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“Hybrid” Project-Week on DIY MedTech, FabLab LU

This February 2021 we have continued with the 4th edition of our project week on Do-It-Yourself in MedTech, an interdisciplinary hands-on week in the FabLab Luzern, HSLU.

Reduced number of students on-site to keep inline with distancing regulations.

Due to the contact restrictions we have developed a hybrid format to hold the class and have experimented the use of, a virtual “gamified” and open source collaboration tool. The map was designed by dusjagr and hosted on the fablabLU github.

Click on image to enter our virtual 2D map of the FabLab LU

Documentation is happening on the hackeria wiki. (based on media wiki)

Wiki pages can be easily access in the 2D virtual map

Throughout the week mentors were available both onsite and online to discuss project developments with the student teams and be available for questions. Regular group gatherings for input-lectures and group discussions were announced and held in a shared jitsi-room designed in the 2D virtual map.

Group discussion in the virtual classroom

Blending hybrid, on-site, online, virtual, homeLab, fabLab, classroom activities.

Reflecting on the use of workadventure as a tool for practical class-activities. We started to put down some notes in this .md pad.

How a serendipitous, hybrid (physical space + virtual space) and open environment can facilitate awesome education experiences.

  1. Jim Sci on Thursday 18, 2021

    Hello there,

    You’re invited to a free online citizen science community biolabs conference on July 1st.
    Guaranteed covid free!

    The announcement for the conference is below. Our Summit organizers team is working hard to ensure that it’ll be great productive fun for everyone attending!


    Science and Innovation are big worlds, often siloed and reserved for academia or industry.
    We believe that community-driven approaches to science and innovation make solving global challenges more effective, efficient, and inclusive.

    This is why we are hosting the first-ever Just One Giant Summit on July 1st to celebrate and strengthen community science and innovation around the planet.

    The online conference will be unusually productive and fun by being entirely conducted in a space.
    Here’s a short two-minute informative and funny video about Gather:

    Free conference Gather space booths are available for worthy and cool organizations.
    For more info about the booths email:

    Free conference registration now:


    I hope to see you there!

    Jim Sci

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