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'''Stitching Together a Solution: Lessons from the Open Source Hardware Response to COVID-19'''
'''‘Viral Design’ - The COVID-19 Crisis as a Global Test Bed for Distributed Design'''
'''‘Viral Design’ - The COVID-19 Crisis as a Global Test Bed for Distributed Design'''

Revision as of 20:48, 10 February 2021

This page is under construction for the 2021 Edition

See docu from the Medizintechnik DIY 2020 Edition

MedTechDIY GroupShot.jpg


Das Modul verbindet Anwendungen der Medizintechnik mit Do It Yourself (DIY) Ansätzen. Dadurch wird das tiefere Verständnis von Medizintechnischen Geräten durch einen direkten, interdisziplinären und möglichst selbstgesteuerten Zugang gefördert. Basierend auf verschiedenen elektrophysiologischen Messmodulen (EMG, EKG, EOG, EEG) entwickeln die Studierenden im Team Ideen für innovative Projekte. Erste Prototypen werden mit den Mitteln der Digitalen Fabrikation hergestellt und getestet.

Covid-19 Schutzmassnahmen



Virtual Lab - 2d Workadventure

Virtuelle RaumEinteiliung.jpg

Siehe Beispiel: https://play.wa.binary-kitchen.de/_/global/fablab-luzern.github.io/wa-fablab-luzern/main.json

Damit wir mit euch gemeinsam eine Woche interagieren, diskutieren und gemeinsam an Projekten arbeiten können, bereiten wir eine virtuelle Arbeitsumgebung auf mit dem Tool "workadventure". Stay tuned for more.

FabLab Horw (Trakt I)

Location fablab.jpg

tbc: Unterrichtsraum E200 (Trakt II) (40 Plätze)

tbc: Sitzungszimmer D1 (Trakt I) (12 Plätze)


Montag, 15. Februar - Freitag 19. Februar 2020

Täglich von 8:30 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 16:30 Uhr

Outdated: WeekgridMedTech2020 update.jpg



  • Read and Reflect
  • Prepare for Team Discussion

Learn 0: Introduction

  • Introduction into DIY and Fablab
  • Introduction of Winterschool
  • Wiki-Intro

Hack 0: Body-Signals

  • Lötle
  • Experimentiere

Learn 1: Un-conferencing

  • Skill Share Sessions - See more on BreakOut Methoden
  • Input Lectures on MedTech and DIY Hacking Cultures

Hack 1:

  • Prototyping
  • Experimenting

Hack 2:

  • Refraining
  • Experimenting
  • more Prototyping


  • Documentation
  • Presentation

Post Production:

  • Final Documentation

Input Lectures


  • Dr. Christian Gehringer
  • Andreas Kopp - Erfindergarten
  • Dr. Greg Gage - Backyard Brains

Schlusspräsentationen / Demos Zeitplan

Skill Share Sessions

Was ist eine Skill Share Session?

SkillShare Schedule2020.jpeg

Wird im Rahmen der Einleitung im Detail erklärt. Hier ein paar Beispiele vom Kurs im Winter 2018.


Student Teams

4 Teams à 4 Studierende

Aufgabe an alle Teams VOR Beginn der Blockwoche.

  • Gebt euch einen eigenen originelle Teamnamen, der mit dem Anfangsbuchstaben A B C D beginnt
  • Erstellt eine Wiki-Seite für euer Team.
  • Lädt ein Bild auf eure Seite
  • Kurzer Beschreib der Teammitglieder

Team Muster 2021

Team A

  • Flühler, Sarina
  • Stalder, Philipp
  • Imfeld, Dominik
  • Ryhner, Lee-Roy

Shared jitsiRoom: https://jitsi.binary-kitchen.de/fablablu-teama

Team B

  • Hänzi, Michèle
  • Shansajan Sivadasan
  • Monteiro, Diogo
  • Gücer, Ceyda

Shared jitsiRoom: https://jitsi.binary-kitchen.de/fablablu-teamb

Team C

  • Lüscher Amanda
  • Steiger, David
  • Cortez, Manuel
  • Arifi, Jetmir

test! hallo. Test2

Shared jitsiRoom: https://jitsi.binary-kitchen.de/fablablu-teamc

Team D

  • Rudow, Jonathan
  • Nguyen, Khanh Bang
  • Gut, Andre
  • Kablan, Maï Jayme

Shared jitsiRoom: https://jitsi.binary-kitchen.de/fablablu-teamd

Beispiele aus alten Jahrgängen:

Am Abschluss der Blockwoche, soll für jedes Team auf dieser Frontseite eine kurze Zusammenfassung gemacht werden.

Beispiel für Zusammenfassung auf Frontseite

  • In einem ersten Abschnitt soll jedes Team in eingen wenigen Sätzen ihre Zusammenfassung und Reflektion beschreiben.
  • Zusätzlich einen wiki-link zu ihrem Skill-share einfügen, und evt in einem Satz beschreiben.
  • Im zweiten Abschnitt ein Überblick über die Prototypen der verschiedenen Projekten als Fotogallerie und 1-2 Sätze dazu.

