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# Galerija Kapelica

Gallery for Contemporary Investigative Arts Kapelica Gallery Kersnikova 4 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia

“Cyber Hair Wars” – Microscopy Workshop for Elementary School, Yogyakarta

Introduction The workshop aimed to explain the basic principle of microscope for elementary school student, in a fun and interactive way. In this workshop, each student have to pull out one single hair and compared with the others using DIY digital microscope…one with the biggest hair are the winner 😀 When/Where 8 -11am, Sat, 13. […]

Hackteria & SGMK BioCyberKidzz

Hackteria BioLab // Create Your World The Hackteria BioLab introduces the world of microorganisms to children or adults any age. At the end of the workshop they will be able to take home little amulet Petri dishes with their own “living” fingerprints, a yeast powered balloon or simple bio-accoustic ear amplifiers and many more. With […]