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1. Coconut water is filtered using a filter cloth and accommodated in a clean pan.
1. Coconut water is filtered using a filter cloth and accommodated in a clean pan.
1. 布巾を使ってココナッツウォーターを濾して、しっかり洗った鍋に入れます。
2. Ambillah 10 liter air kelapa yang telah disaring dan masukkan ke dalam panci lain yang telah bersih.
2. Ambillah 10 liter air kelapa yang telah disaring dan masukkan ke dalam panci lain yang telah bersih.

Revision as of 16:01, 12 April 2020

Book Cover

translation: How to make Nata de Coco by Ir. Adang Suryana


Coconut Plant (Latin name: Cocos nucifera) is an annual plant that usually grows in the lowlands. Coconut trees can be found in almost all regions in Indonesia. Coastal areas are the most common where coconut plants grow.

Fig 1 Coconut Plant and its’ fruit

All parts of coconut plants, ranging from trees, leaves to the fruit can be utilized. The benefits include: Coconut leaves can be used for roofing, making decoration, making broom sticks, making skewers, and others. Coconut trees can be used for building materials, household furniture, and others. Coconut fruit, young coconut meat can usually be eaten directly or as a syrup mixture, while the old coconut meat is used as an ingredient in cooking oil, made coconut milk and made snacks.

So far, we know coconut water is only for drinking. Often people just throw it away. In fact, coconut water can be used to make candied coconut juice (commonly known as nata de coco) which can actually generate more money.

Tranlating the book

Langkah-langkah pembuatan "Nata"

1. Air kelapa disaring mengggunakan kain saring dan ditampung ke dalam panci bersih.

1. Coconut water is filtered using a filter cloth and accommodated in a clean pan.

1. 布巾を使ってココナッツウォーターを濾して、しっかり洗った鍋に入れます。

2. Ambillah 10 liter air kelapa yang telah disaring dan masukkan ke dalam panci lain yang telah bersih.

2. Take 10 liters of filtered coconut water and put it in another clean pan.

3. Tambahkan gula pasir 5 sendok makan, ragi roti 1 sendok makan penuh, garam inggris 1/4 sendok teh, asam cuka biang 10 sendok makan (40 sendok makan jika menggunakan cuka makan), kemudian aduk sampai larut.

3 Add 5 tablespoons of sugar, yeast bread 1 full tablespoon, ZA 1 full tablespoon, 1/4 teaspoon British salt, sour vinegar 10 tablespoons (40 tablespoons if using vinegar), then stir until dissolved.

4. Godoglah campuram air kelapa tersebut sampai mendidih selama 15 menit.

4. Boil mix the coconut water until it boils for 15 minutes.

5. Tuangkan air kelapa yang masih panas ke dalam loyang/baki plastik bersih yang sudah disiapkan sebelumnya. Setuao baki diisi 1,5 liter air kelapa.

5. Pour hot coconut water into a clean plastic tray / tray that has been prepared previously. As old as the tray is filled with 1.5 liters of coconut water.

6. Tutuplah cepat-cepat baki yang sudah berisi air kelapa oleh selembar kertas koran.

6. Close the tray that is already filled with coconut water by a piece of newspaper.

7. Dinginkan baki air kelapa di ruang penyimpanan selama +/- 5 jam.

7. Cool the coconut water tray in the storage room for +/- 5 hours.

8. Tambahkan bibit nata ke dalam wadah air kelapa yang sudah dingin secara hati-hati. Botol bibit nata bisa digunakan untuk 5 baki loyang.

8. Add the nata seeds to the carefully cooled container of coconut water. Nata seedling bottles can be used for 5 baking trays.

9. Susunlah baki/loyang air kelapa di atas rak dalam ruang khusus, kemudian diamkan selama 8 hari. Dengan catatan tidak boleh dibuka dan digerak-gerakkan sebelum penyimpananberakhir.

9. Arrange the remaining coconut water / tray on a rack in a separate room, then let it sit for 8 days. The note cannot be opened and moved before the last storage.

10. Amibillah lapisan nata yang relah terbentuk dari tiap-tiap loyang/baki.

10. Take the layers of nata that have formed from each pan / tray.

11. Ambillah lapisan atau selaput tipis pada permukaan lapisan nata dengan cara ditarik hati-hati.

11. Take a thin layer or membrane on the surface of the nata layer by carefully pulling.

12. Cucilah lapisan nata dengan air bersih sampai tidak ada kotoran atau padatan lain yang menempel.

12. Wash the layer of nata with clean water until there is no dirt or other solids attached.

13. Potong-potong lapisan nata dengang lapisan yang tajam berbentuk kubus kecil-kecil.

13. Cut a layer of nata with a sharp layer into small cubes.

14. Rendamlah potongan nata dengan air bersih sampai terendam semuanya selama 2-3 hari.

14. Soak the nata pieces with clean water until they are all submerged for 2-3 days.

15. Cucilah hasil rendaman sampai bersih dengan cara diremas-remas. Apabila potongan nata tersebut dicipi masih terasa asam harus dilanjutkan dengan perepbusan.

15. Wash the results of the marinade thoroughly by squeezing. If the chopped nata is still sour, it must be continued with the repair.

16. Rebuslah ptongan nata selama +/- menit di dalam panci email atau panci stainless sehingga kalau dicicipi, rasa asam dari potongan nata benar-benar sudah hilang.

16. Boil a slice of nata for +/- 30 minutes in an email pan or stainless pan so that when tasted, the sour taste of the nata chunks is completely gone.

17. Tiriskan hasil rebusan di dalam ayakan sampai airnya sebanyak-banyaknya keluar.

17. Drain the stew in a sieve until the water as much as possible comes out.

18. Godoglah ptongan nata dengan air gula selama 30 menit dengan perbandingan: 1 kg potongan nata + air 1 liter (5 gelas minumum) + gula pasir 1/2 kg.

18. Boil chunks of nata with sugar water for 30 minutes by comparison: 1 kg of nata pieces + 1 liter of water (5 cups of drinking water) + 1/2 kg of sugar.

19. Tambahkan air 1/2 bagian dari air yang ditambahkan pada penggodogan no. 18, kemudian dilanjutkan penggodogannya selama 15 menit lagi.

19. Add water 1/2 part of the water added to modification no. 18, then continue to tease for another 15 minutes.

20. Masukkan potongan nata yang masih panas ke dalam kontong plastik ukuran 1 kg, sambil ditimbang sebanyak 1/4 kg, kemudian tambah dengan air gula godogan sampai bungkusan plastik beratnya menjadi 1/2 kg.

20. Insert the hot nata pieces into a 1 kg plastic container, weighing 1/4 kg, then add the boiled sugar water until the plastic bag weighs 1/2 kg.

21. Ikatlah rapat-rapat bungkusan plastik tersebut hingga aman untuk disimpan dan dijual.

21. Tighten the plastic wrap securely to secure and store.