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Hackteria field trip & Live/Life AV-Jam Session @ Poolloop, Zürich

Throughout the Poolloop Festival in Zurich, 1.- 7. July 2013, we are setting up a lab for the experimentation at the interface of living materials and audio/visual experimentation. Feel free to join us to explore the sound of microscopic worms, the visual potentials of blood sucking leeches and other playful experiments. There will be laser!

Field Trip to Appenzell, Wednesday, 3rd July, 10 – 20h

On the field trip, you will collect different bio material such as plants, worms, insects etc. in order to analyse it and use the data to modulate sound and video. Participants will be encouraged to reflect on these field and DIY lab experiences to make their own artworks and sound recordings.

Single day workshop on Wednesday from 10 a.m. till 8 p.m. / 20 CHF (incl. travel, material and bugs).
Limited number of participants!
Please make your reservation directly to: marc[at]

We shall go via Appenzell, Wasserauen to the Seealpsee, where we’ll explore the local environment. We then continue via Urnäsch and see where we end up…

BioJammin’ Session, @Starkart, Wednesday, 3rd July, 20h – open

During the whole evening we will explore our “souvenirs” from the field trip and use them for various audio-video experimentations. Together with the mentors everybody is welcome to join us, observe and wonder, listen and enjoy the sound of nematodes and leeches. As a joint jamming session with the open vj lab by videokultur we will experiment further with our new micro/macro pets collected from Appenzell and Slovenia.

Yashas Shetty (IN)
yashas2Yashas Shetty is an artist and composer based in Bangalore, India. He is currently an artist in residence and faculty at the Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology. He helped found the Center for Experimental Media Arts at Srishti and has previously taught at design schools across India. His works look at the relationship between language,ecology and technology. He is also one of the founding members of the Hackteria project.

Boštjan Leskovšek (SI)
bostjan4Boštjan Leskovšek is a sound artist and co-founder of Cirkulacija2. As an unstable creation he creates changes, cleans through it, falls apart by repetition and tries to create a communication with the border and limit relationship, between the fictive and real, between the place and the space. Since 2010 Boštjan has explored the interface of microscopic life-forms, fungi and other biomaterials for sound and visual experimentation during the NanoSmano sessions in Ljubljana.

Marc Dusseiller aka dusjagr (CH)
dusjagr Dr. Marc R. Dusseiller is a transdisciplinary scholar, lecturer for micro- and nanotechnology, cultural facilitator and artist. He works in an integral way to combine science, art and education. He performs DIY (do-it-yourself) workshops in lo-fi electronics, hardware hacking, microscopy, music and robotics. Currently, he is developing means to perform bio- and nanotechnology research and dissemination, Hackteria | Open Source Biological Art, in a DIY fashion in kitchens, ateliers and in developing countries.

Rare Species of Slovenian-Appenzeller Hybrid Hipsters

Microscopy session

MicroAppenzeller from dusjagr on Vimeo.

Some footage made by the hackteria DIY microscope (PS3 version) using the samples from our recent field trip to Seealpsee in Appenzell, see more on:

and see some more microscopy pics on fbook

From Hackteria FieldTrip to Appenzell @ poolloop ’13. Posted by Marc Dusseiller Dusjagr on 7/07/2013 (20 items)

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  1. Sunghee on Saturday 29, 2013

    What a wonderful project! Hope you guys keep up with and wish you the best luck.

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