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BioKino and BioVJ, GT22, Maribor

14:00 – 19:00 Workshop/Delavnica
Naučili se boste predelali LED optična svetila in hackali webkamere za izdelovanje mikroskopov. Uporabljali se bodo analogne in digitalne VJ inštrumenti. Na začetku delavnice se bo zbiralo mikroorganizme, ki se bodo uporabljali skozi celotno delavnico. Sprehod do mestnih vodnih površin/ribnikov. //

During the workshop you will learn how to hack LED optics and webcams, and make your own microscope. You will also learn to use analog and digital VJ instruments. At the beginning of the workshop you will also collect microorganisms, which you will use throughout the whole workshop. A short walk to the water surfaces in the city park is planned.

21:00 BioKino/BioVJ Jam session
Javna predstavitev delavnice // Public presentation of the workshop

Zaželjeno je sodelovanje ob celotnem poteku delavnice. Med 19.00 in 20.00 bomo sodelujoče na delavnici tudi nahranili, v sodelovanju z SoulKitchen. Ob zaključku delavnice si boste lahko odnesli domov svoj lastni webcam/mikroskop. //

It is advisable that you stay throughout the whole duration of the workshop. For the participants of the workshop dinner will be served between 19.00 and 20.00 in collaboration with Soulkitchen. At the end of the workshop you can take home your own webcam/microscope.

Prijave zbiramo na email: ali direktno v PostArtLabu, GT22, Maribor //
Reserve your place by email: or directly in PostArtLab, GT22, Maribor
Prispevek k delavnici 10 Eur // Workshop contribution 10 Eur

PostArtLab je laboratorij za AV in hackerske eksperimente. PostArtLab deluje v prostorih GT22.
PostArtLab it’s a laboratory for AV and hackers experiments. PostArtLab is located in the premises of GT22.

GT22 je nova urbana lokacija na Glavnem trgu 22 v Mariboru. To je interdisciplinarni prostor, ki povezuje umetnost in šport in življenje ter ob organski rasti preko analiz vzpostavlja izobraževalno, raziskovalno in produkcijsko platformo.
GT22 is a new urban space located in Glavni Trg 22, in Maribor. This is an interdisciplinary laboratory that brings together forms of life, arts and sports and grows organically. GT22 it’s grounded on research, education and it’s a production oriented platform.

more info on the wiki

The workshop was supported as part of the BioTehna initiative funded through the Swiss Contribution to the enlarged European Union.

MobileLabs Hackathon/BioKino@GT22 from Jerneja Rebernak on Vimeo.

As part of MobileLabs Hackathon, BioTehna, and PostArtLab@GT22 coorganized the BioKino/BioVj workshop.
More than 15 participants (artists, biologists, scientists) were part of the Hackathon in Ljubljana and Maribor.
The video shows is a glimpse of the jam session that took place after the workshop on Sunday 16.6.2013 with the brilliant musician Zvezdana Novakovic.

From BioKino workshop, GT22, MobileLabs Hackathon. Posted by Marc Dusseiller Dusjagr on 6/17/2013 (18 items)

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  1. […] Oskar is a fish! But we really like him. We found him in Maribor, when we did the MobileLab field trip around the local lakes. He is an angry motherf***er and likes to be fed a lot! * * * Interests: […]

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