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Hackteria & SGMK BioCyberKidzz

Hackteria BioLab // Create Your World
The Hackteria BioLab introduces the world of microorganisms to children or adults any age. At the end of the workshop they will be able to take home little amulet Petri dishes with their own “living” fingerprints, a yeast powered balloon or simple bio-accoustic ear amplifiers and many more. With this workshop we hope to emphasize that observing life is not just fun, but also takes time and patience.

BioCyberKidzz – A Review
Similar to the LabJournal, we now have a small booklet with reflections, instructions and pictures from the BioCyberKidzz workshop at Create Your World / Ars Electronica Festival 2011. Download it, print it and fold it your self according to this instruction

BioCyberKids – A Review, make your own booklet

BioCyberKidzz LabJournal
BioCyberKidzz LabJournal

The BioCyberKidzz Workshop has been developed as a result of collective brainstorms of many individuals and communities that are devoting their rich experiences in creating the alternative crossovers between arts and science. The dialogues have been encouraged by HACKTERIA and Swiss Mechatronic Art Society movements as the core iniciatives for many open art & science projects which are establishing new meanings to DIY. Within this context the acknowledgments go to Yashas Shetty, Nur Akbar Arofatullah/HONF, Julian Abraham – Togar/HONF and KOELSE for executing new funky approaches to fermentation/biotechnology. Sachiko Hirosue and Brian Degger for sharing with us their creative perspectives on microbiology as well as Mackenzie Cowell for introducing us his original way of understanding the field of body enhancements. Jonas Ohrstom/ by lending us his vehicle which has an amazing ability to serve us as a mobile lab and a flat at the same time as well as Cirkulacija2 and Ljudmila for sharing with us their inspirational environments where our ideas could be executed to its final point. We are interested in introducing those vivid “invisible” worlds that are, as if they are not seen, very much present in our every day life.
Create your world by establishing your own point of view at the “invisible” life around us!…

see some impressions on facebook

and a detailed instructions is on the wiki


Wasserfloh Zirkus

SGMK diy makeaway // Create Your World
The Swiss Mechatronic Art Society (SGMK, established in 2006) is a collective of engineers, hackers, scientists and artists that joined to collaborate and promote on creative and critical uses of technology. They develop DIY technologies and organize collaborative events, such as a yearly research-camp in the mountains and local regular workshops in electronics, robotics, physical computing, diy-biology, lofi-music etc. They run a public hacker space „MechArt Lab“ (since 2009) and organize the international diy* festival, held every year in Zürich since 2005. They also cooperate with various socio-cultural organisations to hold creative technology courses at schools and youth communities. With the „diy makeaway“, a series of mini-workshops for kids and other open-minded people, they have been present internationally at various exhibitions and festivals, such as SHIFT Festival in Basel, at Copy!, Poolloop and Dorkbot in Zürich, MediaLab Prado in Madrid, CTM.09 in Berlin, CEMA in Bangalore, Cellsbutton#03 in Yogyakarta and many more.

Marc Dusseiller aka dusjagr (CH)

Špela Petrič (SI)

Maja Smrekar (SI)

Monika Pocrnjić (SI)

Robertina Šebjanič (SI)

Jördis Drawe (DE)

Uwe Schüler (DE)

see more detailed instructions on the wiki

  1. pei on Saturday 10, 2011

    i love those ears !!

  2. escher tsai on Saturday 10, 2011

    so cute ears!

  3. […] at various festivals and conferences such asMutaMorphosis:Nomadic_Science_Lab#Nomadic_Furniture or Lab-in-a-Van for Ars Electronica’s Create Your World Festival. It is time now to focus more in depth about these concepts and we are inviting artists and hackers […]

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