We are happy to announce a talk by our Hacker-in-Residence, Moch Hasrul from Jakarta, Indonesia, on various topics of the _gud RND_ community, which is part of the Gudskul Ekosystem, an amazing collective from Indonesia. Following an afternoon Workshop by Elisa Chaveneau (FR) on DIY Bioplastic!
Workshop: 12:00 – 18:00, , Saturday, 13. July 2024
During the afternoon there will be a Workshop on Biomaterials, by Elisa Chaveneau (FR) and Maya Minder, where you can dive into the topic of bioplastic as novel material research. Starting point is the kitchen lab!
See more about the workshop and registration on the wiki.
Talk Starting: 18:00, Saturday, 13. July 2024
Location: Hackteria ZET – Open Science Lab @ Bitwäscherei, Alte Zentralwäscherei, 3. Floor
Neue Hard 12, 8005 Zürich
Hasrul will give an overview of their activities, researching and developing OPERASI PLASTIK, an artistic approach to plastic waste management. After the talk everybody is invited for a dinner, exploring Indonesian cuisine and cooking together.
Dinner: 20:00, Saturday, 13. July 2024
OPERASI PLASTIK is an initiative that offers an artistic approach to plastic waste management by incorporating artistic and imaginative aspects into the process. By using art as a medium, OPERASI PLASTIK not only focuses on conventional plastic recycling but also transforms the waste into captivating and meaningful artworks. This approach aims to raise public awareness about plastic waste issues while changing their perception of materials that are usually considered trash.

Moch Hasrul is a media artist based in Jakarta who combines art and technology in his work. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Art Education from Universitas Negeri Jakarta and a Master’s degree in Fine Arts from Institut Teknologi Bandung. Currently, he serves as the director of Serrum and teaches at Kalbis University. His artistic practice includes experiments with computational devices, mechanical and electronic systems, and plastic recycling. Managing Studio Batur Jakarta and actively involved in the Gudskul Ecosystem, Hasrul initiated GudRnD, focusing on plastic recycling experiments. He is also developing context-based, student-centered learning methods using art approach.

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