HLab Reflections
เหลู้าบ - LLL CoLaboratory (Laab Lu Lao), Chiang Mai (TH) - 2023/24
17. - 21. Jan 2567 (2024)
A do-it-with-others Art&Science CoLaboratory
A Night-Market of Ideas and Interactions
A Gathering of Enthusiastic People to Share and Experiment Together
Read more about CNX OpenLab
LLL CoLaboratory (เหลู้าบ แลบ) is a "do-it-with-others" Art & Science open laboratory. Our goal is to gather the enthusiastic people and work on various multidisciplinary and speculative projects. We organize a 5-days "OPEN LAB" session for everyone to access. We are providing a space for share equipment, material, consulting, workshop and opensource for learning and working on projects. There will be workshops from the organizer. However, there also a flexible session for participant to decide. The session has no limit to creativity - let's see how the opensource community bring us to the next level of imagination.
LLL stands for Laab-Lu-Lao, which directly refers to Laab (Thai minced meat with spice - usually raw), Lu (Meat with raw blood), and Lao (Alcohol). These three are known for the party night of the local culture. Laab-Lu-Lao is also a literary meme since the past. เหลู้าบ is a wordplay by combining the three words together - Laab (ลาบ), Lu (หลู้), and Lao (เหล้า). The term เหลู้าบ is not possible to pronounce. There is evidence that shows that this type of wordplay existed in ancient Lanna language.
LLL CoLaboratory (เหลู้าบ แลบ) คืองานที่จะชวนทุกคนมาทดลองร่วมกันในธีม ศิลปะ และวิทยาศาสตร์ ทั้งการเล่นกับนาโนเทคโนโลยีในชีวิตประจำวัน การตัดต่อพันธุกรรมด้วยอุปกรณ์บ้าน และการหมักดองจากจุลชีพ เป้าหมายของเราคือการรวมกลุ่มผู้คนที่สนใจในการทำงานแบบสหสาขา และการทำโปรเจคที่สำรวจอนาคตของเรา กิจกรรมนี้จะมีขึ้น 5 วัน ที่เราจะได้มาใช้ห้องทดลองเปิดด้วยกัน เราจะมีอุปกรณ์ และองค์ความรู้จาก opensource เพื่อให้ทุกคนได้มาทำงานร่วมกัน เราจะมีทั้งกิจกรรมที่เราจัดขึ้นทั้ง เวิร์คชอปหรือการฉายภาพยนต์ และมีส่วนที่เปิดให้ผู้ร่วมได้ร่วมตัดสินใจร่วมกัน
ROŠA - Regional Open Science Hardware & Art, Indonesia, Yogyakarta (ID) - 2022
15. October - 7. November 2022
As a continuation of various research and network activities within UROŠ - Ubiquitous Rural Open Science Hardware, we are happy to announce to have received the GOSH regional events grant (9900 USD, supported via Sloan Foundation) for more activities in Indonesia during 2022, under the name "ROŠA - Regional Open Science Hardware & Art". See the original application here and our planning budget.
"A regional event series combining a longer on-site residency, aswell as a research & production lab, local outreach and a gathering of interesting players from the region of South East Asia."
ROŠA workshop and outreach tour
The local team and residence researchers will be invited for a tour through Java and Makkassar, Sulawesi to visit selected communities and learn and share experiences in open science hardware in the local context through workshops, expeditions and talks.
ROŠA temporary lab
For 10 days we’ll inhabint a public venue in Yogyakarta to set up a temporary lab for developing and experimenting with our hardware projects, host local visitors and public events, promoting the collaborative and open source spirit of our activities. A small group of participants will be invitied to the ROŠA temporary lab. we are aiming at a focused group of 10-15 active participants, if travel restrictions are allowing it, 50% from South East Asia and the others from different local communities. More international guests are welcomed (2-3 persons), but will need to support their own travel and covid-19 related quarantine costs.
ROŠA gathering
During a 3 days gathering we will share our practices to a wider audience of local researchers, students, activists and creatives. Various methodologies will be implemented, such as site-visits, working groups, skill-share sessions and talks.