Doku Beispiel Zusammenfassung.jpg


Team 2020 Mentorzz



  • Pflichtlektüren gelesen
  • Aktive Teilnahme an allen Tagen der Blockwoche


Wiki-Seite pro Gruppe (70%) mit:

  • Reflektion zu Readings / Input Vorlesungen
  • Dokumentation der Experimente während der Woche

(Experimente, Resultate, Erkenntnisse, Links/Resourcen, Bilder)

  • Dokumentation des Skill-Share Session

(Vorbereitung, Durchführung, Erfahrungen, Links, Resourcen)

Schlusspräsentation in der Gruppe am Freitag (30%)

Abgabetermin Wiki-Seiten: tbd 2021, 23:59


Urs Gaudenz aka Gaudi

Urs Gaudenz is an engineer and interdisciplinary scholar working in Lucerne, Switzerland. He was born 1971 in Seattle USA. He got his master in science of Microtechnologoy from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne. Subsequent to that he attended Post-Graduate programs in international business and innovation-management. In 2016 completed the course of study in the Principles and Applications of Synthetic Biology as directed by Georg Curch, Professor of Genetics at Hardward Medical School. He is founder of GaudiLabs, a third space for third culture. He is a founding member and member of the board of Hackteria International Society. He is currently on the faculty of the Lucerne School for Applied Science and Arts. In his professional practice, Urs Gaudenz makes use of various forms of work and expression such as prototype development, open scientific research and collaborative workshops. He is combining his different backgrounds to explore new technological and cultural fields and his works often emerges out of the void in this intersection. Remarkable in his work is the wide span from speculative and futuristic to very functional and applied. He worked with and was inspired by Dr. Marc Dusseiller - dusjagr labs, the Swiss Mechatronic Art Society, the GynePunk, BioDesign for the Real World, Sci | Art NanoLab Summer Institute at UCLA, LifePatch. He was invited to give workshops or exhibit projects at renown institutions and festivals such as Ars Electronica - Projekt Genesis, ISEA - International Symposium on Electronic Art, DOCK18, space for media cultures of the world, Kapelica Gallery / BioTehna, Schloss Werdenberg, N/O/D/E festival, Medialab-Prado Madrid, CYNETART-Festival - Trans-Media-Akademie.


Dr. Marc R. Dusseiller aka dusjagr

Marc Dusseiller aka dusjagr is a nomadic researcher and workshopologist. He is part of the Center for Alternative Coconut Research and co-founder of SGMK and the Global Hackteria Network, Co-organiser of GOSH, Gathering for Open Science Hardware. He loves making DIWO laboratories for creative biological experimentation and works in an integral way, combining science, art and education. He has worked as guest faculty and mentor at various schools, Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Bangalore (IN), UCSB (USA) and in Switzerland, FHNW, HEAD, ETHZ. He lives and works in Zürich, Yogyakarta and Taipei. He also loves synhtesizers and coconuts.

See more about dusjagr and full biography

Chris Obrist

Chris ist seit 2015 Fabmanager im FabLab Luzern.

Nach eine Ausbildung zum Werbefachmann hat er den Bachelor in Kunst und Vermittlung der Hochschule Luzern, Design & Kunst gemacht. Als Kunstler hatte er bereit verschiedene Ausstellungen und Live-Performances.


Silvan Wirthensohn

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Assistenz Lehre Medizintechnik.


Dr. Christian Gehringer, MSc. (ETH)


Gründungsmitglied des gemeinnützigen Vereins ”et al° | Vereinigung Wissenschaft, Kultur und Medizin”. Interesse an 3D-Druck, Mikrophotographie, Schwimmen, generative Kunst, Konstruktion von Robotern und Reisen. Teilnahme am 35C3 mit einem selbst konstruierten 3D-Drucker und einem motorisierten Sessel.

See more about Christian on his website [1].

Andreas Kopp

Maker Extraordinaire.


Pflichtlektüre & Videos / Compulsary Readings

Warum Do-It-Your-Self in der Lehre? Ein Artikel der über unsere Arbeit geschrieben wurde: https://www.hackteria.org/wiki/images/a/ac/SATW_INFO_2-15_DIY-Bio_DE.pdf

Marc und ich sind im internationalen Hackteria Netzwerk aktiv. Was ist Hackteria? https://www.hackteria.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/hackteria_interview_MCD68.pdf

Die elektrophysiologischen Messmodulen wurden von unserem Freund Greg Gage entwickelt. Hier ein TED Video dazu: https://youtu.be/rSQNi5sAwuc

Und was ist eigentlich OpenSource? https://youtu.be/a8fHgx9mE5U

Dann brauchen wir für unsere Experimente ein Arduino. Wenn ihr das nicht schon kennt, schaut euch das mal an: https://youtu.be/nL34zDTPkcs

Und wer noch mehr TED schauen möchte, den finden wir auch gut: https://youtu.be/GayY-mjZXrQ

Open Culture did not start with the invention of the computer

Open Culture is a concept according to which knowledge should be spread freely and its growth should come from developing, altering or enriching already existing works on the basis of sharing and collaboration, without being restricted by rules linked to the legal protection of intellectual property. In a context of globalization, the consequence is that all citizens should have equal access to information.


