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Marc Dusseiller (CH); Pei-Wen Liu (CH/TW); Leo Bettina Roost (CH); Erich Berger (AT/FI); Nur Akbar Arrofatullah (ID); Boris Magrini (CH); Kaspar König (CH/NL); Wawies Wisnu Wisdantio (ID) & special Guests
Marc Dusseiller (CH); Pei-Wen Liu (CH/TW); Leo Bettina Roost (CH); Erich Berger (AT/FI); Nur Akbar Arrofatullah (ID); Boris Magrini (CH); Kaspar König (CH/NL); Wawies Wisnu Wisdantio (ID) & special Guests
More infos: http://hackteria.org/wiki/Schaffhausen

Revision as of 18:21, 10 May 2014

Hackteria: Biologische Kunst - Wissenschaft, Natur und Biohacking, Donnerstag, 12. Juni bis Samstag, 14. Juni

Veranstaltungsreihe "Hackteria: Biologische Kunst - Wissenschaft, Natur und Biohacking"

Organisiert von Marc Dusseiller und Hackteria, in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Kunstverein Schaffhausen.


In den mittlerweile 5 Jahren seit der Gründung von "Hackteria | Open Source Biological Art" hat sich ein globales Netzwerk entwickelt, welches mit einem Ansatz der radikalen Transdisziplinarität, wie auch einer Offenheit zum Amateurismus in der Ausseinandersetzung mit Themen der Biologie durch künstlerische, wissenschaftliche und DIY (do-it-yourself) Praktiken widmet. Ein Schwerpunkt des Projektes ist es über die Website hackteria.org einen niederschwelligen Zugang zu schaffen für Künstler, Hacker / Maker, Forscher und Pädagogen sich ein Know-how anzueignen um selbstständing in einfachen und selbstgebauten Heimlaboren mit Biotechnologie, Umweltanalytik und Genetik zu experimentieren. Im Rahmen von 1-2 wöchigen Veranstaltungen, das HackteriaLab 2010 - 2014, trafen sich regelmässig eine Vielzahl von internationalen Teilnehmer, um gemeinsam in kollaborativer Praxis an neuen Projekten zu tüfteln, ihr Wissen durch Workshops und Präsentationen untereinander und mit der Öffentlichkeit zu teilen und durch interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit eine gemeinsame und konstruktive neue Sprache / Methodik zu finden.

Im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe "Hackteria: Biologische Kunst - Wissenschaft, Natur und Biohacking" im Museum zu Allerheiligen, versuchen wir gewisse Aspekte unserer Ativitäten

Hackteria Workshop: DIY Mikroskopie

Donnerstag, 12. Juni, 13.30 - 18 Uhr

Ein eigenes Do-it-Yourself Mikroskop bauen. Kurs für SchülerInnen und weitere Interessierte. CHF 25.- inkl. Material

Hackteria Soirée: Nature, Art & Science

Freitag, 13. Juni, 18.15 Uhr

Diskussionsrunde über Biokunst, Biohacking und Transdisziplinarität mit Gästen aus Finnland und Indonesien. Moderiert von Marc Dusseiller und Boris Magrini

Hackteria Listening Fields

Samstag, 14. Juni, 11.30 Uhr

Klangspaziergang auf dem Randen mit internationalen Soundkünstlern

Hackteria Natural Soundscapes

Samstag, 14. Juni, 20.00 Uhr

Biologisch inspirierte Klangexperimente und Soundperformances

Links zu Partnern




short link to Schaffhausen


Dr. Marc Dusseiller (CH)

Dr. Marc R. Dusseiller is a transdisciplinary scholar, lecturer for micro- and nanotechnology, cultural facilitator and artist. He works in an integral way to combine science, art and education. He performs DIY (do-it-yourself) workshops in lo-fi electronics, hardware hacking, microscopy, music and robotics. He was co-organizing Dock18, Room for Mediacultures, diy* festival (Zürich, Switzerland), KIBLIX 2011 (Maribor, Slovenia), workshops for artists, schools and children as the former president (2008-12) of the Swiss Mechatronic Art Society, SGMK. Currently, he is developing means to perform bio- and nanotechnology research and dissemination, Hackteria | Open Source Biological Art, in a DIY fashion in kitchens, ateliers and in developing countries.

Pei-Wen Liu (CH/TW)

As a sound artist, I have been collecting field recordings with portable recorders over years in Australia, Taiwan, Europe, southern islands of Japan, northern-west of China and east Turkey, those soundings of nature phenomenons and human activities, or an emerging moment of small talk. Slowly I built a personal archive of sonic observations; with intensions or without. While most of artistic activity focus on listening and generative composition, as well, I am co-organising series of PlayAround workshop in Taiwan, an intensely parallel and collaborative workshop of mediating the creative use of fair software and DIY practices to an audience of young students and artists of diverse backgrounds, promoting sharism. It combines the knowledge creation and open distribution of new media technologies and contemporary art practices in a socially responsible and relevant context. MFA in Digital Media, Gothenburg University, Sweden.

Leo Bettina Roost (CH)

Leo Bettina Roost, Jahrgang 1961, ist eine Schweizer Künstlerin aus Schaffhausen. Ihre Inspiration gewinnt Leo Bettina Roost aus dem Beobachten des Temporären im Alltäglichen. Ein Objekt, eine Situation oder aktuelles Thema führt zu einer vielschichtigen Sinnes-Auseinandersetzung, die sie mit konzeptuellen Parametern in ein neues Werk übersetzt. Dabei erschafft sie Objekte, Installationen, fotografische Arbeiten, Textbildtafeln und Zeichnungen.