UROŠ Temporary Autonomous Lab, Maribor (SI) - 2021
5-25 October 2021
We are happy to announce an upcoming series of events and activities to be held starting this autumn 2021 and continued throug-out the upcoming months, globally connected in the Hackteria Network and GOSH community and regionally bringing together some interesting people to collaborate, share, learn, develop in Maribor, Slovenia. Supported and part of konS ≡ Platform for Contemporary Investigative Arts.
"UROŠ - ROŠA| Round-up Ready" is opening with a lecture / performance by Marc Dusseiller aka dusjagr, also known as Pakdeh Marcjono, inviting the audience on a travel through space and time, stories around the UROŠ - ROŠA network activities from the hacklabs in Maribor, Slovenia, to the coconut beaches of Gunung Kidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
UROŠ - Ubiquitous Rural Open Science Hardware, was a series of events, research and collective activities held since summer 2021 and continued throughout the following months, globally connected in the Hackteria Network and the GOSH (Gathering for Open Science Hardware) community, and regionally brought together enthusiastic people to collaborate, share and learn together in Maribor, aswell as connected through various online tools for collective research and collaboration.
Many projects and connections were followed further in different local contexts accros the globe and lead towards more activities during ROŠA - Regional Open Science Hardware & Art, Indonesia, shared online and onsite, as performances, prototpyes, workshops and a large collection of stickers!
Coming together is a beginning,
Keeping together is progress,
Working together is success. Quote by Henry Ford or Edward Everett Hale
The showcase of "UROŠ - ROŠA| Round-up Ready" will serve as a research environment to elaborate on the different connections and prototypes develped over the last 2 years together with the public visitors. It's a printing facility for zines and photo collages, a sticker shop to decorate your homes and laptops, a hacklab to test various environmental sensors and sound experiments and a t-shirt silk-screening facility to make your own souvenirs "oleh oleh dari Djogja" -> Make Friends Not Art!
ハクテリア 合宿 - Oki Wonder Lab, Okinawa (JP) - 2020
25 March - 15 April 2020
Oki is 沖, means ocean. ハクテリア 合宿 - Ha-ku-te-ri-a Gasshuku "hackteria camp"
The main activities of Oki Wonder Lab were held in 25 March - 15 April 2020. The activities will be conducted in several places such as Miyagi and Talganie Continously adapted and modified.... in Okinawa. A mix of public events and research by the participants to interact with others and the nature itself is the main focus in this period.
Read more about Oki Wonder Lab
also known as Okiwana Lab or OKINANDE! なんで or 沖罠 Okiwana Lab (Offshore Trap) or ハクテリア 合宿 - Ha-ku-te-ri-a Gasshuku "hackteria camp". Oki Wonder Lab is part of our HLabX_Programme which take a longer durational and concentrated research based camp, co-ordinated by Toru and dusjagr. It is held during 3 weeks with various activities such as Labs, Researches, Workshops, Talks, Discussions and many other forms.
ハクテリア 合宿 - Oki Wonder Lab is a concentrated gathering of people working transdisciplinary who are interested in creative biological fields and any other areas which intrigue the critical interaction across art and science. In the past, Hackteria has been organising both carefully planned and/or spontaneous activities. The HackteriaLabs have been providing vessels which create international networks and potential collaboration to emerge and flourish. HackteriaLab's main focus always has been on the process of interaction between creative people, between professionals and amateurs, providing a stimulant for collaborative processes; for developing new ideas which connect and embrace the cultural diversities of the participants; and to address societal challenges through experiments with DIWO Culture, with material, technique, and nature through hands-on tinkering, curiosity driven research and never ending inquisitiveness.
The main theme for Oki Wonder Lab is Isolation. We invite the participants to critically responds to the theme in every possible way. The geographically isolated island Okinawa is unique in it's own but also shares many resemblance to other islands in South East Asian archipelago and the Pacific Ocean. Isolation allows anything to be reduce or to expand, to live or to die, to grow or to reduce. It is a natural process beyond our artistic or scientific comprehension.
Documentation / Reflection
ハクテリア 合宿 – Oki Wonder Lab was a concentrated gathering of people working transdisciplinary who are interested in creative biological fields and any other areas which intrigue the critical interaction across art and science. Held in Spring 2020 as a local and globally connected series of events, co-organized by Hackteria, dusjagr, Toru Ryu Oyama, Andreas Siagian and many other friends and collaborators
Video footage: Toru Ryu Oyama (and other participants) Video editing: Yoshimoto Azusa