Hackteria Lab Playground

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Child Care

Erleta Mahmutaj

Languages: German/ Phone:

Small Humans

Noe Gracie Bello

Languages: Spanish/English

Phone nr of parent:

Special features:


big for his age

typical male child

likes to play rough sometimes

also likes drawing, playing football, robots

loves animals

loves chocolate milk and sausages with ketchup

also loves cucumber and lettuce

understands spanish and english perfectly but prefers to speak spanish


Languages: Spanish/Swiss German

Phone nr of parent:

Special features:

Gian aka Buäb


Languages: Swiss German, sign language

Phone nr of parent: 076 xxx xxxx

Special features:
- Loves exploring the world on his own (without notice of departure)
- Is very self confident even for things he has never done or seen in his life
- May flip out in specific situations (prevalent in situations that do not develop as intended)
- Can turn on the charm to reach his goals
- Be careful! Gian is much beloved by his father Urs

Local Playgrounds


There is a nice playground next to Rote Fabrik, GZ Wollishofen.

Dangers: Lake

Behind Ziegel o Lac

Dangers: Lake

Spielgruppe Rote Fabrik

Dangers: Lake

Kreis Chaib

Bäckeranlage, nice park with playground and lots of trendy young mothers

Dangers: junkies, police, jealous mothers

The Appartment, where we gonna live

Dangers: cigarettes, alcohol, computers, etc.

More Info

According to the vote from 7. march 2010 the swiss constition has changed the paragraph on human experimentation. the new article can be found here.