Nach ihrer Ausbildung (1980) an der Kunstgewerbeschule Zürich arbeite sie als künstlerische Assistentin in den Hallen für Neue Kunst in Schaffhausen (bis 1984). Sie studierte Freie Bildhauerei an der Staatlichen Kunstakademie Düsseldorf (1985-1991, Meisterschülerin). Ihre Professoren waren u.a. Tony Cragg, Ulrich Rückriem, Fritz Schwegler. Seit 1991 legt Leo Bettina Roost eine beindruckende künstlerische Vita vor mit werkprägenden Stationen in New York, Berlin, Köln und der Schweiz. Zahlreiche Gruppen- und Einzelausstellungen, Preise und Stipendien belegen ihr kontinuierliches und erfolgreiches Kunstschaffen. Sprache und Schrift sind immer wieder Gegenstand ihres Interesses und zugleich ein wesentliche Ausdrucksmittel ihrer Werke.

Erich Berger (AT/FI)

Erich Berger is a visual artist and trained as a communication engineer and in philosophy. He has produced interactive art installations, artistic wearable interfaces, audiovisual performances and sound-art, which have been shown internationally since the mid 90ties. He also works as educator, curator, content developer and facilitator, focusing on the intersection of art, technology and science. Research interests include telerobotics and telematically mediated environments, interactive participatory spaces, sonification and visualisation of real-time processes with related questions in composition, semiotics and linguistics, generative processes, feedback situations and autopoietic systems. His research engages with hybrid space, deep time processes, biology and ecology and involves the facilitation of interdisciplinary environments for working and learning. His research also includes close cooperation with international partners within the arts and sciences.

Nur Akbar Arrofatullah (ID)

Nur Akbar Arofatullah in Microbiology Lab UGM

Nur ‘Don’ Akbar Arofatullah (1987) is a researcher and scientist currently working at the Department of Biotechnology, UGM Yogyakarta, Indonesia. He focused on the field of fermentation techniques in various systems, such as liquid and solid-state fermentation. Several of his main research interests are bioethanol fermentation from sweet sorghum juice, biofertilizer design and production, organic farming, and silage fermentation for cattle feeds. In 2012, he co-founded lifepatch.org - citizen initiative in art, science and technology, a community base organization working in creative and approriate use of technology in the field of art and science. His current research project is an in vitro method for establishing mycorrhizae on elais guineensis trees.

Boris Magrini (CH)

Boris Magrini (*1975) is a Swiss art historian and curator. He earned a Master’s degree in art history and philosophy at the University of Geneva and is currently performing research for his PhD in the field of media arts at the University of Zurich, with a thesis on computer and generative art. He was curator at Duplex (Geneva), I Sotterranei dell’Arte (Monte Carasso) and assistant curator at Kunsthalle Fribourg and Kunsthalle Zürich. Among other projects, he has curated Mutamenti (Bellinzona, 2007), Anathema (Fri-Art, Fribourg, 2007-2008), Modifier (Dienstgebäude, Zurich, 2010) and co-curated Leise Rehe – Wilde Beeren (Cabaret Voltaire, Zurich, 2011-2012). In 2013, he has organized at Kunsthalle Zürich the series of talks and encounters Reality Check. He is editor of the Italian pages of the Swiss art journal Kunst-Bulletin and he regularly publishes on contemporary art and media art in magazines, books and exhibition catalogues.

Kaspar König (CH/NL) tbc


Wawies Wisnu Wisdantio (ID) tbc

Wisnu ‘Bob Wewet’ Wisdantio is an architect focusing in urban planning and building design after finishing his studies and take part as planning consultant in 2007. Apart from his daily routines, Wisnu has a big interest in nature adventure and landscape photography. This interest became his main activity in working and collaborating with many communities and organizations. Several of them are his role as a chief editor and travel writer in Landscape Indonesia (http://landscapeindonesia.com) since 2010; a platform for outdoor travel sharing experience and visual documentation on natural landscapes in Indonesia, and as a member of Lifepatch (http://lifepatch.org, a community base organization working in creative and appropriate applicaion in the field of art, science and technology.

Text and Info for flyer / spanduk




Biologische Kunst - Wissenschaft, Natur und Biohacking


Marc Dusseiller (CH); Pei-Wen Liu (CH/TW); Leo Bettina Roost (CH); Erich Berger (AT/FI); Nur Akbar Arrofatullah (ID); Boris Magrini (CH); Kaspar König (CH/NL); Wawies Wisnu Wisdantio (ID) & special Guests

More infos: http://hackteria.org/wiki/Schaffhausen



  • hackteria
  • lifepatch
  • Finnish Society of Bioart
  • Kunstverein Schaffhausen
  • Museum zu Allerheiligen
  • Naturforschende Gesellschaft Schaffhausen
  • Landscape Indonesia

  • Migros Kulturprozent
  • hopefully more sponsors soon... KulturRaum Schaffhausen

Partners and Supporters


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Hackteria is a collection of Open Source Biological Art Projects instigated in February 2009 by Andy Gracie, Marc Dusseiller and Yashas Shetty, after collaboration during the Interactivos?09 Garage Science at Medialab Prado in Madrid. The aim of the project is to develop a rich web resource for people interested in or developing projects that involve DIY bioart, open source software and electronic experimentation. As a community platform hackteria tries to encourage the collaboration of scientists, hackers and artists to combine their expertise, write critical and theoretical reflections, share simple instructions to work with lifescience technologies and cooperate on the organization of workshops, festival and meetings.Since 2009, Hackteria has conducted workshops in Europe (Switzerland, Slovenia, Norway, Austria, Hungary, Serbia, United Kingdom, Germany) , Asia (India, Indonesia, Taiwan, Hong Kong), Africa (Kenya) and North America (US, Canada).




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