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== Instructions to be translated ==
== Instructions to be translated ==
[[File:hackteria-mikroskop-2012-137.JPG|right|400px|thumb|The Chapter about the DIY microscope can be downloaded [http://hackteria.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/hm3-hackteria-pages.pdf here] and available now with Chinese translation included! Thanks to I-Chern Lai and [http://dimensionplus.co/ Dimension+]! [http://hackteria.org/wiki/images/2/27/HomeMadeChinese-hackteria-DIYmicroscope.pdf Download Chinese]]]
[[File:hackteria-mikroskop-2012-137.JPG|right|400px|thumb|The Chapter about the DIY microscope can be downloaded [http://hackteria.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/hm3-hackteria-pages.pdf here] and available now with Chinese translation included! Thanks to I-Chern Lai and [http://dimensionplus.co/ Dimension+]! [http://hackteria.org/wiki/images/2/27/HomeMadeChinese-hackteria-DIYmicroscope.pdf Download Chinese]]]
=== Translations ===
=== 翻譯版本 ===
[[DIY Mikroskop Anleitung (Deutsch)]]
[[DIY Mikroskop Anleitung (Deutsch)]]
[[DIY Microscopy Instruction (Chinese)]]
[[自製顯微鏡指南 (中文)]]
[[DIY Microscopy Instruction (Spanish)]]
[[DIY Microscopy Instruction (Spanish)]]
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[[DIY Microscopy Instruction (Japanese)]]
[[DIY Microscopy Instruction (Japanese)]]
=== 0. Introduction and Materials ===
=== 0. 步驟與材料 ===
Making the DIY MICROSCOPE includes converting an ordinary webcam into a microscope. The webcam’s conversion can be quickly
effected manually. The electronics remains unaltered, only the position of the lens is changed. A solid platform enables fixing and
accurately focusing the tiny study objects. The objects are illuminated with a light-emitting diode (LED).
The DIY MICROSCOPE consists of three
components, assembled in this sequence:
* Converted webcam
* Stable platform for observation
* Illumination with a light-emitting diode (LED)
=== Parts/Material List ===
=== 材料及工具清單 ===
* 1 webcam
* USB視訊攝影機,一個
* Cardboard (thick) / wood, 20 x 30 cm
* 厚瓦楞紙板,20 x 30 公分一張
* Foamboard, 20 x 30 cm
* 珍珠板,20 x 30 公分一張
* M4 adjustable screw, approx. 15 cm long, with fitting screw nuts
* M4螺絲(約15公分長)一根以及一些搭配的螺帽
* Duct tape
* 絕緣膠帶,1卷
* Blu-Tack adhesive
* 萬用黏土,一包
* Hot glue
* 熱融膠
* Rubberbands
* 橡皮筋
* Cutter / sharp knife
* Screwdriver, small
* Hotglue gun
* (optional) Soldering iron
'''Optional external LED light source'''
* 1 switch
* 小刀/美工刀
* 1 white light-emitting diode (LED)
* 小螺絲起子
* 1 battery (9V)
* 熱融槍
* 1 wired battery connection
* 焊錫(不一定必要)
* 1 resistor (1 k Ω )
* 1 potentiometer (20 k Ω )
* 30 cm insulated wire
* Garden wire
'''Microscopy and Micro-Hunting equipment'''
* Some transparent plastic cups
* Glass slides
* Petri dishes, made of plastic or glass
* Disposable pipettes
* Waterproof pen
* Small chrome steel spoon
* Tweezers
* Sealable plastic containers for samples
=== 1. Conversion of the webcam Part A: Small enlargement ===
* 開關,一個
* 白光LED燈,一個
* 9 伏特電池,一個
* 9 伏特電池扣,一個
* 1k 歐姆電阻,一個
* 20k 歐姆可變電阻,一個
* 漆包線(22AWG),30公分
* 花園鐵絲,30公分
* 一些透明的塑膠杯
* 載玻片
* 培養皿,玻璃或塑膠皆可
* 可拋棄式滴管
* 防水馬克筆
* 不鏽鋼小匙
* 鑷子
* 可封口的塑膠容器,採集用
=== 1. 改造網路攝影機  A:放大一些些 ===
*A selection of standard webcams. Best suited are models allowing for manual adjustment of focus by turning the ring on the lens. The only solution is by trial and error.
*Before the camera is modified, it needs to be tested. For that it has to be connected to a computer, and additionally the necessary drivers have to be installed. Webcams run with Windows, Mac, or Linux.
* Already with this configuration the webcam can be used to inspect objects up close. You only need to screw out the lens a little and move closer to the object. A pocket lamp improves lighting conditions.
* 現在只要把鏡頭轉出並靠近被觀察物,攝像頭就已經可以拿來做近距離的觀察了,另外可以用手電筒加強照明。
* Pointing the webcam on tiny objects produces surprising effects: Even without modifications one begins to see things hidden to the naked eye.
* 把鏡頭對準被觀察物就已經可以看見明顯效果了:就算是透過沒有改造過的攝像頭也已經可以觀察到肉眼看不見的細節了。
=== 1. Conversion of the webcam Part B: Maximal enlargement ===
=== 1. 網路攝影機的改造: B: 放大功能最大化 ===