Fab Charta



Biotechnology for All / DIY in bioanalytics: doing and grasping it yourself. SATW publication 2015

SATW article cover.png

SATW Info 2/15 – Biotechnology for all / DIY in bioanalytics: doing and grasping it yourself.

«Do it yourself» in der Bioanalytik – zum Download auf Deutsch

"Biotechnologische Forschung findet heute nicht mehr nur in spezialisierten Labors statt. Eine wachsende Gemeinschaft von Biologen, Bastlern und Technikbegeisterten experimentiert in Küchen, Werkstätten und Eigenbau-Labors. Einige sehen in der Demokratisierung der Biotechnologie eine Gefahr; andere die Chance für ein besseres Verständnis von komplexen wissenschaftlichen Zusammenhängen in der Gesellschaft."

The article from SATW Info 2/15 – Biotechnology for all / DIY in bioanalytics: doing and grasping it yourself is available for download in German, English and French. The pedagogic conecpt and educational kits were developed during a project funded by the Swiss Academy for Engineering Sciences (SATW), together with hackteria, M. Dusseiller and U. Gaudenz, and FHNW School for Lifesciences, Dr. D. Gygax, during a workshop with an interdisciplinary group of participants. More info here.

Interview in "The Art of Free and Open Science", MCD#68

MCD 86 hackteria.png

Mehr zum Artikel und Interview in MCD#68

Interview zum Download in Englisch

Hackteria is a network of people practicing DIY (do-it-yourself) biology with an interest in art, design and interdisciplinary cooperation. The network was founded in 2009 by Yashas Shetty, Andy Gracie and Marc Dusseiller and now includes not only scientists, engineers and artists, as you would expect, but also philosophers, entrepreneurs, and even foodies and chefs. Hackteria operates on a global scale, and is based on a web platform and a wiki for sharing knowledge, which enable anyone to learn but also test different ways of hacking living systems. Hackteria is not based in a physical space, and its goal is to allow artists, scientists and hackers to collaborate and test various biohacking and bioart techniques outside the official laboratories and art institutions, basically anywhere in the world.


How to control someone else's arm with your brain | Greg Gage

As grad students at the University of Michigan, co-founders Tim and Greg often interacted with schoolchildren during neuroscience outreach events. We often wanted to show real "spiking" activity to students, but this was impossible due to the high cost of equipment. By using off-the-shelf electronics, we designed kits that could provide insight into the inner workings of the nervous system.

Go and look at their website! Backyard Brains - Neuroscience For Everyone!

What is Open Source explained in LEGO

You can learn Arduino in 15 minutes

The ultimate Arduino tutorial for beginners. Learn how to choose an Arduino, dim LEDs, build a motor speed controller and more.

"Simplicity: We know it when we see it" | George Whitesides

Simplicity: We know it when we see it -- but what is it, exactly? In this funny, philosophical talk, George Whitesides chisels out an answer.

More about Simplicity, in the specific case of "A lab the size of a postage stamp"

"Why toys make good medical devices | Jose Gomez-Marquez

We develop empowerment technologies for health. We believe that innovation and design happens at the frontline of healthcare where providers and patients can invent everyday technologies to improve outcomes. By radically democratizing the tools of medical creation, we seek to enable front line patients and providers to invent answers to disease burdens.


Weiterführende Links und Literatur

Maker-Response to COVID-19 Pandemic

Open Source Medical Supplies


Hier eine Visualisierung der OSMS Aktivitäten

Fokus Open Source: Die Gesund-Maker - Stethoskope aus der Kellerwerkstatt


Maker response in France


Stitching Together a Solution: Lessons from the Open Source Hardware Response to COVID-19


‘Viral Design’ - The COVID-19 Crisis as a Global Test Bed for Distributed Design


How to use this wiki

Dear participants, please make sure you prepare your account and get some first experience in using a wiki, in this case it's MediaWiki the same software on which the famous wikipedia has been created. The previous link directs you to many instructions on how to use a wiki. look at it.

Try it out and create a new page for your team's project notes and documentation, give it a reasonable name.

Ich Komme Nicht Draus


To prevent spam, we have a catcha in place. At the bottom of the page, when you edit something, you need to reply to a simple question. So we make sure you are not a robot :-)

Change your password

You should have received a login by now. In the right upper corner you should see a link to your user preferences. Please change your password!

Use Category

Make sure you add the following line at the end of all the pages you create, so it will be sorted all in the same category. Future students will be happy!

[[ Category:MedTech-DIY ]]


Please write a few sentences about yourself, add links to your other websites, blogs, biographies, artworks.

  • try to add images
  • "internal links" to other pages on the hackteria wiki
  • "external likns" to websites
  • embed a youtube video?

You can always click the "edit" link on this or other pages to see how stuff has been written in the mediawiki language.