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Content of Front Page


Old Main Page

Old wiki frontpage.jpg For almost 8 years we have left the structure of our wiki main page they way we set it up on the first day... this is about to change now! If you are still looking for it, here you go to the Old Main Page

Collection of Open Source Art Projects

HackteriaWiki Projects.jpg See new Project page Collection of DIY Biology, Open Source Art Projects, with the full list of projects

Generic Lab Equipment

Urs tools.jpg To start up an independent and open lab it is crucial to get affordable lab equipment (besides having an enthusiastic and open group of people, see How to start a BioLab). Most of the tools we use are do it your self (DIY) and open source and are built from widely available and recycled parts found in consumer products such as DVD drives, hard disks and pc fans.

HUMUS sapiens

Humus sapiens.png We bring DIY (do it yourself) and DIWO (do it with others) approaches as well as an open source based ‘hacker spirit’ into soil ecology. We invite you to reflect on current scientific discourses and critical societal challenges through hands-on tinkering and curiosity driven research. We are building a network of soil enthusiasts for long-term collaborative research and invite YOU to join us.

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Welcome to the

About Hackteria

Hackteria | Open Source Biological Art, DIY Biology, Generic Laboratory Infrastructure

Hackteria is an international network active since 2009 in the field of Open Source Biological Art. As a community platform hackteria tries to encourage the collaboration of scientists, hackers and artists to combine their experitise, write critical and theoretical reflections, share simple instructions to work with lifescience technologies and cooperate on the organization of workshops, temporary labs, hack-sprints and meetings. Hackteria is a network of people practicing DIY (do-it-yourself) and DIWO (do-it-with-others) biology with an interest in art, design and interdisciplinary cooperation. Hackteria operates on a global scale, and is based on a web platform and a wiki for sharing knowledge, which enable anyone to learn but also test different ways of hacking living systems. Hackteria is not based in a physical space, and its goal is to allow artists, scientists and hackers to collaborate and test various biohacking and bioart techniques outside the official laboratories and art institutions, basically anywhere in the world.

See our front website also for more info, news and articles.

A lot has been written about hackteria, see our overview of press and media.

A General Overview Document about Hackteria, constantly updated and improved can be downloaded here: File:Hackteria_Overview_Mar2023.pdf

Global Hackteria Network

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About the the Global Hackteria Network

Some people are described on this wiki

How to get involved

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Wiki, Forum.... just do it!

International Hackteria Society

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About the International Hackteria Society
Under the name “International Hackteria Society”, is an association according to article 60ff of the Swiss Civil Code (ZGB) with seat in Zürich. The association aims to guarantee the organizational and financial processes of the project “Hackteria | Open Source Biological Art”. It wants to further development and access to practical knowledge in artistic engagement with the lifesciences. It wants to create platforms for public discussions and invite international artists and scientists for critical and theoretical discourse. The association works as a non- profit organization to reach its aims.

Current Board and Members of the Society

How to get involved

Using the wiki

Good question! We had to lock account creation due to spam bots.

Password recovery is fixed. So if you forgot... click send to mail adress (if you registered with it), or get in contact with some of the admins.

Join the Forum

Forum.... just do it!

Use our BigBlueButton for meetings

Join our own mega cloud

We have a nextcloud instance on:

Contact dusjagr, if you want to have an account.

Do your own hackteria-style workshops

Just do it! Bring loads of fun stuff to play with, good people and start experimenting, sharing, documenting, jammin!


Workshops Overview

View list of all workshops that happened so far [1]

Publications / Zines

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Zines in progress...

And a collection of articles that have been write on hackteria activities, see Press Coverage and others on our front page.

Hackteria Open Science Lab - Zürich


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HackteriaLabs, Temporary Labs and Collaborative Production Events

Temporary Labs

Temporary Labs Overview


HackteriaLab 2010 - Zurich
HackteriaLab 2011 - Romainmotier
HackteriaLab 2013 - Bangalore
HackteriaLab 2014 - Yogyakarta
HackteriaLab 2017 - Klöntal
HackteriaLab 2019 - Taiwan to be defined
ハクテリア 合宿 - Oki Wonder Lab 2020

Core Methodologies

On the collaboration of scientists, hackers and artists in the organization of workshops, temporary labs, hack-sprints and meetings.

Workshopology, shared practice of giving workshop
Lab Making - How to start a BioLab
Lab Registration BSL1 - Transparency first!


