Stefan's reflections on Solitude Laboratory

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Go Back to The Laboratory Solutide

Hoi Marc, Salut Urs, Hi Yashas

Thank you all very much for having given me the opportunity of participating at the Hackteria@Solitude event.

I had to leave earlier since I had to take care of business back in Zürich (which kind of was important so short before the holiday season and break).

Solitude has been my first event "hackathon-style". I came with not really knowing what's gonna happen (who did ;-)?) or with different expectations at all. I've been struggling with low-energy levels in the past months hence my active participation was (very) limited ... :-/

However, the event - especially now after a 1 day incubation and digestion time - was very, very inspiring and eye-opening for me.

I loved the discussions - in particular the argument regarding the biological experiment after dinner. I would never have expected such discussions to take place and think that this was MY highlight of the stay at solitude (independent on the outcome of experiments .... ;-)).

It has been an amazing environment to see all those talented diy-ers and the cool projects going on.

With the first hands-on experience on the open-drop, i got suck-in into the DMF field and was reading literature on it during my entire train trip back to Zürich ;-). I would love to intensify the DMF activities and push it forward.

One major thing that moves me still after this weekend is the overall handling of the open-source/open-hardware idea. I saw sooooo many frustrations during this weekend, showing me that even though very idealistic, somehow this subject is not resolved yet. I am not intending to start a discussion here but just would like for me personally to get a better grasp at this matter and kind of make up my mind ;-)

Overall big thanks for the weekend, it's organization and giving me access to it. Myself I am organizing for my dance school lot's of events from weekly to monthly to yearly events and know how much energy goes into that.

Big kudos to everyone who supported the happening!

Looking forward to keeping in touch and continuing the journey :-) Cheers, Stefan

ps: any outcome of the bio experiment, the reliability or robustness of the protocol, respectively?