* Now we begin dismantling the webcam. The screws are removed. Partly such screws are hidden beneath labels or rubber caps. With a solid tool – in this case the screwdriver of a Swiss Army knife – the webcam ’s cover is removed.
* 現在開始來拆解攝影機。先卸除螺絲,有些螺絲會藏在標籤或橡膠蓋底下,然後拿一個硬的工具把攝影機的外殼移除,在這裡我們用的是瑞士刀裡的螺絲起子。
* The appliance ’s interior can now be seen: it consists of optics and an electronic switch. We can do without the light-emitting diodes (LEDs). We shall later construct our own light.
* The optics is partially glued on. By careful twisting we can detach it from the electronics. The optics’ outer ring (at the right of the picture) will no longer be used later. It only serves as decoration.
* 現在已經可以看到裝置內部是由光學構造與電路開關組合成。可以移除LED燈的部分,我們將會另外裝上自己的。
* With the use of a strong side cutter we cut through the plastic casing. Now the electronics including all wires and the USB cable can be removed from the casing.
* The webcam’s interior: on the left side of the picture we can see the internal microphone, which, however, is not needed for our project.
* 光學的部分是部份黏上的,只要小心的扭轉一下就可以將它與電子的部分分開來。外部的裝飾環(如圖的右方)稍後將不會用到。
* Now we place the optics upside down on the fitting. It can no longer be screwed on and must therefore be firmly secured. The optics is attached with a piece of duct tape.
* To test the equipment we connect the modified webcam with the computer and point the lens towards the screen. Now the individual
* 用鉗子把攝像頭的塑膠殼部分破壞掉,然後把電子部分:包括所有電線和USB聯結線都從塑膠殼裡取出來。
RGB pixels on screen become visible.
* 攝像頭的內部構造:圖左邊的那個部件是個內建的麥克風,我們這次不會用到。
* 現在我們把光學的部分頭尾顛倒的放回原本位置,因為現在已經沒辦法用旋轉固定,所以要用膠帶把它黏牢。
* 現在我們把攝像頭接上電腦並將鏡頭對準銀幕作測試,銀幕上的RGB像素將變得清晰可見。
=== 2. Construction of the platform ===
=== 2.建置觀察平台 ===
* Using small lumps of Blu-Tack adhesive, the webcam is attached to a solid pasteboard of about 15 x 15 cm.
* 拿一小撮的萬用黏土把攝像頭固定到一張堅固的,大約15 x 15公分的厚瓦愣紙板上。
* The platform’s side wall consisting of scale model cardboard. With a pencil we draw the height of the lens on it and cut off the cardboard along that line. We use hot glue for pasting.
* Using a carpet cutter, we cut a rectangular opening into another piece of scale model cardboard. This piece too is attached with hot glue.
* 用珍珠板做觀察平台的側邊:用鉛筆在珍珠板上面標記出攝像頭的高度,然後把高出來的部分裁掉。用熱熔膠把側板黏上。
* 用美工刀在另外一片珍珠板上開一個長方形的洞,也是用熱熔膠把它黏上。
* The adjustable screw requires a hole. We attach the screw nut right at the top with a small drop of hot glue. Then we insert the adjustable screw. It must reach down to the lower platform.
* 在上方的珍珠板上開一個給調整螺絲用的洞,然後把螺帽用熱熔膠固定在板子上,接著轉入螺絲,一直到抵住底下的瓦愣紙版。
* Rubber bands provide more stability to the platform. With the screw the scale model board can now be moved up and down by a few millimeters.
=== 3. The light source ===
* 綁上橡皮筋,讓觀察平台更加穩固。現在可以藉由旋轉螺絲讓觀察平台有個幾毫米的調整。
=== 3.光源 ===
* Our microscope also has a light source in the form of a light-emitting diode (LED). The lighting can be easily produced by oneself.
* 我們的顯微鏡用LED提供照明,也是很容易就能做出來。
* In this easy way, the wires can be twisted together. But it is safer if they are solded on.
* The centimeters long feed of our light source is wrapped with garden wire. The wire thus becomes pliable and later can be attached in any position.
* The light source, potentiometer and battery are attached to our construction with hot glue. Our DIY MICROSCOPE is ready for use.
=== 3.B Hacking the LEDs from the Webcam (to be documented) ===
* 像這樣的把電線纏在一起就可以,但最好是把它焊接起來會比較安全。
* Coming soon
* 用花園鐵絲把光源的電線大約纏繞個幾公分,這樣一來光源就變得可以彎折調整而且可以固定在任何想要的位子。
=== 4. Using the Microscope and Hunting for Microorganisms ===
* 把光源、可變電阻和電池都用熱熔膠固定到剛剛做好的那個構造上,顯微鏡就已經可以用了。
=== 3.B 改造網路攝影機本身的LED燈來提供照明 (建檔中) ===
* 敬請期待
=== 4. 顯微鏡的使用以及觀察物採集 ===
* The USB cable of the converted webcam is connected to the computer. Now we can begin with our examinations.
* 用USB線把改造的顯微鏡接到電腦上,可以開始觀察東西了。
* The study objects are placed on a glass slide and can be shifted by hand. The microscope’s focus is regulated by the adjustable screw.
* As with a professional microscope, with our DIY tool we are able to take electronic photos and even films. Photos and films are digitally available, can be further processed and of course be easily published on the Internet.
* 把欲觀察的物體放到載玻片上,用手移動這個載玻片調整觀察物的位置,並用旋轉螺絲來調整聚焦。
* 就像專業的顯微鏡一樣,我們自製的顯微鏡也能拍照甚至錄影。所呈現出來的照片和影像都是數位的,可以拿來再製,也可以放到網路上。

