*/ Sesi konversasi mengenal kerja bersama
Acara ini berlangsung pada:
- Hari/Tanggal: Rabu, 23 Oktober 2019
- Jam: 15:00 – 19:00 WIB
- Tempat: KUNCI – Study Forum and Collective (http://kunci.or.id)
- Alamat: Jalan Ngadinegaran MJ III/100 Yogyakarta 55143 Indonesia
Organized along with Kunci and lifepatch, the event marks Hackteria’s tenth year as a global network that involves the collaboration of scientists, makers, hackers and artists in exploring new possibilities in bioart, open source hardware/software and experiments with biology, art/science based in various locations.
Instead of denoting what has been succeeded and how to pursue it, the conversation will explore possibilities of what could enable working together based on Kunci’s, Hackteria’s and lifepatch’s experience. The question ‘what is/not working’ may imply a ceased productivity, and at the same time, may provide opportunities to discover distinct values based on “non-productive” issues.
Speakers dan facilitators:
- Syafiatudina
- Marc Dusseiller
- Agus Budiarto
- Andreas Siagian
- Fiky Daulay
- Toru Oyama

See full description in Bahasa Indonesia and English on the Lifepatch wiki

Group discussions and raised questions

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