HLab Reflections

Hack-session: Xenopia


hallo text

Workshop: Kitchenlab Bioplastic

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Workshop: 12:00 – 18:00, , Saturday, 13. July 2024

During the afternoon there will be a Workshop on Biomaterials, by Elisa Chaveneau (FR) and Maya Minder, where you can dive into the topic of bioplastic as novel material research. Starting point is the kitchen lab!


From end of April until 12 of June 2024, Marc Dusseiller aka dusjagr had the opportunity for a research and networking trip to various places in South America, Buenos Aires and Mendoza in Argentina, Montevideo in Uruguay and Santiaga and Valdivia in Chile. The connections to local initiatives have been built on earlier collaborations in the GOSH community, various people with shared interests in building DIY instruments for environmental monitoring and promotion of Open Science Hardware, connected through the GOSH forum and the Hackteria Network.

CNX OpenLab


LLL CoLaboratory (เหลู้าบ แลบ) is a "do-it-with-others" Art & Science open laboratory. Our goal is to gather the enthusiastic people and work on various of multidisciplinary and speculative projects. We organize a 5-days "OPEN LAB" session for everyone to access. We are providing a space for share equipment, material, consulting, workshop and opensource for learning and working on projects. There will be workshops from the organizer. However, there also a flexible session for participant to decide. The session has no limit to creativity - let's see how the opensource community bring us to the next level of imagination.

LLL stands for Laab-Lu-Lao, which directly refers to Laab (Thai minced meat with spice - usually raw), Lu (Meat with raw blood), and Lao (Alcohol). These three are known for the party night of the local culture. Laab-Lu-Lao is also a literary meme since the past. เหลู้าบ is a wordplay by combining the three words together - Laab (ลาบ), Lu (หลู้), and Lao (เหล้า). The term เหลู้าบ is not possible to pronounce. There is evidence that shows that this type of wordplay existed in ancient Lanna language.

Surf and Turf Tissue Culture BBQ

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Hands-on Wetlab Bioart Workshop in Tissue Culture with Adam Zaretsky and Lyndsey Walsh

Overview of the history and art history of tissue culture, the social, bioethical and pure hype dimensions of applications like: lab grown meat, bioart medical arts and engineering of artificial organs, medical tourism for stem cell therapy, reducing animal use in environmental toxicology and how to make trangenic embryonic stem cell clones by the millions.

Abao Residency

This experiment is composed with two existed paper, one is to synthesis AgNW with Psidium Guajava seed, and the other one is to synthesis transparent conductive layer by transferring AgNWs which are light sintered by Riso print Gocco lamps. Guava seeds contain some compounds, such as polyphenols and alkaloids, which can reduce silver nitrate under certain conditions, thereby promoting the growth and stability of silver nanowires. These compounds acted as reducing agents and stabilizers during the preparation process, thus enabling a green synthesis method without external stabilizers. For the light sintering of AgNW, a local Japanese toy kit "RISO PRINT GOCCO LAMP" is used to replace the IPL (intense pulsed light) in the original paper. The sintered AgNW is formed on glass and then be transferred to a PVB film.

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施惟捷 Shih Wei Chieh (aka Abao) works with wearable art, e-textile, and laser audiovisual. He is also a self-taught material science researcher. His "Laser Dye Project" innovates an optical textile printing method by programmable laser projector and New Cyanotype solution, which inspire him to explore the trans-disciplinary collaboration between new medias and traditional craft techniques. He’s the founder of “Tribe Against Machine”, a project exploring how culture preservation works with modern technologies. His current research develops a DIY dye sensitized solar glass made with natural dye in a large size format, which is used for both energy and as a smart interface for sonic art.

Another way to make conductive transparent layer with guava seeds and RISO PRINT GOCCCO LAMPS

MedTech-DIY @ HSLU, Luzern

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Das Modul verbindet Anwendungen der Medizintechnik mit Do It Yourself (DIY) Ansätzen. Dadurch wird das tiefere Verständnis von Medizintechnischen Geräten durch einen direkten, interdisziplinären und möglichst selbstgesteuerten Zugang gefördert. Basierend auf verschiedenen elektrophysiologischen Messmodulen (EMG, EKG, EOG, EEG) entwickeln die Studierenden im Team Ideen für innovative Produkte. Erste Prototypen werden mit den Mitteln der Digitalen Fabrikation hergestellt und getestet.

