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BioElectronix for Artists and Geeks, Ljubljana

This workshop on BioElectronix for Artists and Geeks will introduce the participants into the very basics of electronics and simple circuits to be used to measure, amplify and control a living environment, sensing and actuating for biological applications, simple programming of Arduino compatible, cheap microcontrollers aka BioCheapuino. During three evening sessions we will go step-by step through these topics. Activities around the topic of BioElectronix has since the foundation of hackteria helped many artists getting a foot into the DIY methods dealing with biology and enabling them to make and construct their own artistic works.

more detailed info on the wiki

Limited place for participants, maximum 10. please register by mail to marc (at) dusseiller (dot) ch


Target group
students, hackers, makers, scientists, artists, geeks and educators

BioElectronix – Wednesday 7. Nov, 18- 23h

BioTiny – Monday 12. Nov, 18- 23h

BioCulture – Wednesday 21. Nov, 18h – 23h

Location: BioTehna Laboratory @ Kiberpipa
From November onwards, we will start to set up an open laboratory for BioTinkering in one of the “aquariums” of Kiberpipa, the hackerspace next door to the Kapelica Gallery. As a meeting space for bio-geeks, bioartists, tinkerers and educators, it is open to everybody who is interested in developing new DIYbio projects, work on artistic prototypes, share ideas and instructions or just learn from the experts that are active in the lab. The laboratory infrastructure will be set up and increased by the participation of all enthusiast coming to the new labspace.

Dr. Marc Dusseiller aka dusjagr is a transdisciplinary scholar, expert in BioNanoInterfaces and DIY enthusiast.

Flyer_BioElectronix_LJ2012_webShort description fyler/poster. download pdf Flyer_BioElectronix_LJ2012_a4single

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