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hackteria visits NCBS

Moth BioElectroni(x)cs group
After meeting Aravin at a performance during Experimenta, we were happy to be invited to visit his research group at NCBS, the National Centre for Biological Science, where in the group of Prof. Sanjay Sane they study the ecology and neurophysiology of insect flight. Especially interesting were the “BioElectronix” instruments they built to study moth flight behaviour, which look quite DIY, but are in fact highly sensitive high-speed analytical devices tickling and blinking, interfacing and measuring…

also their simple incubators are awesome, in which they can breed mothes from eggs, feed them and keep them alive. And its also one of the most beautiful mothe species I have ever seen…

So another highly intersting group next to various other collaborators, who work with Yashas on synthetic biology and nanobiotech

Meetings and Presentation
During the second visit to NCBS, the National Center for Biological Science, we met a lot of very interesting scientists, working on ecology and of course Yashas’ long term partner, Prof. Mukund Thatai, collaborator for the Synthetic Biology for Artists project at IGEM. And we are looking forward for more intense collaborations in the future. To my experience, I rarely found such highly open-minded and intellectual scientist, critical to their work, open to transdisciplinary projects and nice to talk to.
I was also able to give a presentation on my “Experiences in Outreach and Education at the NanoBioInterface“, during the iBio talk series.

Download the slides here.

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