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PS3 Eye DIY microscopy hack

Easy modification of a Playstation 3 Eye, high-speed camera, optimized for low-lighting and motion detection. Thanks to Alejo Duque for coming up with the idea and prototyping the setup. Step 1 – Open it up, f**k warrany Use a small screw driver and open up the case of the PS3eye. The screws are hidden under […]

More hacks on the PS3 Eye and Haemocytometer at cellsbutton#04

Together with Akbar, microbiologist and DIY wine fermentation-guru from the agriculture faculty in Gadjah Mada University (UGM) , we have been working on modifying an old microsopy stage, they had lying around in the lab. We removed a lot of the old optical parts, and ended up, mounting the hacked PS3 Eye on the lower […]