Reflections on HackteriaLab 2014 – Yogyakarta
Coming soon…
Publishers: Hackteria, Lifepatch & Hyphen
Editors: Adelina Luft & Grace Samboh
See more about HackteriaLab 2014 – Yogyakarta
Sample chapters for download
The ecological nodes
EcologicalNodes_HLab14book Sep10 [Pages 42 – 45]
Bioelectronix—with an x
by Helmi Hardian
Bioelectronix_X_HLab14book Sep10 [Pages 20 – 23]
Instructions on lab-making
by Sachiko Hirosue & Urs Gaudenz
LabMaking_HLab14book Sep10 [Pages 59 – 61]
The river mapping
by Agus Tri Budiarto aka Timbil, Budi Prakosa aka Iyok, Novel Ramadhan, Robin Scheibler, Sachiko Hirosue & Yashas Shetty
RiverMapping_HLab14book Sep10 [Pages 45, 74, 75]
The democratization of knowledge and curiosity through gotong-royong art
by Grace Samboh
GotongRoyong_HLab14book Sep10 [Pages 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 98]
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