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NanoŠmano – Šmall Matter

Public art-and-science lab for nanoscale materials and effects
Umetniski in znanstveni javni laboratorij za materiale in ucinke najmanjsega merila

Stefan Doepner – Marc Dusseiller – Boštjan Leskovšek – Bengt Sjölén – Erik Reimhult
Closed now in Ljubljana…


Video documentary from: artyč

21. – 30. April 2011, Mestni trg 15, Ljubljana, Slovenia / Presented by: Kapelica Gallery

NanoSmano_labOpeningIn the second edition of the ‘NanoŠmano’ project (the first phase, dubbed ‘NanoŠmano, NanoPunk and the Hacking of Future’, was presented at Kapelica Gallery in September 2010) we are starting a new investigation into the physical and aesthetic potential of various materials at nanoscale. The workshop, featuring artists, hackers and scientists, aims to present the potentials of creative use of nanomaterials in critical and playful artistic processes. It offers an interesting opportunity for visitors to go hands-on with the mythologized and mystified field of nanotechnology as it leaves the shrines and bunkers of technology labs, and get a sense of scale, which is increasingly becoming an invisible layer in which our bodies are wrapped.

Lokacija / Location
Mestni trg 15, Ljubljana
The temporary lab is relocated to the city centre (Mestni trg 15) and pulled out of the traditional gallery environment in order to bring group exploration closer to accidental visitors; we believe the world of nanomaterials is a topic that could and should interest everyone.

NanoŠmano lab opening / Otvoritev laboratorija: thursday / cetrtek, 21. april 2011, 21.00 h

Teleconference Asia-Pasific DIYBio and BioArt Meeting, 25. april 2011, 14:00 h
PosterDIY-BIOkecilAt the First Asia-Pacific DIYbio & Bioart meeting: Democratising the Laboratory, the Hackteria Network will present recent projects, building DIY Spectrophotometers, the z-stage kit for DIY microscopy, detecting electrical signals in plants and current ongoing investigations on How to start a NanoLab.
Marc Dusseiller aka dusjagr, together with some of the NanoŠmanonians and Špela Petrič, Maja Smrekar and Miha Horvath we will participate from the Kapelica Gallery to join the discussions. Thanks to HONF for organizing the meeting and inviting us to participate.

NanoŠmano Jam-Session, 28. april, 21:00 h

du du kuglica sajica mavrica: saturday / sobota, 30. april 2011, 14 -17 h
sajicaWith the “du du“s we share our experiments by doing little DIY nano projects for interested artists/hackers/tinkerers. The topics, kuglica (particles), sajica (soot), mavrica (rainbow) cover some of the aspects of nanomaterials, such as their form, size and visibility in a microscope (kuglica), or their use as gas sensors based on carbon nanostructures (sajica) or detection of various absorption phenomena with UV-vis spectroscopy (mavrica).

Find more on the workshop wiki page.
And see impressions on Facebook.

Finissage | Presentation / Zakljucek in prezentacija: saturday / sobota, 30. april 2011, 21.00 h
NS_the_Public“Why public?” There is time of mystified usage – time of functional usage – you don’t understand – and there is time of asynchronicity – you can see into things. That is time for art. When public understands – that time becomes the “real time” this is then the time of knowing. New paradigm. Borut Savski

Closed for Cleaning | How to start/clean a NanoLab: monday, 2. may 2011, all day h

Online journals
First photo impressions on Facebook
Follow our discussions on the NanoPad
and see how we set up a simple nanolab on the wiki

The NanoŠmano Team
stefanStefan Doepner (DE/SLO) studied Painting and Experimental Film at the University of Arts Bremen. Doepner’s focus is on the artistic exploration of today’s use, reception and rules of technology, to analyze and understand contemporary systems and techniques he acquires the method of reinvention. In his work Doepner tries to profane the technological glorification and to grasp the relations of society, technology, sound, science and every day life through meditation and mediation. 1992 Doepner participated at the Documenta9 project Van Gogh TV; 1993 co-founded MAB, Bremen; 1996 co-founded f18institut, Hamburg; since 1997 on going collaborations with Stelarc; 2006 co-founded Obrat and 2007 co-founded Cirkulacija2 in Ljubljana.

dusjagrDr. Marc Dusseiller (CH) is a transdisciplinary scholar, lecturer for micro- and nanotechnology, cultural facilitator and artist. He works in an integral way to combine science, art and education. He performs DIY-workshops in lo-fi electronics, music and robotics, has made various short movies and is currently developing means to perform biological science (Hackteria | Open Source Biological Art) in a DIY fashion in your kitchen or your atelier. He is also co-organizing Dock18, Room for Mediacultures, and various other engagments like the diy* festival, national and international workshops for both artists and schools and children as the president of the Swiss Mechatronic Art Society, SGMK.

bostjanBostjan Leškovsek (SLO)

bengtBengt Sjölén (SE) is an independent software and hardware designer/hacker/artist based in Stockholm with roots in the home computer demo scene. He is not part of one single group but rather collaborates with several networks. He mainly works in the areas of media art, science, sound, visuals, architecture and technology.

erikProf. Dr. Erik Reimhult (SE/AT) is a nanoscientist who works in the fields of Biointerfaces, Biosensors and Nanoparticle self-assembly. He is the author of numerous scientific publications and has also writen popular science article for various media. After several years of research at Chalmers University of Technology, A*Star Singapore and ETH Zürich, he is now full professor in the department of NanoBiotechnology at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna.