September 2023

microcoises - microqueering



In a third Phase of international exchange within the GlobaLAMP project, Collaborative Development of Isothermal Amplification & Devices, funded by a GOSH grant through the Sloan Foundation, we are happy to enable a research visit of Stephane Fadanka, Mboalab (Younde, Cameroon), to Yogyakarta, Indonesia, to collaborate with Akbar Nur Arofattulah, UGM / Widya Life Science

"Terbuka Untuk Aku dan Kamu" - TUAK residensi in Tuban @ Prewangan Studio

Prewangan is an open and collaborative citizen-initiated studio, working on creative and effective applications in the fields of education, science, arts and technology. The Prewangan Studio practice focuses on making, developing, and experimenting with objects or products with a DIY (Do It Yourself) spirit. The members of Prewangan Studio consist of teachers, multimedia artists, furniture practitioners, electrical practitioners, puppeteers, business practitioners in the agricultural and maritime fields, designers, music practitioners, veterinarians, and also the community as collaborators.

Soil Microscopy Workshop and bio-VJ Night @ Hackteria ZET - Open Science Lab, Zürich

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Film presentation: “Civilization, Technology and Consciousness - Peter Lamborn Wilson / Hakim Bey” and discussion with Felix Stalder

13. March 2023, Monday

We are happy to announce an interesting film screening and discussion evening this coming Monday, 13th March 2023, in our beautiful shared hackerspace, Bitwäscherei, in the former Zentralwäscherei Zürich, ZWZ. Hakim Bey, famous as the author of “Temporary Autonomous Zone”, has been shaping thoughts and practices of many activitsts and utopians as a "cyberguru" in the 90ies, aswell as influencing some of hackteria's activities also termed "TAL - Temporary Autonomous Laboratory", held in Geneva, Yogyakarta or Maribor.

What has he been saying 30 years later in his life?

A team around Konrad Becker & Felix Stalder has been interviewing him in the last weeks of his life, and has put together a highly interesting documentary, which puts many of Hakim Bey's thoughts in a new light.

Join us to watch this film and discussion with Felix Stalder

More info in the wiki here.

ROŠA - Regional Open Science Hardware & Art, Indonesia

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"A regional event series combining a longer on-site residency, aswell as a research & production lab, local outreach and a gathering of interesting players from the region of South East Asia."

ELQEH - Eco-Logic Queer Energy Harvesting/ eco loxicas cuir xeradoras de enerxía eólica


We have the pleasure to communicate you that from 16 to 23 of October Biotranslab from Pin and The Foundry establishes a collaboration to run the event Eco (i) Logic Queer Energy harvesting. The project is possible thanks to the support of GOSH, an network for develop and disseminate projects based on Open Source hardware for Science. here the link to the forum [2] here the link to the aplication [3]

Eco (i) Logic Queer Energy harvesting The event aims at addressing the lack of women, queer, trans and diversity in technological fields in general and hacking more specifically. But even more so, it aims at creating a community that critically assesses the hegemonic narratives around technologies, the modernity aspects of its underlining Western assumptions and its inherent capitalist inflections, among others. The main purpose of the event is to develop kits that focus on interacting with the natural environment on the field of energy.. the main objective lies on harvesting energy of the natural environment, through wind turbines. These power kits will be scalable and can be used both as pedagogical material and to set up site-specific power plants in different sites as well. There is a counter-infrastructural component to this work: one possible consequence would be to empower people to generate their own energy instead of relying on large and often extractive companies.


GloablLAMPAfrica.jpg This is the second phase of the project. For the first phase we met in Paris at the Learning Planet Institute (LPI) GlobalLAMP-Paris to develop ideas and device prototypes and made first comparative measurements. In this second phase we are working on producing the devices in medium-scale and focus more on the applicability of the developed equipment in a real-world scenario. Two devices, the open source qLAMP - by Francisco Quero and the qPocketPCR by Urs Gaudenz at GaudiLabs were developed further to a near production ready level. We will now establish a production chain to build the first batch of devices and the necessary reaction mixes that later on will be used to test the system in the field. To get better insight into potential applications and the use in a real world scenario we gathered at MboaLab in Yaoundé, Cameroon to test systems and meet local experts from the field.

UROŠ - Ubiquitous Rural Open Science Hardware

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Discussed on GOSH forum here.

Mind thGAP

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Mind thGAP, see description on website, is a collaborative Programme with Hackteria ZET – Open Science Lab in Zürich – Research Node: ReproTech & Art / Germline Hacks and Designer Babies, Adam Zaretsky Cristian Delgado, Paula Pin and Marc Dusseiller, with representatives of psyFert and BEAK, the Bioart Ethical Advisory Kommission.

Current Collaborators: Adam Zaretsky (USA), Cristian Delgado (MX), Marc Dusseiller (CH), Paula Pin (ES) invite you to join!!!

Join our discussions on the forum if you want to collaborate with us!

