Open laboratory: artistic instruments for submarine exploration
led by Andy Gracie and Marc Duseiller (Hackteria) and Jorge Chachero (DocumentAzul).
Part of Arte y Ciencia en el Mar – “una programa que mira al océano como escenario para exploración creativa. En esta ocasión el foco de atención es la exploración fílmica subacuática, un género que ofrece un amplio horizonte para la experimentación artística.”
– A project by Monica Bello.
Thursday 25th September 4pm to 9.30pm.
Friday 26th September 10am to 2pm and 4pm to 9.30pm
This workshop takes takes as its starting point underwater audiovisual creation using low-cost and DIY technologies. It is suitable for all audiences interested in experimenting with the construction and use of specific equipment for underwater exploration, created and developed for the occasion (such as USB video-microscopes, lamps and lighting systems, and underwater webcams).
Participation is free. Inscription is not necessary.
More info on the wiki
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