Partners and Collaborators
We would like to thank all our collaborators for inspiring discussions, borrowing of material, cleaning the lab, making coffee, co-organizing workshops and collaborating with us:
Borut Savski
Prof. Janos Vörös, ETHZ
Alej Loren
Prof. Gorazd Planinšič, Univ. Ljubljana
Dr. Špela Petrič
Sandra Sajovic, Jurij Krpan and the Kapelica team
Robertina Šebjanič and Ljudmila
Dr. Sung-Sik Lee
Maja Smrekar
Deborah Hustic aka body pixel
Swiss Mechatronic Art Society
Andy Gracie
House of Natural Fiber

Ongoing Projects
Art of “Zerkleinern”

DIY Spectrophotometer

Fluoresence Microscope
Make it Black!

Pseudo Ferrofluid Display

Simple Magnetic Stirrer / Shaker / Spin-coater

NŠ Fungulator
Biosynthesis of Silver Nanoparticles

Hacked Ink-Jet Printer

15% Alcohol Kilju in 28h

Magneto NanoKuglica exciter-stimulator

How to Start a NanoLab

General Description


In the second edition of the ‘NanoSmano’ project (the first phase, dubbed ‘NanoSmano, NanoPunk and the Hacking of Future’, was presented at Kapelica Gallery in September 2010) we are starting a new investigation into the physical and aesthetic potential of various materials at nanoscale. The workshop, featuring artists, hackers and scientists, aims to present the potentials of creative use of nanomaterials in critical and playful artistic processes. It offers an interesting opportunity for visitors to go hands-on with the mythologized and mystified field of nanotechnology as it leaves the shrines and bunkers of technology labs, and get a sense of scale, which is increasingly becoming an invisible layer in which our bodies are wrapped.

The temporary lab is relocated to the city centre (Mestni trg 15) and pulled out of the traditional gallery environment in order to bring group exploration closer to accidental visitors; we believe the world of nanomaterials is a topic that could and should interest everyone.

V drugi fazi projekta ‘NanoŠmano’ (prva faza je bila z naslovom ‘NanoSmano, NanoPunk in hekanje bodocnosti’ predstavljena v Galeriji Kapelica septembra 2010) zacenjamo nova raziskovanja fizicnih in estetskih potencialov razlicnih materialov v nanomerilu. Na delavnici, kjer sodelujejo umetniki, hekerji in znanstveniki, zelimo predstaviti moznosti, ki omogocajo kreativno uporabo nanomaterialov v kritiskih in igrivo umetniskih procesih. Delavnica ponuja zanimivo moznost, da se obiskovalci neposredno in izkustveno srecajo z mitologiziranim ter mistificiranim podrocjem nanotehnologij, ki je zapustilo svetisca in bunkerje tehnoloskih laboratorijev, in si ustvarijo obcutek za merilo, ki vse bolj postaja nevidna plast, v katero se ovijajo nasa telesa.
Zacasni laboratorij, prestavljen v staro mestno jedro (Mestni trg 15), smo iztrgali obicajnemu galerijskemu prostoru prav zato, da bi skupinsko raziskovanje priblizali tudi nakljucnim obiskovalcem, saj smo mnenja, da je svet nanomaterialov tema, ki sme in mora zanimati vsakogar.

Project is presented by # Kapelica Gallery / Zavod K6/4 in collaboration with f18institut, dusjagr labs and Hackteria.

Project is supported by: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, Municipality of Ljubljana – Cultural Deparment, Pro Helvetia

  1. […] ‘Du du kuglica sajica mavrica‘ led by It was a continuation of 10 days NanoSmano series of workshops and events dedicated to DIYbio and […]

  2. […] Kuglica song from NanoŠmano – Šmall Matter, video by Stefan […]

  3. […] NanoŠmano – Šmall Matter […]

  4. […] NanoŠmano – Šmall Matter […]

  5. […] meeting Deborah Hustic (CR), from body pixel, during the dodo workshops of NanoŠmano – Šmall Matter, we made a nice interview over skype together, sharing virtual glasses of raki and absinthe. Zagreb […]

  6. […] collectively tinker and experiment outside the professional laboratory, in a gallery (2010), in a abandoned bar (2011) or in a community garden (2012), where they manage to ignore the typical function of a gallery […]

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