New Lab-Space in Zürich at Bitwäscherei

See more on the [4]

Workshops, workshops, workshops!

See the post on the frontpage.

MycoLove - Workshop zur DIY herstellung von Pilzkulturen

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Mémoires from Germline Hacks and Body Mods


Make you own CRISPR-Baby

Workshop Series


... stay tuned!

Recent Activities

Kraut Source Energy @ Esch Cultural Europa Capital 2022

Svar Simpson In TransIT/HE/THEY and Energy Drawing Workshop

In Transit: a presentation on the art and life experience of transition. A report by Svar Simpson. Artist and Trans-activist, Svar Simpson invites you to join him for some candid talk and explicit visuals, describing his transition from the late 90"s to the present day, AND into the future. He presents and enlarges upon photographic imagery of art and self, and film and video footage shot in millennial London. A short-dive into the queer history of a London artist. Advocating Gender Freedom and the construction of an all-inclusive polysexual identity, he challenges the binary banalities of a reproductive sex culture and the splitting imposition of the binary gender classification. Followed by Q&A.

Compost - The Open Bin @ on-curating Project Space

Friday, March 25, 20:00 CET

Compost: Humus Sapiens, Panel and Discussion with with Malte Larsen, Maya Minder, Linda Mary Montano, Andreas Siagian, Adam Zaretsky from The Humus Sapiens Network. Part of the Lumbpung Network of Ruangrupa curated Documenta 15.

Workshop: Biodegradable Sound Vol. 1

Saturday, 19. March 2022, 14:00 - 19:00

Biodegradable Sound is a workshop series which explores concepts of biodegradability as they apply to music, instrument making, and the sonic arts. In Vol. 1, participants will learn how to craft and etch their own biodegradable “vinyl” records (made of seaweed, gelatin, and various natural pigments). Participants will not only create their own bioplastic records, they will also etch sounds of their choosing onto the biomaterials using a record etcher provided at the workshop.

BadLab @ Open Source Body

BadLab as the female part of Hackteria is attending the Open Source Body Festival in Paris, 20.-22th June 2021 [Open Source Body]

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MedTech-DIY @ HSLU, Luzern

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Das Modul verbindet Anwendungen der Medizintechnik mit Do It Yourself (DIY) Ansätzen. Dadurch wird das tiefere Verständnis von Medizintechnischen Geräten durch einen direkten, interdisziplinären und möglichst selbstgesteuerten Zugang gefördert. Basierend auf verschiedenen elektrophysiologischen Messmodulen (EMG, EKG, EOG, EEG) entwickeln die Studierenden im Team Ideen für innovative Produkte. Erste Prototypen werden mit den Mitteln der Digitalen Fabrikation hergestellt und getestet.

Feb 2021


Photon Idiosynchronicity

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GaudiLabs Quantum-Resifrenzy

Dates: 12 - 14. Nov

An Idiot's Electrodibles Workshop

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More info here:

Date and Time: Sunday 22. Nov 2020, 17h - 20h

Hackteria Global Network - assembly at rC3

Get involved and join our dicsussion on the forum to setup a programme together for the rC3!

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Hackteria X Why ZET

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Oki Wonder Lab

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As part of our HLabX_Programme this will be the more durational research based camp, hosted in Okinawa, co-ordinated by Toru and dusjagr, to be held in Spring 2020. Main Activities in Okinawa from 25. March until 15. April. Some activites post-lab are also in preparations, trip to Taiwan and more field-research in Okinawa.

ハクテリア 合宿 - Oki Wonder Lab is a concentrated gathering of people working transdisciplinary who are interested in creative biological fields and any other areas which intrigue the critical interaction across art and science. In the past, Hackteria has been organising both carefully planned and/or spontaneous activities. The HackteriaLabs have been providing vessels which create international networks and potential collaboration to emerge and flourish. HackteriaLab's main focus always has been on the process of interaction between creative people, between professionals and amateurs, providing a stimulant for collaborative processes; for developing new ideas which connect and embrace the cultural diversities of the participants; and to address societal challenges through experiments with DIWO Culture, with material, technique, and nature through hands-on tinkering, curiosity driven research and never ending inquisitiveness.

HLabX Kick-Off Trip - Taiwan-Jogja

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During this trip we brought together our partners for HLabX from Okinawa and Taipei, aswell joining our friends from Lifepatch, Yogyakarta, and their collaborators from OCAC, during their stay in Taiwan. We then went on to Jogja for more intense meetings and getting to know each other, reflecting on earlier collaborative projects with Lifepatch, such as HackteriaLab 2014 - Yogyakarta and share interesting experiments on food, fermentation and more.

