Nice memories of the “first” hackteria workshop happening in NK Berlin in 2009. Freshly eqipped with our wiki page hosted by Yashas Shetty in (Art)ScienceBLR, space art ideas and experiences of hunting tardigrades by Andy Gracie, first prototype of the DIY microscope improved by Urs Gaudenz, the workshop was guided by Kaspar König and Marc Dusseiller aka dusjagr for 5 days of experimentation with micro-organisms, computer visions, synthesizers and amplifiers.
#Open Source Bioligical Art
#Radical Transdisciplinarity
#Collaborative Research

Hackteria & Labhacking workshop with Marc R. Dusseiller & Kaspar Koenig from eNKa on Vimeo.
And what now?
Many adventures later, collaborators and growing network on the whole globe, new workshops and instructions for making your own generic laboratoty infrastructures, HackteriaLabs and Collaborative Research Visits in Switzerland, India, Indonesia and beyond… We are now planning for a series of events and residencies to happen beginning this summer!

HLabX – Radical Hopes
HLabX – Okinawa, Taipei, Yogyakarta, Manila and more. Stay tuned and follow our discussion on the Hackteria Forum .

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