HackteriaLab 2010 - Dock18/Zürich

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Hackterialab banner.jpg


Finally the first Forum Hackteria will take place this April, 6-11, in Dock18, Zürich. The forum will be a combination of the 4 days hackteria lab, a hackteria show on friday evening and a public hackeria|DIY microscopy workshop on the weekend.

Hackteria Lab | 6-9 April | 11 – 20h

The event starts with a 4 days workshop/lab with invited international and local artists/scientists/biohackers (approx 10-15 people). During that time we can collaborate, discuss and work on ideas about DIY biology, ArtScience, BioHacking, Microscopy, NanoBio etc…

Hackteria Lab Participants

A list-in-progress of all participants, guests and remote collaborators can be found here Hackteria Lab Participants

Hackteria Lab Schedule

During the hackteria lab, we will be working mostly in Dock18. ...

Hackteria Lab Commons

On the Hackteria Lab Commons we can discuss different topics of interest, share information and links, collect code and collaborate in the future.

Hackteria Lab Material

On the Hackteria Lab Material page we can plan and collect more information about the material the participants will bring in and also what still needs to be ordered. During the hackteria workshop/lab there will be a large collection of materials and tools available, including some living microorganisms, lab gear, nanoparticles, cameras, lasers and general electronic and mechanical parts, to be used/shared by all the participants.

Hackteria Lab Playground

Due to our participant of the genus "juvenile human being" we will have child care to support us during the hackteria lab. more information about the Hackteria Lab Playground can be found here.

Hackteria Lab Homestay

We will provide suitable accomodation for all international participants. more details will follow soon.

Hackteria Mail List

subscribe to the Hackteria Mail List

Hackteria Show | 9 April | 20h-24h

The evening show will be used to invite scientist and artist to present and discuss common subjects, such as microscopy, synthetic biology, bionanotechnology and animal experimentation. In addition the output of the earlier workshop/lab will be presented.


Invited guests


WORKSHOP: DIY microscopy, 10 & 11 April, 14h – 18h


The participants will be introduced into the field of microscopy, from a historical, artistic and scientific viewpoint. As one of the earliest instrument for the scientific analysis of nature beyond the human senses, the microscope suits very well to introduce beginners into both, the field of bioart and the lifesciences. At the core of the workshop the participants will learn how to modify a standard webcam to be used as a microscope, which they can take home for future micro-investigations of their neighborhood. Furthermore, we will go out into the field (around Rote Fabrik) and learn how to search for microorganisms, which will then be isolated and wondered at using the DIY microscope.

Detailed description is here WORKSHOP: DIY microscopy


This topic is altogether interesting. I really like that I discovered this topic that Ihave been looking for. I intent pursue checking outlying this topic on ... to get any new ideas about this register


Dock18, Room for Mediacultures

Dock18 is part of Rote Fabrik, an alternative cultural center at the lakeside in Wollishofen.

File:Rotefabrig googlemaps.png

Live stream from Dock18

How to get there

By train

check SBB

There is regular trains, 4 times/h (S24 and S8) from Zürich Mainstation to Zürich Wollishofen (8min), 5 min walk from there to Dock18.

By bus

From Kreis Chaib/Langstrasse to Dock18 its easy to go by Bus

Bus Nr 32 -> Zwinglihaus

Bus Nr 33 from Zwinglihaus -> Morgenthal

from the final stop its 5 minutes to walk down to the lake and Dock18

check VBZ for public transport and info

By tram

Tram Nr7 brings you to Wollishofen Post, 2 min to walk to Dock18

check VBZ for public transport and info

Hackteria Homestay | Kreis Chaib

Most of us will live in the neighborhood of Langstrasse, in Kreis 4 aka Kreis Chaib and Kreis 5

My appartment is on Schöneggstr. 34


and there is lots of bars, restaurants, brothels, playgrounds, galleries and all your heart can wish...

PR Material


high resolution .jpg


Short Docu

About Hackteria Hackteria is a collection of Open Source Biological Art Projects instigated in February 2009 by Andy Gracie (UK), Marc Dusseiller (CH) and Yashas Shetty (IN). The aim of the project is to develop a rich web resource , an international community and public communications for people interested in or developing projects that involve DIY bioart, open source software and electronic experimentation generally relating to life sciences. The forum, organised by the co-founder Dr. Marc Dusseiller, will consist of a 4 days constructivist DIY and BioArt lab with invited international artists followed by a public symposium confronting local scientists with the artists and discussing common subjects, such as microscopy, synthetic biology, bionanotechnology and animal experimentation. The audience will get to understand how hackteria. as a community platform, encourages the collaboration of scientists, hackers and artists to combine their expertise, write critical and theoretical reflections, share simple instructions to work with lifescience technologies and cooperate on the organisation of workshops, festival and meetings.

Dock18 Publikation

Collecting texts by all participants, images, scetces & visions in BookOfHackteria will be published by Dock18


Marc Dusseiller, Organizer Hackteria Lab

tel +41 78 x


More info

dusjagr labs

hackteria | Open Source Biological Art


Mario Purkathofer, Curator Dock18

tel +41


More info


The hackteria lab is a collaboration of Hackteria Dock18 and the Swiss Mechatronic Art Society and is supported by Migros Kulturpozent and the Swiss Confederation, Department of Culture.

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