This project explores ways of extending senses to make new meanings and perceptions of our environment. In practice, this would entail using technological tools such as sensors and handmade scientific equipment to alter and broaden our perception of the world. We will borrow from D.I.Y /D.I.W.O (Do it with others) practitioners and build our own tools for extending our senses. We will look at artistic approaches to field trips, extreme spaces and altering perceptions. One of the practical outcomes of this project will be collaboration with educators to implement our explorations in the educational context (for eg: toolkits and labs). In this project we will work with scientists, artists(visual/sound/performance) and educators from the CERTAD group.
* What does ‘extended senses’ mean?
* What is an ‘extreme place’?
* How can extreme environments extend our senses and stoke our creativity?
With a group of 4 diploma students we’ll work for 5 months on these topics. Stay tuned!
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Vikram Ranu
Chandni Venkataraman
Marc aka dusjagr
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