Latest revision as of 17:10, 9 January 2016

Instructions to be translated

The Chapter about the DIY microscope can be downloaded here and available now with Chinese translation included! Thanks to I-Chern Lai and Dimension+! Download Chinese


DIY Mikroskop Anleitung (Deutsch)

自製顯微鏡指南 (中文)

DIY Microscopy Instruction (Spanish)

DIY Microscopy Instruction (Bahasa Indonesia)

DIY Microscopy Instruction (French)

DIY Microscopy Instruction (Japanese)

0. 步驟與材料

以下將示範的自製顯微鏡步驟能讓你很快地動手把常見的網路攝影機改成顯微鏡,不需要動到電路的部分,只消改裝前頭的鏡片即可辦到。 然後加裝一個穩定的觀察平台而能夠把觀察物固定在上面以利對焦,此外並裝設LED燈作為光源。

自製顯微鏡包含三個部分,順序分別是: 1.改造網路攝影機 2.製作觀察平台 3.加上LED照明


DIY-Microscope Instructions Materials.png


  • USB視訊攝影機,一個
  • 厚瓦楞紙板,20 x 30 公分一張
  • 珍珠板,20 x 30 公分一張
  • M4螺絲(約15公分長)一根以及一些搭配的螺帽
  • 絕緣膠帶,1卷
  • 萬用黏土,一包
  • 熱融膠
  • 橡皮筋


  • 小刀/美工刀
  • 小螺絲起子
  • 熱融槍
  • 焊錫(不一定必要)


  • 開關,一個
  • 白光LED燈,一個
  • 9 伏特電池,一個
  • 9 伏特電池扣,一個
  • 1k 歐姆電阻,一個
  • 20k 歐姆可變電阻,一個
  • 漆包線(22AWG),30公分
  • 花園鐵絲,30公分


