See more info about MetaMap, WaterQualityMap and Jugaad Sensors here and some older info on the CEMA wiki
The APL is a prototype for a people’s research Laboratory.It is a mobile community laboratory for “outsiders” to engage with the rituals and narratives of the science laboratory.The APL, furnished with hacked and repurposed consumer electronics, that are re-appropriated as performative and scientific tools, APL invites people to create local discourses around science and (“art”).The APL version installed in BANGALORE will conduct open workshops on microscopy, aerial photography, citizen cartography and biologically inspired robots.The APL functions as an autonomous space to investigate microscopic and macroscopic organisms (both biological and technological) that inhabit a city.APL’s have been installed in Bangalore,New Delhi and Toronto. These images are from BLR, DELHI and TORONTO.
PlayAround 09 –TechNomads – is the second edition of an intensely parallel and collaborative workshop of mediating the creative use of FLOSS (Free/Libre Open Source Software) and DIY practices to an audience of young students and artists of diverse backgrounds. It combines the knowledge creation and open distribution of new media technologies and contemporary art […]
We consider ourselves amateurs/novices within the context of the IGEM competition. Our endeavor as “outsiders” is to bring our training in the arts and design to synthetic biology. Over this summer, we learnt the tools and techniques of synthetic biology and developed a piece of life which reflects our concerns, namely, the cultural, ethical and […]
Yashas Shetty is an artist and composer based in Bangalore, India. He is currently an artist in residence at the National Center for Biological Sciences in Bangalore and faculty at the Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology. He helped found the Center for Experimental Media Arts at Srishti and has previously taught at design […]