HLabX Jogja Meeting

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BadLab Zurich

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Student Courses

DIY Experiment zu Hause - Praktikum II, D-MATL, ETHZ

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HUMUS sapiens retreat 2019


This year we meet from 25.-27.10.2019 in the woods near Munich.

Please write to on which days you would like to be there (with or without accommodation), and whether you already have a topic / project idea in mind or would like to give a workshop. Soil creation and regeneration requires a tightly intertwined and interwoven network of organisms and matter, from microbes to animals and plants. The crosstalk between all of those compounds enables seeds to sprout on fertile soil. We believe that this diversity is always the key to creativity and innovation: HUMUS sapiens creates interdisciplinary crosstalk and collaboration from scientists, biohackers, artists and ecologists to farmers and gardeners, to share and build knowledge and tools for soil analysis and regeneration

Abao in GaudiLabs micro-Residency

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Documentation coming soon...

Wormolution - Hackteria Temporary Autonomous Laboratory @ 1000 Ecologies, Geneva

12. - 15. September, Le Commun, Geneva, Switzerland

Hackteria coordinates a Temporary Autonomous Laboratory during the early phase of “1000 Ecologies” inviting international researchers, artists and entrepreneurs as participants. The lab as a temporary construction should allow researchers from the fields of biology and engineering to collaborate with artists and so create links between the "two cultures", the human sciences and the arts. On the topic of “Wormolution” participants will explore the territory between plastic as the abundant material of our society and the natural metabolisms and processes in nature. By combining their expertise, share simple instructions and engaging in critical and theoretical reflections artists and scientists will create new ways to combine multiple ecologies, maybe in a circular, maybe in a whole new way of freedom and awareness.

UGM Organizing Society Hackteria Lecture

13:00 - 15:00 Augustus 21. 2019 in Collaboration with Zita

BioElectronics and BioMaterials Workshop, ISI, Yogyakarta August, 2019

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Welcome to the Odin Biohacking 101 Class in gene-editing discussion and hands-on session from 9.1.-24.4.2019 Swiss Edition.

Four months of remote cooking, learning, sewing for future gatherings. Various locations in and around Zurich and other spaces across Switzerland.

RandeLab Easter(H)egg 2019

Super-natural imaging

TeZ & Gaudi: Preview of their upcoming research activities. “For this year I want to do more of the beautiful things again. So for me this is in the direction of bio-feedback systems, aura imaging, experiments with water and photons, DNA... I have got some ideas there.” - Urs Gaudenz, 2019

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Kirlian photography and a collection of other super-natural imaging techniques have been the subject of mainstream scientific research, parapsychology research and art. Let's see.

BioPunk: Feed, Food, Fermentation

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We have several invited guests coming through Zurich and are hosting a day of experimentation and discussions in Shedhalle. Hackteria has always been focusing strongly 2 things: the development of new workshop concepts and establishing a global collaborative network. With this in mind we have planned a series of research visits by interesting practitioners working in the field of bioart, new media, food & fermentation culture. The goal of these visits is to establish a collaborative interaction phase with local artists from Switzerland (mostly in Zurich) and invite a public audience for interesting interactions.

Make you own CRISPR-Baby

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Join us for a deeper engagement on various methods of germline interventions. The germline is the river of heredity (i.e. sperm, ova, zygote) that you as a human are a part of. A gene from a non-human would need to be inserted into the river of humanity to make that person and their descendants interspecies transgenic. We will introduce DIY tools & toys for playful speculations on who, how and where we can envision our future offspring human /non-human watermelon inheritable post-species palettes. Through a collaborative and performative workshop, Marc Dusseiller aka dusjagr, Megan Daalder and Adam Zaretsky, will guide the group throughout the evening.

Schedule: 6 – 9 pm, Friday 22nd Feb 2019

HUMUS.Sapiens on TOUR

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Collection of DIY Biology, Open Source Art Projects

See new Project page Collection of DIY Biology, Open Source Art Projects and here you find the Old Main Page for now... until we made a new structure here in the front.

But because this one is such a claaassiiic! We leave it here for reflection...

Project 1: The Bacterial Net- Microbial Telecommunications.

Quorum sensing is a type of decision-making process used by decentralized groups to coordinate behavior. Many species of bacteria use quorum sensing to coordinate their gene expression according to the local density of their population.The Bacterial Net attempts to transfer this decision making process over the Internet. Using Microcontollers and sensors to detect bacterial population and a public web service that helps transfer sensor information. The Bacterial Net is an exploration in bringing the Internet into the Natural Ecosystem.

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