  • 一些透明的塑膠杯
  • 載玻片
  • 培養皿,玻璃或塑膠皆可
  • 可拋棄式滴管
  • 防水馬克筆
  • 不鏽鋼小匙
  • 鑷子
  • 可封口的塑膠容器,採集用

1. 改造網路攝影機 A:放大一些些

Step 1 get stuff.jpg

  • 一些常見的網路攝影機。最好選擇可以手動調整焦距的,建議多試用各種款式以找到效果最佳者。
  • 在改造之前,請先測試攝影機,網路攝影機在Windows、Mac、Linux作業系統上都可以運作。把攝影機接到電腦上並安裝好驅動程式。

Step 2 screw lens outwards.jpg

  • 現在只要把鏡頭轉出並靠近被觀察物,攝像頭就已經可以拿來做近距離的觀察了,另外可以用手電筒加強照明。
  • 把鏡頭對準被觀察物就已經可以看見明顯效果了:就算是透過沒有改造過的攝像頭也已經可以觀察到肉眼看不見的細節了。

1. 網路攝影機的改造: B: 放大功能最大化

Step 3 invert lens.jpg

  • 現在開始來拆解攝影機。先卸除螺絲,有些螺絲會藏在標籤或橡膠蓋底下,然後拿一個硬的工具把攝影機的外殼移除,在這裡我們用的是瑞士刀裡的螺絲起子。
  • 現在已經可以看到裝置內部是由光學構造與電路開關組合成。可以移除LED燈的部分,我們將會另外裝上自己的。
  • 光學的部分是部份黏上的,只要小心的扭轉一下就可以將它與電子的部分分開來。外部的裝飾環(如圖的右方)稍後將不會用到。
  • 用鉗子把攝像頭的塑膠殼部分破壞掉,然後把電子部分:包括所有電線和USB聯結線都從塑膠殼裡取出來。
  • 攝像頭的內部構造:圖左邊的那個部件是個內建的麥克風,我們這次不會用到。
  • 現在我們把光學的部分頭尾顛倒的放回原本位置,因為現在已經沒辦法用旋轉固定,所以要用膠帶把它黏牢。
  • 現在我們把攝像頭接上電腦並將鏡頭對準銀幕作測試,銀幕上的RGB像素將變得清晰可見。


Step 4 make stage.jpg

  • 拿一小撮的萬用黏土把攝像頭固定到一張堅固的,大約15 x 15公分的厚瓦愣紙板上。
  • 用珍珠板做觀察平台的側邊:用鉛筆在珍珠板上面標記出攝像頭的高度,然後把高出來的部分裁掉。用熱熔膠把側板黏上。
  • 用美工刀在另外一片珍珠板上開一個長方形的洞,也是用熱熔膠把它黏上。

Step 5 adjustable focus.jpg

  • 在上方的珍珠板上開一個給調整螺絲用的洞,然後把螺帽用熱熔膠固定在板子上,接著轉入螺絲,一直到抵住底下的瓦愣紙版。
  • 綁上橡皮筋,讓觀察平台更加穩固。現在可以藉由旋轉螺絲讓觀察平台有個幾毫米的調整。


Step 6 add ligthing.jpg

  • 我們的顯微鏡用LED提供照明,也是很容易就能做出來。
  • 像這樣的把電線纏在一起就可以,但最好是把它焊接起來會比較安全。
  • 用花園鐵絲把光源的電線大約纏繞個幾公分,這樣一來光源就變得可以彎折調整而且可以固定在任何想要的位子。
  • 把光源、可變電阻和電池都用熱熔膠固定到剛剛做好的那個構造上,顯微鏡就已經可以用了。

3.B 改造網路攝影機本身的LED燈來提供照明 (建檔中)

  • 敬請期待

4. 顯微鏡的使用以及觀察物採集

Step 7 go hunting.jpg

  • 用USB線把改造的顯微鏡接到電腦上,可以開始觀察東西了。
  • 把欲觀察的物體放到載玻片上,用手移動這個載玻片調整觀察物的位置,並用旋轉螺絲來調整聚焦。
  • 就像專業的顯微鏡一樣,我們自製的顯微鏡也能拍照甚至錄影。所呈現出來的照片和影像都是數位的,可以拿來再製,也可以放到網路上。