Zu Besuch bei den Biohackern im Gen-Labor, Schweiz am Sonntag, 5. Mai 2013 Von Raffael Schuppisser A two page article was just published in “Schweiz am Sonntag”, 5. May 2013. In-depth report about the activities of hackteria in GaudiLabs, Switzerland, and some other international activities around biohacking. download full article as Schweiz_am_Sonntag_2013-05-05_Biohacking.pdf
Materials I finally got around of writing a proper instructions for the bioLED hacking workshop. This mini-workshop is great to be done also at clubs, late at night. All you need is some fresh plankton / daphnia cultures, which can be usually purchase in a pet-shop as life food for aquarium fish. Then you need […]
In June 2010, during the visit of Mac Cowell from DIY bio, we were invited to give an interview for Deutschland Radio, talking about DIY bio, Biohacking, DIY microscopy and other topics we love. Susanne Nessler made various high quality documentaries (german only) on these topics, with many more interesting people talking about the subject. […]