tba
Špela Petrič
Interests: politics of science and distribution of knowledge, terRabiology, evolution/protocells, mimicry, biopolitics, circadian rhythms, stem cell research/regenerative medicine, aptamers/synthetic metabolism & biochemistry/reengineering
Short Bio: Dr. Špela Petrič (1980), BSc, MA, lives in Ljubljana and Amsterdam. Her artistic practice combines natural sciences, new media and performance. She is interested in all aspects of anthropocentrism; the reconstruction and reappropriation of scientific methodology in the context of cultural phenomena; living systems in connection with inanimate systems manifesting life-like properties; and terrabiology, an ontological view of the evolution and terraformative process on Earth. While working towards an egalitarian and critical discourse between the professional and public spheres, she tries to envision artistic experiments that produce questions relevant to anthropology, psychology, and philosophy. She extends her artistic research with art/sci workshops devoted to informing and sensitizing the interested public, particularly the younger generations. She is a member of Hackteria.
2nd Mentors for BioCyberKidzz tba
BioCyberKidzzz - BodyHacking
Responsible Mentor: Špela Petrič
Co-Mentor: open call
Menschen »hacken«, also verändern ihren Körper durch Tattoos, Piercings und mit medizinischen Prothesen schon lange. Durch einfache und spielerische Erweiterungen mit alltäglichen Materialien, wie Pappkartons, Magneten und LEDs können wir die menschlichen Körperleistungen steigern. Wir möchten in unserem spielerischen Kinder-Labor erforschen, ob man mit bio-akustischen Ohren besser hört oder was passiert, wenn man einen magnetischen Finger hat. Am Schluss als Bonus dürfen wir eine menschliche fotosynthetische Haut untersuchen.
Hacking the human body has become commonplace and many people have body modifications such as tattoos, piercings or even advanced medical prosthetics. Simple and playful body hacks that allow enhancing our human performance can be made with just few and cheap materials, such as cardboard, magnets and LEDs. In this playful laboratory setting we will investigate with the children: hearing with a Bio-Acoustics Ear and hacking their touch perception by the Magnetic Finger or a Disco-on-a-Fingertip and finally explore a Photosynthetic Skin.
Earlier editions:
Download posters: File:plakati.pdf
NanoHacking: Convergence of Life and Tech at the Nanoscale – A Hands-on Introduction for Students
Responsible Mentor: Marc Dusseiller
Co-Mentor: open call (2 different co-mentors for the weekends is possible)
NanoHacking: Die Verschmelzung von Leben und Technologie auf der Nanometerskala - Eine praktische Einführung für Studenten
In diesem Kurs werden die Studenten in die verschmelzenden Kunst-, Wissenschafts- und Ingenieursdiszplinen eingeführt welche auf der Nanometerskala aufeinandertreffen. Aber was ist eigentlich Nanotechnologie? Sie verspricht riesige Fortschritte im globalen Gesundheitswesen, nachhaltige Energie und neue Materialien. Aber gleichzeitig prallen utopische Visionen, Heilsversprechen, Science-Fiction Szenarien und tiefe Ängste im gesellschaftlichen Dialog aufeinander. Während dieses Kurses werden wir diese Nebel der oberflächlichen Diskussionen auflösen und durch "Hands-on" Aktivitäten die Welt des Kleinen und Kleinsten begreifbar machen. Wir werden eigene DIY (do-it-yourself) Instrumente bauen um mit optischen und elektrischen Mitteln mehr zu lernen über Nanopartikel und Nanosensoren. Wir werden dadurch diese kleinsten Phänomene wahrnehmbar machen. Können wir Nanopartikel "sehen", können wir sie "hören" oder gar "riechen"?
Eine Kerneigenschaft der Nanowissenschaften ist die Verschmelzung der traditionellen Disziplinen, wie Physik, Biologie, Ingenieurswesen, um nur einige zu nennen. Um mit den heutzutage bestehenden Instrumenten und Methoden die Materie die uns umgibt auf kleinster Längenskala von Atomen und Molekülen zu verstehen, benötigen wir einen transdisziplinären und kollaborativen Ansatz um wirklich zu neuen Erkenntissen zu kommen, um zu neuen Anwendungen um die globalen Herausforderungen anzugehen und deren gesellschaftliche Implikationen konstruktiv zu diskutieren.
working on it...
During this course, the students will be introduced into the merging disciplines of of art, science and engineering that meet at the nanoscale. But what is nanotechnology? It promises huge beneficial impact on global health, sustainable energy and novel materials. At the same time utopian visions, science-fiction scenarios and fundamental fears are clashing at discussions in society. Throughout the course, we will lift the fogs of these superficial discussions and through hands-on activities get closer to grasp the world of the small. We will build our own simple DIY (do-it-yourself) optical and electronic instruments to learn more about nanoparticles and nanosensors, how to "see" them, how to "hear" them.
One key aspect of the nanosciences is the fact that the traditional disciplinary borders of physics, biology, engineering, to name a few, are merging. With the current tools and methods of understanding matter on the smallest scales of atoms and molecules, only a true collaborative and transdiscplinary approach can lead to new insight, application and constructive discourse of its societal implications.
Earlier editions:
During this course, the students will be introduced into the merging disciplines of of art, science and engineering that meet at the nanoscale.
Related materials
Coming of Age in the Singularity
10 Biohackers Who Turned Into Superhumans
Workshop / Transdisciplinary Approaches for Eduction at the Art/Sci Interface
Educational Training „J'aime art/sci workshopology“
Crazy list of all workshops from HLab14
Kinda post-poned / cancelled. :-(
Workshop / DIY microscopy
Kinda cancelled. :-( though it's the best dusjagr has to offer...
More info can be found on J'aime DIY Microscopy
Other documents
Download proposal to ZKM here: File:Hackteria_proposedWorkshops_ZKM_updateOkt.pdf
check J'aime
Some other document about education research at the art/sci, part of dusjagr's proposal to aalto File:dusjagr_on_Workshology.pdf
Other Courses / Workshops
See Workshopology.
NanoHacking: Converging Life and Tech at the Nanoscale - BiofiliA HighSchool, Finland