There is a new Hackteria interview on the important, fascinating and always stimulating arts blog We Make Money Not Art. Well worth a read to catch up on our recent experiences, thoughts and plans. While you are there it is well worth taking a look at Mateusz Herczka’s Puddle Simulation project.
We are now in the final stage of HackteriaLab2011, which we have called the Reflection. In Kunstraum Walcheturm in Zurich we are staging an exhibition, workshops and a series of presentations and discussions in order to share with the public the techniques, ideas and experiences we have gained over the past few days at L’ARC […]
Tuesday 1st August (Swiss National DAy) – HackteriaLab2011 day 4: Nestling in the picturesque foothills of the Jura mountains, the sleepy village and monastery of Romanmotier is witnessing the combined weirdness of about 30 artists, hackers, scientists and others that refuse to be classified. Across three large workspaces on two floors people are building magnetic […]
The second international HackteriaLab takes place this year at the 12th century monastery L’Arc in Romainmotier, Switzerland, from the 28th July to 4th August. Following on from the success of last year’s slightly more modest HackteriaLab at Dock18 in Zurich, this year we have invited around 20 artists, scientists, DIYers and hackers to spend a […]
Hackteria has just completed its first two workshops in Colombia. First was part of LabSurLab in the Museum of Modern Art of Medellin with 14 participants from the school of art. Next up was Manizales and a workshop with 5 more participants as part of the Festival del Imagen. Both workshops were an attempt to […]
bioelectronix for artist 19-21 November, Bergen, Norway Piksel09, f[re](e){op}[en]able Piksel is a festival and community for artists and developers working with Free/Libre and Open Source audiovisual software, hardware and art. Date: 19-21 November 2009 Time: Thurs 19th, 12pm to 6pm, Fri 20th and Sun 21st, 11am to 6pm. Location: Nøstegaten 42, Bergen. detailed description can […]
First of all, bioelectronix must be distinguished from bioelectronics; bioelectronics is the emerging science of biomedical technology centred around such devices as ‘lab on a chip’ and implantable neural interfaces. Complex and expensive technologies from the closely guarded and secret world of cutting edge scientific research. Bioelectronix, on the other hand, is the appropriation and development by artists of certain aspects of these technologies in an (generally) open-source and (generally) do-it-yourself environment. Relatively cheap and simple technologies which can be shared, improved and distributed through an open network of users and enthusiasts.
Andy Gracie, London -1967, is an artist working between various disciplines including installation, robotics, sound, video and biological practice. The work he produces is situated between the arts and the sciences, creating situations of exchange between natural and artificial systems which allow new emergent behaviours to develop. His work has been shown in many exhibitions […]